
Death Tone: Revenge of the strongest race

Constantly entangled in a never-ending cycle of reincarnation, Finn Adrian is determined to make it in a world that has been forged to go against his progress. Finn believes no one can be trusted. Dying a thousand times has impacted him strongly. A strong, cold-hearted, hateful at the same time calculated villain he turns out to be. Now blessed by the gods with a system that at first turns out to be a nightmare, *[You will now be reminded of your roots. Memories will be played while the host is asleep] “What?! Memories?" Finn stutters as the only memories he had and knew about were of him dying not once, not twice but a thousand times!!...* Eventually, things begin to look up for him. The system would become the only one he shared a connection with that didn't involve his dubious plans. *[Blood/Flesh ratio equilibrium has shifted beyond marked point] [Blood/Flesh > 70:30] [Consume flesh to maintain equilibrium!!] Now with the various powers that come with the system, Finn is determined to change his Fate by any means necessary. But along the way, he will meet obstacles that would pose an existential threat to him. What happens when the prey becomes the hunter? Because his main target isn't a target at all. His target is all!!! Check out my other work if it turns out you like this one. MY DEMON SYSTEM: IMMORTAL WARS A/N:- .The chapters are being updated continuously. I would appreciate your input so I could better the novel. ........... Note:- For mass release and bonus chapters:- 15 Golden Tickets= 1 bonus chapter. 150 power stones= 1 bonus chapter. 1 Magic Castle= 3 bonus chapters. Other than that, any gifts to the novel will have bonus releases to them. ... February (Valentines) Event:- Events are going on!!! So join the dicord and help the novel as much as possible with your contributions to earn the rewards I have set up for you all. The top 3 fans would be rewarded with coins while there will also be specially commissioned chapters and some spicy bonus chapters for all of you. More info on discord, so don't forget to join the discord community. Also, don't forget to vote for the novel with power stones and Golden tickets as this would increase your chances of winning by a lot. Have fun ;) Discord Channel Link:- https://discord.gg/yA7EV7cT Art cover : DC max

Dark_knight234 · Fantasy
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97 Chs

Zombie blood

Finn watched as the bodies dropped one by one out of the ceiling. They fell and landed on the ground hard but they were quick to get up right after that. In all, they all numbered to about 20. And the moment more stopped dropping, they were on the move towards him.

Seeing them come at him, Finn drew out his dream sword. A condensed blue form of dream energy forged into a sharp sword. Finn held on tightly to this and jumped straight into the horde of attacking dream zombies.

The first thing he did was to slice the arm of the closest one to him. Then he proceeded to kick that one in the chest sending it tumbling backwards and ultimately causing a chain reaction where the others fell back too.

From behind another one jumped on him but with his free hand, he dug his sharp claw into the shoulders of that one and flung it over his head. When that one landed right in front of him, he raised his leg and began to stomp hard on its head with each impact causing a part to be disfigured.