
Death Run: Override ( Life Matters )

One day suddenly a super-natural activity happens which changed Davis's life and people of the whole island. one supreme being came and tell people to get out they need to play a game. It will be a race to survive which will be rough from any angle you see. Let the journey begin!!!

Akash_Bharnuke · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Why God? Why me!!!

We were in a tough choice of fight or run. We looked at each other and everyone was frightened. This was the same situation when Seth was landing his ship over our island.

I said. "We have to fight our way through." We only had two guns and my knife and we never saw any monster died before so we don't even know if they can be killed or not.

But we have to take chances for our survival.

"Alright then. ATTAAAACCCCK!!!" Davis shouted.

We all attacked them with both guns and me moving forward. But...

*boom* Ted was badly wounded by a single punch. Emilia rushed to his rescue in her already weakened condition.

Ned got aggressive and started firing without even thinking and the monster crushed him to nothing.

It was a horrible scene to watch as nothing was remained of him to save Ned. From his skull to his bones were crushed to pieces.

Ted couldn't able to handle this trauma and recklessly rushed and faced the same fate.

My body was shaking... I was getting the same feeling when all this happened with Ron. All those scenes suddenly came right in front of me and I rushed towards Emilia.

I said to Emilia that. "Just hide somewhere safe and give me backup. Just do as I say they are gone, they are gone. We cant bring them back even if we want to. If that could have happened then you could have been with your brother and me with my friends. So please help me so that we can get out of this situation."

"Al... Alright." Emilia replied.

I go right in front of them and attacked head on they counter attacked too. I dodge it but still they manage to take my arm. They are way better and faster than me.

Emilia was trying to heal me but she is also in no condition to keep doing it. I tried attacking them from various angles yet they were able to counter every single one. I was in a bad condition but Emilia was in worse condition.

Suddenly out of nowhere another monster appeared right behind where Emilia was hiding. I shouted. "Emilia... Move..."

She jumped right down and was saved from that attack but her leg was badly hurt. Now there were a total of 4 monsters surrounding us.

"You should run. You can't win and I can't move either so I became their target and you can get away." said Emilia.

"No. This cannot happen. I am not leaving you behind." Davis replied.

Let's see our options. She in no condition to heal or run. I am at my limit. Monsters surrounding us from all direction. It couldn't get any worse.

"We can get out of this if we... *cough* from the secret door... it goes from kitchen to near ally which... *cough* could be our last option." said Emilia.

"Last chance. *pants* alright." Davis replied.

This was our last chance. I piggyback her and ran right towards the kitchen which was destroyed as fast as I could but a monster came in the middle. I try to dodge it but because of exhaustion that punch it badly. We were thrown towards the stairs.

My whole body was feeling numb. I was losing consciousness. I was not able to move my body. I could only hear that monsters footstep coming near me. I thought... I guess this is how it will end. But my body started moving again and I saw Emilia healing me.

"What... what are you doing. you are... already in your worst condition." said Davis.

"This... this is our only chance. *coughs blood*" said Emilia.

She was in no condition she was barely even speaking... still she was healing and the monster was coming near.

"I will use all my energy to boost your energy." said Emilia.

"Wait... What. Don't go that far or else." said Davis.

"Last... Chance remember. *smiles*" Emilia replied.

"Alright *pants*" Davis replied.

Suddenly an energy surged through my body and it was the feeling of having too much power.

The last Chance. I rushed at full speed towards the kitchen area but this time because of my enhanced power I managed to dodge past it and reached the kitchen's secret doorway.

"Did you see that? How much my speed was increased." said Davis.

There was no response from Emilia. I looked at her and she was trembling. She was just lying there trying to speak something.

"What happened Emilia?"

"I... I guess I used too much power that... that my body couldn't handle." Emilia replied.

"That's not true. Please say it is not true." said Davis.

"I.. I hope I could have... said that." Emilia replied.

"You can heal yourself, you know.*sobbing*" said Davis.

"I can't even move my body. How... how do you expect me to...to" Emilia replied.

"Don't say such things. *sobbing*" said Davis.

"You have to... *coughs* have to accept this." Emilia replied.

"No. No. No. No. I can't lose anyone again. I can't handle it anymore." said Davis.

"*smiles* You once said that people die... when there is no one who can remember them. So even if I die here...you will carry on my memories, which means I am alive until you are alive. For all that you need to survive." Emilia replied.

"*sobbing* That's... that's not how I imagined it would be." said Davis.

*crying* I hugged her and said. "Please don't go. I can't do all this alone."

"Don't worry, we will be together with you." Emilia replied.

Those were the last words for me from her. That was the first and the last time I ever hugged her. I just sat her in a corner and left with a lot of regrets and self-doubt.

I move forward a few blocks towards the north thinking about all that happened from yesterday's assassin's attack to the monsters attack to losing everyone and everything again.

That's when I saw people suicide from the top of the building. with my weakened heart I... I reached the top. I could see all the destruction but then I saw Seth's ship floating.

I got enraged. I felt like I saw Seth right into his eyes from here and my personality changed completely.

From that time I decided that I will kill for survival and do whatever I have to no matter how much it will cost. I won't lose my humanity but it will not stop me from killing anyone who will come in my way.

I will become strong and survive till the end.

"All For My Fallen Friends!!!"

[ DAY 15 - MONSTERS COUNT : 903 HUMANS ALIVE : 8, 335 ]

---------- End of Volume 1 or Arc 1: Ten Thousand Alive ----------

This was the End of Arc 1 of this Story. There is more yet to come. So stay tuned!!!

And if you enjoyed it then you can comment or you can give your review so that I can work better on it.

Akash_Bharnukecreators' thoughts