
Death Semblance

What if the story of the Deathly Hallows was only partially correct? What if instead of just mastering Death, Harry Potter BECOMES Death itself? Betrayed by the world, Harry allows Death to fuse with him, making him the most powerful Lich God in creation. After taking his revenge on Earth, and consuming all life in the world, Harry opens the Infinite Corridor to live in another world where he would hopefully get to live his life the way HE sees fit. JK Rowling and Warner Bros own Harry Potter, Netflix owns the Castlevania Anime, and Rooster Teeth owns RWBY. WARNING: HARRY POTTER X SALEM! (Dark/Evil Harry! Cunning/Intelligent Harry! Powerful/Godlike Harry!)

Darth_Revan95 · Anime & Comics
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Rise of the Death God

Harry James Potter sat in a solitary cell in Azkaban, twirling the Elder Wand in one hand, and wandlessly levitating the Resurrection Stone in the other, while the Invisibility Cloak was draped around his shoulders. He had been contemplating about his recent problems. After he had killed Voldemort, the Wizarding World had once more turned on him, and threw him into Azkaban without a trial. The reason was because the Wizarding World didn't want someone more powerful than Voldemort running around, and thus they threw him into a cell in the lowest depths of Azkaban to keep him powerless. They had snapped the Elder Wand, smashed the Resurrection Stone, and burned the Invisibility Cloak... only for the Deathly Hallows to reappear in his cell. So he had embraced the Deathly Hallows, and had spent years biding his time, waiting for the opportunity to reap his unholy revenge. Harry knew from a young age that he was a born Necromancer, but not just any old Necromancer, but the most powerful Necromancer on Earth, and after retrieving the Gaunt ring with the stone in it, Harry had undergone the Lichdom ritual, and used the ring as his Phylactery.

"Pathetic little shits, aren't they... Master? To think, you save their miserable, ungrateful hides, and THIS is how they repay you?" A voice asked.

Harry turned his head towards the cell door, and saw Death itself. "Never underestimate human stupidity." He simply said, earning a chuckle from the elemental spirit.

"Indeed. The human race continues to amaze me with their sheer stupidity, and sheep mentality." Death agreed as he phased through the cell door. "You can have your revenge, you know. You are the Master of Death. You are the most powerful Necromancer and the most powerful Lich on Earth... but you could be so much more. You could become a God." He said as he drew closer to the raven-haired boy.

"What do you have in mind?" Harry asked, intrigued by Death.

"I propose this; we fuse together to make one ultimate being. You would still have your personality intact, and your current looks with mine mixed in." Death suggested. "And we can devour all life in the world to make us even more powerful than either of us once were. By devouring all life on Earth, we would never go hungry again, allowing us to feed on death as a light snack. You would become a Transcendent Lich, or a Lich God if you prefer." He continued.

Harry thought about it for a second. He could honestly see the benefits of such an offer. This was the opportunity he was looking for. "You have a deal." He finally said after giving it much consideration.

If Death could smirk, he would be doing so right now. "Excellent! This is the beginning of a beautiful partnership." He stated as he fused himself with Harry, making him sport enlarged canines similar to Vampire fangs, elongated fingernails and toenails, also similarly to Vampire talons. A crown of bones formed atop his head, and a bone ring with spikes formed around his abdomen, connecting with the bottommost ribs. He ripped his Azkaban robes off, revealing his Invisibility Cloak becoming the bottom half of a robe with smoke effects. His hands and upper arms still had flesh while his forearm bones were exposed. His spine was also exposed. He had a lean figure with long, raven-black hair that flowed in a non-existent wind, and his emerald green eyes glowed like the Killing Curse. He could feel his power increase by leaps and bounds.

Rolling his head from side to side, he let out the kinks in his neck. He had long stopped twirling the Elder Wand, and was now firmly holding it in his hand, and returned the Resurrection Stone to the Gaunt ring. He then tore down the entire fortress with a mere wave of his hand and devoured the souls of the prisoners and wardens that had just died, and devoured the Dementors with them before summoning the key to the Forbidden Corridor. "Once all of this is over with, I will open the Infinite Corridor, and live the rest of my life on another world." Harry spoke, noticing how his and Death's voices mixed as he spoke. Wrapping the key around his neck, he Disapparated from the island, and traveled to Gringotts. He had a score to settle with the Goblins. But first, he had some reporters to kill.

