
death trait

Samantha dreams was to become an actress but that dream came crashing down when are mother was brutally murdered by an unknown mask , since then she pursue the career of becoming a lawyer to solve her mother unsolved case.... will she be able to find the killer who is behind the reason of her mother death and why was the case left unsolved

08emily · Fantasy
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6 Chs

my name

the wind blew through my hair as i stood on the deck of a ship , while starring at the beautiful ocean " I guess I have no choice" she let out a deep sigh "of course she understands right" I heard a familiar voice which sounds just like my step mother, "Samantha honey come here" of course always possessive "yes Olivia what can I do for you " moving forward towards Olivia, her angry expression were a clear sign she was pretty angry. *sigh* okay here we go, she grab unto my hands with her really hard palms and pulled me towards her " what" she brought her ugly faces closer to mine "don't ruined this moment for me okay you are going to have a baby brother coming soon to this world so treat the guest well okay do not repeat what happened last time" pulled my hands away from her's "okay gosh" rolled my eyes. "Samantha don't you think it's high time for you to call me mother huh" God here we go again "madam the guest are asking for you " a waitress just boast out of nowhere , *sigh* I think I have to change my hide out , portraying my hands towards the way "don't keep the guest waiting " she widen her eye's "okay coming be their in a minute" looks towards me "we will talk about this later "walking away ..... *whispers* "hope they aren't angry"talking to the waitress "no ma'am" she replied politely ... "cheers to very one" raising his cup of wine up "cheers" the crowds replied " for the grand opening of my new business , I really appreciate you guys coming and it also a honor to you hear Mr and Mrs Jones" toast his cup towards them , " and before the party end we have another big announcement to make, so enjoy" Olivia smiled , of course with those fake smile who will believe me when I say that she is a witch, always clinging to my dad *tsk tsk* " with the look of your face I can tell you do not want to be here" turn my head towards the direction of the voice I just heard "hmm" I nod "hi my name is Felix" bringing his hands towards mine ready for an handshake even though my hands where folded " I don't do handshakes" he withdraw his hands "oh how about a hug " I raised one of my eye brow "you offered me a handshake and I rejected it and now you are asking for a hug are you really that dumb don't you get it" "hmmmm I thought you just needed one " smiled*sigh* can this day not get any more worst , how dumb are human are nowadays"anyways it was nice knowing you bye " he waved while walking away"good so now how I can escape when this boat stop" having an interpersonal communication...."*sigh* "mom I which you where still alive"let out a deep sigh , lookout at my dad and my step mom from a distance makes me feel like my mom death was actually planned by them ,my mom died like five years ago , I was so shocked when my dad called me one day and then told he wanted to marry Olivia..... *flash back*. "Samantha dear I could like to have a quick conversation with you". he said with a bright smile on his face " yes dad" I replied. "honey you are going to have a new mother and guess what it my former assistant Olivia" I was too stunned to speak ,I wouldn't even belief my ears and my eye the only thing I did was to nod because I was just short of words "dad will talk about it later I want to go to bed goodnight" kissed my head "good night" off the light ..... "miss miss miss" feeling a tap on my shoulder, then I opened my eyes slowly"yes " I asked " your dad is asking of you" she pointed towards his direction "over there " she said "okay thanks"walking towards his direction "dad you called" replied with a straight face " yes I did , infact me and Olivia did " Olivia smiling while hold my dad's hands , again that smile disgust me "hmm" I nod " Samantha we heard that you want to move out of the house soon after your graduation" smiled *sigh* "and how is that your business" I said " Samantha" my dad yelled " what " I replied he sighed " when will you for once treat Olivia like your mother" he frowned his already ugly face , seeing him frown like like that makes no sense " because she is not and will never be one , if you have don't have any else to say please can I take my leave". "stop behaving like a bastard " Olivia frowned. seeing her frowned always makes me happy 😊 I was about to start walking away then I stopped to give my beloved beautiful speech ,so I turned back to them then say " you guys are a good couple but it's saddens me because you guys won't last , because I am alive " giving them a fake smile before changing my facial expressions back to my straight face " Walked away..... 2HOURS LATER *sigh* looking up towards the ceiling of the room I was never meant to be