
Death Scammed Me and I Need a Refund

She wan an average woman, until she died, and was not so average anymore

Quos · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

New Beginnings

Nina likes to think of herself as a generally positive person. She doesn't start fights, gets along with her fellow servants, and has a good working relationship with the Lord. In fact, she has a very good relationship. Not many mages have the privilege to study under a 6th tier - near 7th tier - wizard and have access to their library to further their knowledge of magic. She was a very lucky woman when the young Lord desperately searched for someone with experience in raising a child. She had raised two of her younger brothers to be decent representatives of their gender. While they were not infants, she did try her hand at babysitting here and there to keep the money flowing. It wasn't too difficult, although some babies were fussier than others. She managed without any serious problems during her brief career as a babysitter. Unfortunately, the position was needed due to an accident.

Lord was only 25 when a baby was dropped onto his hands to be raised and cared for. You may think that's an appropriate age for having a child, but being a wizard changes things, especially if you're a powerful one. There isn't much time to socialize, as long nightly hours are spent leaning over ancient magical texts in the hopes of developing new spells or advancing one's magical abilities to a higher level. While 25 is a responsible age for normal people, for a wizard, it's just the beginning of their career. After all, powerful wizards can reconstruct their bodies and live much longer than normal humans can imagine.

It was a truly tragic story. Lord's sister, together with her husband, died in a magical carriage accident while returning from a session of the Parliament. No one knows for sure if it was staged or an actual accident, but it is no secret that the new policies created by the late couple were innovative yet radical. Some might say it was a clear political assassination, but no evidence indicating such a crime was ever found. Nevertheless, the little girl was left without parents and in dire need of care.

Speaking of the little tyke, Nina really does not know what to think of her. When she arrived at the mansion, she expected a normal baby—wailing, crying, and an overall little nightmare. To her utter confusion, the baby was anything but those things. When she laid her eyes on the crib for the first time, the most noticeable thing that caught her attention was the eyes of her new charge. Mesmerizing purple orbs kept gazing at her with surprising awareness that she didn't think was possible for a newborn infant. The little girl looked from right to left, trying to identify just who was near her.

The strange behavior did not end there. The little lady was quiet and calm most of the time. The only instance she raised her voice was when she needed to be changed and cleaned, as if she already understood what was happening. What's more, she always made a peculiar facial expression when Nina changed her diapers—call her crazy, but it looked like she was very uncomfortable or embarrassed! When Nina read her a book, she always paid attention and never tried to wriggle from her grasp. She just patiently looked at her and silently moved her mouth, as if she were trying to speak herself!

To be honest, Nina was a little unnerved by the behavior of the infant. It was not normal. She voiced her concerns to the Lord, and at first, he was very concerned as well, calling for the best healers available in Aroth. He even requested aid from high-ranking priests from the Holy Nation of Yuras. After a series of examinations, it was determined that the child was perfectly healthy. However, she was apparently extremely intelligent for her age, with high mana sensitivity and a large mana pool, which is astonishing in itself as there are almost no instances of this happening, barring a few extreme exceptions.

The Lord was ecstatic, raving about the second coming of Sienna Meredein, which Nina honestly doubted was the case in this scenario. However, she did not voice her opinion out loud.

Things got even weirder when the lady was only 6 months old—she spoke her first word. It happened during dinner with the Lord as he entertained the infant with mana constructs in the shape of miniature animals. She gazed at the little blue butterflies and horses dancing above her head with awe, grinning from ear to ear with childlike glee, giggling and babbling happily Suddenly, she scrunched her nose and eyes in concentration, which was adorable, and then it happened. She looked straight at the Lord with a silly grin and great enthusiasm, uttering her first words.


Nina and the Lord were silent for a few seconds, not comprehending what had actually happened. At the same time, the little girl tilted her head to the side, as if asking herself if she had spelled that correctly. The silence was broken by the happy, yet watery, laugh of the Lord. He instantly raised his hand and with a simple gesture, lifted the infant from her special chair, floating her into his arms. He proceeded to shower her with praises, kisses to the cheeks, and the top of her little head. It was a heartwarming sight. Since the death of the Lord's sister, there had been little opportunity to smile about anything. For the first time in 6 months, the Lord smiled with such unbridled joy that Nina felt compelled to say something.