~Scene Change~

Harry/Death arrived in Diagon Alley. He hovered above the stone road, making the people panic as they recognized Harry who casted an Area-of-Effect Killing Curse, then proceeded to devour the souls of his victims before moving on to the Daily Prophet. Once he got there, he blasted the door off its hinges, and floated on through the threshold. With a slash of his wand, he cast another AOE Killing Curse that struck everyone in the room as they attempted to flee. He then proceeded to walk to the Editor's office where Rita Skeeter hid herself. With a blast from the Elder Wand, he blew the door wide open, and stepped through.

"Harry! How are you?" Skeeter asked, her voice trembling with fear.

"Well, I'm doing fine now that I know the fucking ingrates that make up the Wizarding World would turn on me for a Galleon." Harry replied which sent shivers down Skeeter's spine, whether from Harry's comment or how his voice now sounded, he didn't know. What he DID know was that he was going to be feasting on the bitch that had long been a thorn in his side. Raising his wand, he intoned. "Avada Kedavra!" was the last thing Skeeter heard before she was struck by the green curse.

After purging the Daily Prophet of its so-called "reporters", Harry then made his way to Gringotts, only to be stopped by the Aurors. "Harry Potter! You're under arrest for murder!" One of the Aurors exclaimed, causing Harry to sneer at him.

"And pray tell, how do you plan on stopping me from bleeding this world to death?" Harry asked.

"Avada Kedavra!" The Auror intoned as the green curse struck Harry, but did absolutely nothing.

"I see the Auror department has finally grown some ballocks while I was illegally incarcerated. You call that a Killing Curse, let me show you a REAL Killing Curse." Harry said as his entire body glowed green, killing everything in a hundred mile radius. "THAT'S a Killing Curse." He sneered as he moved past the corpses of the Goblin guards. Once he was inside, he was met with spears and swords being pointed at him. "I have a BONE to pick with you lot. You let those insufferable little shits at the Ministry steal MY family fortune! You KNEW I was illegally incarcerated, and yet you went behind my back, and gave everything my ancestors had amassed to those fuckers! I demand reparations by giving me EVERYTHING the Ministry has. It's the least you could do for me." He demanded.

"And why should we listen to YOU, human? You're surrounded!" One of the Goblins asked, earning a sadistic cackle from the undead mage.

"I wasn't asking." Harry stated as he ripped the Goblin's soul from his body and ate it. "You greedy little shits have done the Most Ancient and Noble Houses of Potter and Peverell a great disservice. I think I'll take my business elsewhere. Somewhere that won't betray me on a whim." Harry said with a snarl as he killed more Goblins. "Do as I demand or more will die by the second." He ordered.

Reluctantly, the Goblins did as they were ordered. They could literally feel Death attached to the Potter Lord, and knew this was a losing battle. They then realized that Harry, being the most powerful Necromancer on Earth, had become a Lich God by fusing with Death itself. A recipe for doomsday if there ever was one. It was then that they realized just how grievously they fucked up, and prayed Harry Potter would be merciful.

With the effort of every Goblin in Gringotts, they managed to take everything from the vaults of the Ministry employees, and into Harry's drained accounts. "There, reparations have been met, Lord Potter. We know who you are, and beg you for forgiveness." King Ragnok said.

Harry then took a mock-thinking pose before finally saying. "No." He then killed every living thing in the bank, and brought the bank down to rubble. He used Necromancy to re-animate the corpses of his victims, and forced them to kill everyone who wasn't affected by his AOE Killing Curse. The more Harry or his undead slaves killed, the more that was added to his ever-growing army.

