
Death Tone: Revenge of the strongest race

Constantly entangled in a never-ending cycle of reincarnation, Finn Adrian is determined to make it in a world that has been forged to go against his progress. Finn believes no one can be trusted. Dying a thousand times has impacted him strongly. A strong, cold-hearted, hateful at the same time calculated villain he turns out to be. Now blessed by the gods with a system that at first turns out to be a nightmare, *[You will now be reminded of your roots. Memories will be played while the host is asleep] “What?! Memories?" Finn stutters as the only memories he had and knew about were of him dying not once, not twice but a thousand times!!...* Eventually, things begin to look up for him. The system would become the only one he shared a connection with that didn't involve his dubious plans. *[Blood/Flesh ratio equilibrium has shifted beyond marked point] [Blood/Flesh > 70:30] [Consume flesh to maintain equilibrium!!] Now with the various powers that come with the system, Finn is determined to change his Fate by any means necessary. But along the way, he will meet obstacles that would pose an existential threat to him. What happens when the prey becomes the hunter? Because his main target isn't a target at all. His target is all!!! Check out my other work if it turns out you like this one. MY DEMON SYSTEM: IMMORTAL WARS A/N:- .The chapters are being updated continuously. I would appreciate your input so I could better the novel. ........... Note:- For mass release and bonus chapters:- 15 Golden Tickets= 1 bonus chapter. 150 power stones= 1 bonus chapter. 1 Magic Castle= 3 bonus chapters. Other than that, any gifts to the novel will have bonus releases to them. ... February (Valentines) Event:- Events are going on!!! So join the dicord and help the novel as much as possible with your contributions to earn the rewards I have set up for you all. The top 3 fans would be rewarded with coins while there will also be specially commissioned chapters and some spicy bonus chapters for all of you. More info on discord, so don't forget to join the discord community. Also, don't forget to vote for the novel with power stones and Golden tickets as this would increase your chances of winning by a lot. Have fun ;) Discord Channel Link:- https://discord.gg/yA7EV7cT Art cover : DC max

Dark_knight234 · Fantasy
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97 Chs

The great dragon

Going back to how it had all begun, the age of supernaturals. There hasn't really been any concise story told. But the most used one talks about three brothers, Kan, Tan and Lan.

Kan was the eldest brother and the most respected of them all in the village. The village in itself only boasted of six people making up its human population.

Kan, Tan and Lan had moved from their parent's house in search of a place to dwell on their own. And with them, accompanied by three, were women who each were wives of the three brothers all following their husbands on a journey to a promised oasis.

After days of walking and nights of camping, the three brothers stumbled upon what would now turn out to be, KOGI.

The three brothers agreed on the name to call this uninhabited oasis which boasted of flowers, a variety of edible fruits and an all-inviting environment suited for human settlement.

The three brothers didn't take too long to establish themselves in this oasis. And before long, they were beginning to settle in and spread their coasts as they roamed about and discovered new places daily.

Life for the three brothers Kan, Tan and Lan was on a smooth sail. Peace was abundant in this oasis with plenty of food not lacking either.

But one-day kan got up and left. He hadn't informed anyone where he would be going to. He had simply vanished without a trace living his wife devastated. Tan who was next to kan as the eldest picked up the mantle and lead the little community of now five that they had become ahead to the foreseeable future.

Tan with his brother, Lan, hunted and provided meat which in itself was in a large abundance. They provided shelter for all three women abiding by them as wives, including kan's wife who had been asked to move in with Tan and his wife to seek solace as she awaited her husband's return.

But weeks turned into months and months became a year. Yet, kan hadn't returned to his wife who had become a loner with sorrow abiding by her as a companion.

Watching her wallowing in anguish wasn't taken well by Tan and Lan who had remained at the oasis with the women.

They made plans to eventually embark on a journey to find their missing brother. But something got in the way of that journey. They were assaulted by unprecedented events occurring spontaneously.

The river they once used since they had found this oasis began to run low on water. Food became a problem to find as the trees and plants themselves became unhealthy. The worst of all happened when the animals they relied on mostly for food began to move out. A surge of bad events took over the oasis of Kogi. The oasis became a shell of its former self with withered leaves from trees, and a river that once flowed out of its bank became ever so dry that one could see the cracks embedded in the river bed.

Things took a major turn for the two brothers along with their wives and also Kan's wife who in all of this only deteriorated considerably and became withdrawn to the point she spoke to herself so casually.