"Congratulations Lord Trempel, Lady's Irene first words were certainly appropriate for a daughter of the Commander of the Court Wizards of the Royal Family of Aroth" Nina said with a small smile and a bow towards her master.

The mentioned wizard looked up from his still grinning daughter. He tried to ignore the sudden stab of pain that reminded him that she should be his niece and smiled graciously toward the caretaker.

"Thank you, Nina. I knew my little girl was a genius!" The Commander laughed and, to the delight of Irene, floated her up into the air with a simple telekinesis spell. The supposed genius giggled and waved her arms through the air, as if swimming through water. After a little more trickery and playful moments with her father, Irene's eyes began to droop. Noticing this, Trempel gently floated her into his arms and secured her tiny body against his chest, allowing her to rest her head and gradually lulling her to sleep. Once he was sure that Irene was asleep, Trempel carefully stood up from his position behind the head of the high table and started walking towards the hallway. Nina followed after him with delicate steps, taking care not to wake the slumbering lady.

They walked for a few minutes towards Irene's room, located in the west wing of the mansion. Nina still couldn't get used to its sheer size. On the way, one could admire the exquisite design of the hallway, decorated with pure marble and intricate carvings of plants and runic symbols that kept the mansion clean and spotless. On the left side, natural light filtered through blue curtains, painting the carpet with an array of different colors from the stained glass embedded in the windows.

Finally, Nina and Trempel arrived before an intricately carved wooden door. With a simple gesture from the wizard, they entered Irene's room. Inside, the walls were adorned with intricate tapestries, depicting scenes of grandeur and historical significance to the Kingdom of Aroth. Soft, flowing curtains in rich fabrics cascaded from the tall windows, allowing gentle rays of sunlight to filter through and create a warm and inviting atmosphere. The room was furnished with exquisite pieces, including a plush canopy bed with silky drapes. To the left, there was a meticulously carved crib made from the finest hardwood, such as mahogany or walnut, showcasing exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail. Ornate wooden dressers adorned with delicate carvings and a vanity table adorned with gilded mirrors stood in the room, suggesting the potential for an array of perfumes and cosmetics. A regal chandelier hung from the ceiling, casting a soft glow, and adding a touch of opulence to the room. A cozy seating area with plush armchairs and a small table provided a private space for contemplation and relaxation. The air carried a subtle fragrance of flowers, emanating from carefully arranged bouquets placed strategically throughout the room. Books and scrolls, both for leisure and intellectual pursuits, were neatly organized on shelves, inviting one to delve into realms of knowledge and imagination.

Trempel immediately headed towards the crib and gently placed Irene inside. At the same time, Nina covered her with a soft blanket and tucked her in to ensure she wouldn't kick it off during her sleep. Then, she stepped to the side and allowed the Lord to have his time with the little girl.

The Commander of the Court Wizards looked tenderly at his daughter, his only reminder of his late older sister whom he loved dearly. He had been utterly crushed when he received the news of her tragic passing. He had been appointed as the Commander not long ago and was still adjusting to his new responsibilities. After the incident, he briefly contemplated leaving his newly acquired post, but quickly dismissed the thought. It was a prestigious position that could earn him favor with the Royal Family, which could be useful in the long run to protect his new charge. Yes, he decided, initially he had wanted honor and glory, but now his sole focus was on honoring his older sibling and raising her daughter to the best of his abilities. With this renewed conviction, Trempel stepped up to the crib and lowered his head to the child's forehead to place a gentle kiss. Irene scrunched her nose adorably and babbled something incoherent in baby language, making Trempel let out a silent chuckle. The court wizard straightened himself and, with a slight smile, said.

"I am looking forward to what you will become, Irene Kyrielight."

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