~Scene Change~

Harry had arrived at the Ministry with his Night Horde, and started laying siege to the Atrium. Zombies went forth and started turning the living into one of their ranks while Harry was content to devour the souls of every life slain in the Atrium. It was like getting drunk on fine wine, and Harry couldn't get enough of it. For every Zombie that was killed, three more took its place, and soon the Ministry was swarmed with undead. Harry then lead the Zombies through the Ministry, and soon reached Fudge's office where he brutally murdered Umbridge, not even deigning to give the woman a painless death, and blasted the door off its hinges. "Fudge, Fudge, Fudge." Harry said disappointedly as he crossed into the office. "You really should have learned your lesson. Then again, this world is full of nothing but sheep. You lie, you cheat, you steal, and you thrive on the misery and misfortune of others. How many died because you refused to accept Voldemort's return so long ago? Ten? A hundred? Two hundred? A thousand? Ten thousand? Perhaps a million? Ten million? A lot of blood is on your hands, Cornelius. All because you were too cowardly to acknowledge the truth until Voldemort was right in your face. I lost my Godfather that day in the Department of Mysteries, and nobody bothered to console me. He died while others thought he was a mass murderer. It wasn't until it got out that Sirius died in a battle against those he was accused of being buddies with did the arrogant sheeple acknowledge that he was no murderer." Harry said as the Cruciatus Curse shot forth out of his wand, causing Fudge to writhe on the ground in agonizing pain.

"Then, after I finally kill Voldemort, you ship me off to Azkaban without a trial for years, and had the gall to steal from my ancestral vaults. I'm not happy, Cornelius." Harry snarled, causing Fudge to whimper in fear and pain.

"What do you want, Potter? Money? A pardon? I can give it to you! Just please spare me!" Fudge begged.

"No can do, Fudge. I want this whole damned world to be a mass grave, and I'll have what I want. I haven't had anything all my life, and this will be the first time I actually get what I want." Harry replied as he tortured Fudge more before killing him and turning him into a Zombie. He then walked back out, and sneered at Umbridge's corpse before burning it with Hellfire. He wasn't about to contaminate his army with the vile thing. He then moved on to slaughter the rest of the Ministry before moving on to the Muggle World.

~Scene Change~

Harry and his Night Horde arrived in Little Whinging, the source of all his pain for 17 years. "Kill everything you see. Make them pay for the years of neglect and torment I have endured. Kill them all, but leave the Dursleys to me!" Harry ordered as he made his way towards #4 Privet Drive. Once he got there, he blasted the door down, and entered the house.

"What the bloody is going on!?!" Vernon demanded, but upon seeing his nephew with exposed bones, he paled.

"Hello, uncle Vernon. I hope you haven't forgotten about me. After all, I most certainly haven't forgotten about YOU." Harry greeted with a manic gleam in his eyes, and a grin that threatened to split his face in half.

"You... you're supposed to be in that freakish prison! THEY assured us that you were! Said you were dangerous, they did! I knew you always were! Doing your unnaturalness! Raising dead animals back to life! I knew from the moment you brought that snake into the house that you'd go mad! I was right, I was! Now look at you! You look half-dead!" Vernon ranted while Petunia and Dudley and his wife hid behind Vernon.

"Technically you're right, Vernon. Back when I was 17, I became what's known as a Lich, and now I've fused with Death itself to become a Transcendent Lich! I still retain most of my current looks and my personality, but I also gained Death's as a result. For years I've had the people I loved forcibly taken from me. I've never had ANYTHING to call my own until I gained my Lordship after my 17th birthday, but that happiness didn't last. I lost my friends in a war against Voldemort, and after I finally killed the snake-faced bastard, I was arrested and thrown into Azkaban because "I was too dangerous to be left to my own devices". The witches and wizards of the world feared me. They feared what I was capable of. Oh, if only they knew that bars and stone could not contain me forever. I bided my time for years until Death appeared before me and offered me Godhood, and in exchange I would cause death and destruction on a scale unimagined. I've held nothing but rage and resentment of you for years. I would've killed you lot first had I not other fish to fry. Soon this whole damned world will be a mass grave, and I will finally have my revenge against everyone who sought to make my life a living hell! I have nothing left to lose and everything to gain." Harry revealed.

