
Death... and me

Read the first chapter. Maybe you will like it. ;)

Suiyan · Fantasy
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3082 Chs

Around the World

To be more precise, Rean and Roan wished to have traveled for much longer. There were other Demon Beasts' regions that could be used and were situated further away. Unfortunately, there wasn't much choice since their time was running out.

"Oh, I can see it. If the jade slip map isn't wrong, what lies ahead is the Koran Forest," Rean said as he looked at the jade slip with his Spiritual Sense. "Kentucky, let's head straight to the core region. There's no need to stop at the borders."

"Gotcha!" Kentucky quickly acknowledged the orders and pressed forward. Because he was close now, he didn't care about his reserves of Spiritual Energy and increased the speed. Besides, with Rean's Light and Spiritual Sense Bending Skills, no one would notice them passing by anyway.