The two brothers had made a bold decision to seek new territory for the abundance they were once fond of was no more. They made plans and set out to get their things ready for the journey they were to embark on was sensed to be a long one.

But on the day they were to depart, Kan their lost brother and eldest returned. He had been gone for so long that they hardly recognised him.

He returned better than he had left which forced his wife to draw up certain assumptions regarding his where about all those times. He explained that he had been called upon to greater things beyond their grasp and that if they would only follow him shall they get the bigger picture.

His brothers were astounded. Tan and Lan never knew their eldest brother, Kan, to be so eloquent and command respect from his presence yet alone speak so much wisdom from his tongue.

Indeed they believed he had been called upon to greater things. They were forced to believe this as their beloved brother demonstrated just how much he had changed from how he carried himself alone.

Peace was made between Kan and his wife and they all voyaged to a new oasis. Just like kan had found the old one, they trusted in his judgement as he led the way and they followed.

To their surprise, the journey was shorter than they had thought and it ended up being that kan was only a few measurable distances from the outskirts of the old oasis.

If that was so, why hadn't he returned to see them for so long, they thought? They all had this question buried deep in their minds and were confident he would certainly have a good reason to have stayed away from his family.

Yet, oddly enough, kan's demeanour changed as he entered the new land. He had told them that they had arrived and that they would live there from there onwards.

But something was wrong. His brothers and their wives failed to understand what kan spoke about. This was not an oasis!!.

An empty wasteland spitting larva now and then surely was not a place they could abide in. Kan mused at their confusion. This made the brothers feel certain emotions that they didn't think they would ever feel towards kan. They felt fear just from looking at kan who stood in front of them all and right there and then transformed into a great beast.

A beast that could only be conjured up in a nightmare. Kan had shot the proverbial thunderbolt through their chest. Kan.. was a dragon.

They all shuddered in fear as they stared at their beloved elder brother morph into something that shook their very essence by mere looking at it.

Kan was terrifying beyond words. Kan had teeth the size that could eat through a house and wings that span a city. Kan had big spikes shooting up at his back and two terrifying horns that they believed were the marks of the devil. Kan had black scales that cracked as he inspired. Kan was a terrifying sight to behold.

Truly kan had become their nightmare and they were so shaken they forgot they had legs to run. They stood broken in tears filled with mixed emotions. They had lost their beloved and somehow were about to lose themselves to this great beast!

But kan never did such. Instead, kan stretched forth his paw that housed tree-uprooting claws and opened his large mouth. In this instance, they believed they were about to be incinerated by the fire that would purge out of kan's mouth. But instead, it was words that came out.

Kan requested that they climbed onto his paw for the rest of the journey. He said they were just at the bridge to the new world he had promised. That they shouldn't be afraid for he wouldn't harm any of them.

Hearing their brother's voice brought sweet relief. How could a monster speak so gently yet command such power that shook their feet and forced them to their knees? Kan was indeed magnificent in this form.

They followed kan and as promised, kan took to the skies with his family in his paw. Kan's wings caused tornadoes that swept off the remains of the old oasis they had just left. Kan flew to the heavens and showed his family just what being he really was. They were delighted with what kan had shown them. Kan descended eventually and behold as promised, a new oasis.

A fountain of sparkling water flowed from an unknown source and never splashed the ground. Giant birds not native to their world could be seen. They saw giant beasts that made their hearts almost jump out of their mouth but with a roar from kan, every single being as far as the eyes could see paid homage by dropping flat to their bellies.

Kan was king of all of these. Kan owned everything. He reverted to his human form and left his family astounded.

Kan told them he had prepared for their stay and that they would live comfortably for the rest of their lives not having to worry about anything. Kan spoke the truth that reassured their hearts and his wife grew more affectionate with him.

Kan promised and he delivered. But there were perceived secrets and his brothers came to him for answers. Kan couldn't turn them back. Kan had to reveal but that would be a story for another day.

"Wait what?!"...Finn asked.

"You must now awaken now" the sweet melodic voice he had fallen in love with said.

"I don't even know your name and you haven't finished the story!!"...Finn protested.

"That is not important. Go back now," the sweet voice said to him again.

"Oh, great. When do we meet again?" Finn demanded to know

"When I say we meet...meet...meet" the last words kept reverberating in his ears till eventually, a bright light engulfed his vision.

The great dragon

Dark_knight234creators' thoughts