"Dudley, who is that?" Dudley's wife asked, fearfully as she watched the boy. He had long, black hair, glowing green eyes, exposed forearms that showed only the bones, elongated fangs, deathly pale skin, and an oval-shaped ring around him that connected to his ribs. The ring itself had spikes around it, and he had a crown of bones that reminded her of Sauron from Lord of the Rings. But his voice was the most intimidating. It sounded like two people talking simultaneously. He wore only a flowing lower half of a robe that seemed to be made of smoke. He also had talon-like fingernails and toenails. His fingers were clutched around a scythe made of bones.

"That's my cousin, Harry Potter." Dudley replied with a sober expression. Dudley had told his wife of what his childhood with Harry was like, and was ashamed of it. He was lucky that she gave him a chance after he had poured his heart out to her, but now it seemed he wouldn't get to enjoy the rest of his life with her or his unborn daughter.

"Wow, Dudley. Got yourself a girl, did ya? And here I thought you'd always be an insufferable bastard. But I guess you kept your word to me after the Dementor incident." Harry commented. "Doesn't change the fact that I'm going to slaughter each and every one of you." He stated.

"Harry, why are you doing this?" Dudley asked.

"Why?" Harry repeated, slowly, making Dudley flinch. "Because humanity is nothing but parasites! Feeding off the misery and misfortune of others! I have suffered because of human greed! In your human greed, in your human need, you would do ANYTHING for power, fame, or glory. You would sell your own mother if it meant you could have what you so desired." Harry sneered.

"Please Harry! I said I was sorry! I thought we were cool now!" Dudley exclaimed with tears in his eyes. He was genuinely sad and afraid of the man his cousin became. A cruel, heartless killer.

"What can I say, Duds? When you've been fucked with and pushed to the edge too many times, you develop an ingrained hatred for humanity. I can see now why Dracula initially HATED humanity. Avarice can be a great motivator for evil to flourish. But where Dracula failed in his mission to scour the Earth, I will succeed, and once I have succeeded in cleansing the Earth of the parasites that is humanity, I can finally be content to live the rest of my immortal life in another world. Once my glorious mission is done, I will open the Infinite Corridor and find a world where I can live out the rest of my life in peace. No more will I have to deal with entitled little shits who think they can bully me into doing whatever they want! I will devour all life on Earth, and become the most powerful being in creation, and I won't be so easy to manipulate ever again!" Harry revealed.

"You can't do that! What about the innocents?" Dudley demanded.

"Innocents? There are no innocents! Not anymore! Where were the innocents who knew or at least suspected that I was being abused? Where were the good people while I was being beaten, and starved, and forced to sleep in a fucking cupboard!?! Where were the good people when I begged to be taken away from this miserable shithole!?!" Harry demanded as he grabbed Dudley by the throat and lifted him off the ground, causing his wife to gasp in fear and backed away from the enraged entity. "I'm going to enjoy torturing you little shits before I finally deign to kill you in the most horrific, and bloody fashion I can think of." He assured with a sadistic grin as he started torturing the Dursleys, all the while enjoying the sounds of their tormented screams as he cackled with sheer, utter madness.

...To be continued.

(A/N: And cut! I think that's a good place to stop for the moment. If I write anymore on this chapter, it's gonna turn out longer than I expected it to, but I do hope you enjoyed it. This is my attempt at a triple crossover between Harry Potter/RWBY/Castlevania. I love all three franchises, and I especially loved the Castlevania Anime on Netflix. I had this particular story on my mind ever since I watched the Castlevania season 4, but I didn't really know how to put it down on paper, so I hope this was a good starting point. Don't worry, Harry will turn over a new leaf once he's on Remnant, otherwise I would've paired him with Salem or Cinder, or both. But I digress! Thank you all for your patience, and I'll just go ahead and started on the next chapter. Leave a comment on what you think about it, and what you would like to see in future updates! Until next time! Ciao!)