in , thinking about life "oh I almost forgotten " brought out her laptop from her bag "shoots , where is the f**k head phone" searching around "got ya" found it ... checking platforms about murder cases " mom am going to get justice for you" FLASH BACK.... " "swear I heard it " younger me in tries " don't worry dear your mom can't be dead " held my cheeks"trust me " I nod "hm , but dad is she going to come home soon " wiping my tears of my face while holding a stuffy bear "yeah " taped my head "now go to sleep " I nod " good night dad he smiled "good night make sure you get a good night sleep okay" I nod why running up stairs "okay" but my instincts keep on telling me something was wrong somewhere , and why was dad suspicious , even with those fake smile on his face trying to deceive me , in order for me to not stay up all night worried about my mom ... PRESENT... *sigh* let out a deep sigh ever since the day my mom died my wanting to be a singer came crashing down , ever since then I was willing to become a lawyer despite the facts I never wanted to become one and I will make sure that am going to reopen my mom's case and solve it then make those people pay for it dearly.... " where's my drug, I really need to thinking alot am already starting to forget things easily" *bam* hear a large banging on my door , "hello " gosh "who is their " I replied "it me jessie" *sigh* "come on for Christ sake what do you want " *bam bam bam* "just open the God damn door already " *tsk tsk* "no now move along " I replied" come on just come out for some seconds I won't take long " I opened the door "you got fifteen seconds now start talking " looking down to my wrist watch"I am " paused"I just "paused "okay ten ,nine , eight " I replied " wait I do you want to hang out sometime"smiled "*sigh* "no" I replied "okay your time is up bye" waving at her "okay look I just want to help you " she said "I don't need your help " I replied while walking towards my door , as I was about to open my door the next thing I heard was* bam* jessie closing the door back "arghh" what I yelled this isn't the first time I tried talking to you since the first day I meant you "so" I replied " look I just want to be your friend" she replied "I never asked you to be mine friend" I frowned " am sorry if am bothering you" "yes you are " I interrupted " am sorry" she smiled "okay if you want to be my so called friend " looking at him from head to toe "okay you are congratulations" she smiled "yay!!!!" judging from his looks , I can easily tell that she stupid , just trying to look cool. "okay come in" ..... 30 minutes later. "what are you doing" she said *sigh* " walking on a document as you can see with those things you called eyes" I brought out a fake smile. "oh okay what this " he pointed at my documents and pictures of people being brutally murder " as you can those are document and pictures" placing the picture down from the walls " you haven't even graduate and u are already trying to solve case " she said " what can I use to shut her up oh okay " do you want to learn something new" "yeah" she nods "do you know that when you shut up , all of the words in your mind just disappear into cold air wow do you see how the human body works" she smiled "hmmm tell me more " I feel like breaking her glasses into two " okay let forget about logics " I guess plan A did not work let use plan B "okay how about a game you excited" "yes" she nods. " the first person to talk looses how about that " she whined " no that not fun " okay just let do my game today and tomorrow will be your game " she clapped while laughing "yay!!" *sigh* why did I let this girl in *gosh* whispered hours gone by "Jessie " grumbling "oh you are at sleep" finally peace *whistling* "gosh how many hours will this keep on going "cover my ears " oh thank God I have this sweet babies " holding a noise canceller *sigh * ..... *NEXT DAY* finally it daylight .....*yawn* "argh ahhh "Jessie stressing her hands ""good morning " she smiled"hmm" I replied , am not use in greetings people good morning"I said good morning and the only thing you say was hmm" widen her eyes" what can I do to escape from this so called human *thinking* "oh Samantha right " she smiled "hmm" to end this conversation fast I have to nod "hmm" I nod " as you already know my name is Jessica aka Jessie " laughing "so cool to finally have a best friend "yay" hugged me so close and tight , she just keeps on tightening her grips ,"argh I think am loosing oxygen to breathe please let go". "oh" loosen her grips then smile at me , I can tell that she doesn't have things called friends "thank you" I said "I will go and take a bath" I replied with a nod "oh can I lend your cloth mine is in my room" oh my God "no" I disagree "nope " *sigh* " how about this go to your room go take a bath and lets meet at your decide destination" "oh okay " she smiled while waving at me with her shorts fingers "okay see you at the thrift floor near the view sports" she opened the door and leave..... "how can I get rid of her " I muttered.