
Death, Rebrith and Another Chance

As a man took his last breath; a baby took his first. Sawada Tsunayoshi died at the ripe old age of 80, surrounded by those he loves. Nura Rikuo breaths in his first and opened his eyes at the warm embrace of his mother- and the sight of his father’s warm eyes. How will the Nura Gumi handle their third heir’s unusual sharp intuition and ways? Reincarnated! Tsuna as Rikuo. AU.

TenShi27 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Target 02: Reborn

Target 02: Reborn – In other words, this might as well be Tsuna's sadistic tutor's way of haunting him when he didn't die at the old age of a hundred like Reborn had made Tsuna sworn [threatened] at some time ago. Everything just screams Reborn.


Chatters and worried voices reach his ears as he inadvertently squirms. Why can't they keep it down a notch? Can't they see that there's an old man like him sleeping? Why is it that they're only quiet when he's awake and really loud when he's asleep? Geez, youngsters these days, he's already dead! Can't they be- Hold that thought!

Tsuna jerk a bit as the thought finally sink in.

Hei! He screamed internally as he starts panicking. I'm pretty sure that I died. Is this one of the collaborated pranks Mukuro and Chrome's children thought of? He pauses a bit before ruling that out, as sadistic and imaginative, for the lack of better words, those children are; they would never do something like this.

The only thing he could think of is that he was reborn. But that can't be right?

Unknowingly, he cringes at that thought, not knowing that his physical body did the same, causing those who were looking after him to panic.

What deity did Tsuna really angered for his one simple wish, which was to finally rest in peace and away from the insanity called life, to be denied? He nearly cried at that. It just isn't fair! Why is it that he is always the one that Fate plays around with?

What kind of inevitable trouble is he going to get into now? Surely not as troublesome as his last life, right? What's worse than mafia, insane Mafiosi and assassins that just popped out of nowhere and almost every single time, magical flames with different properties, magical items that had somehow played a part in keeping the world stable and the insanity and chaos that seemed to follow him?

He ignored the tug of his hyper intuition, telling him that no, this is far worse and you'll probably suffer- Wait, what?

Hyper intuition?

He still has that? Tsuna couldn't shake off the feeling of dread at the pit of his stomach as he thought of many scenarios. It couldn't be that he's going to be the son or a descendent of his own child, could it? He wouldn't actually be related to himself now would he?

But what if he is?

He doesn't know what to do but he really wouldn't know that if he doesn't open his eyes now, would he?

Finally now filled with resolution and determination to finally open his eyes while ignoring the soft murmurs of the people that would soon to be his family, Tsuna open both of his eyes hesitantly and shyly and is greeted by a rather blurry and distinct face of his mother- wait!


Tsuna's mouth open to shout out something, anything really but close it as soon as possible when his vision starts clearing and it wasn't his mother. Disappointment quickly replaces his shock before it melted into surprise when he realized how much this person distinctly resembled his own mother, with only a darker coloring with some features of Nanako and Kyoko combined and Tsuna knew without a doubt that this woman was his new and biological mother.

"See Rihan-san?" His mother smile dazzlingly as she started speaking, her eyes twinkling in pure joy.

"Our child would open his eyes! We just had to wait for him." His mother's eyes quickly gaze towards a man, her smile turning gentler and her eyes expressing her love towards the man whom Tsuna presumed to be her husband- and his new father.

He blinks in surprise when his eyes met warm golden ones full of love towards him. He couldn't help but feel excited. Does that mean he could actually experience a life with a father guiding him, scolding him whenever he does something wrong, supporting him and just by simply being there rather than in some faraway place doing who knows what?

Without thinking, Tsuna reach out to his father, a dark haired man with rare golden eyes wearing a green yukata with stripes of gold and black. His father smiles at him, his golden eyes crinkling and twinkling of care and love.

"It seems like he wants you to hold him." His mother vocalized what Tsuna wants and his father grins at his mother, his eyes somehow softening immediately showing how much love his father has for his mother. The way his furrowed eyebrows would relax whenever he would glance at her from the corner of his eyes, how his tense body would slowly relax at the near presence of his mother and how the darkening of his eyes lightened immediately at the sound of her voice.

"Let's name him Rikuo. Nura Rikuo." His father suddenly said causing his mother to stop rocking him and look up at his father in in surprise.

Tsuna blinks, his intuition telling him that the name is rather random. He blinks again when he heard murmurs. Curious, he slowly turns his head ignoring the rather painful tug and warning of his hyper intuition. He froze at the sight of some… weird and horrifying monsters or maybe yōkai would be a better term? Horrified, he burst out crying.

"Rikuo!" Nura Wakana rocks her newly born child gently but that didn't seem to have any effect on her newborn. Before she knew it, Rikuo was already taken away from her grasps and is already being held by her own husband.

"There, there, Rikuo." Nura Rihan smiles gently as he watches Rikuo open his eyes. His son stares at him with teary brown eyes as he sniff, looking ready to cry once again. Rihan couldn't help but feel worried for his son. Rikuo just feel rather… different, for the lack of better words, the moment he opened his eyes. The hanyō swore he saw his son's eyes flashed orange.

"Nothing's going to hurt you here." He soothingly said and Rikuo relax at his words as though he could understand him.

Unknown to Rihan, 'Rikuo' did understand what he said and Tsuna unknowingly relax at the soothing voice of his father- which is so different from his late father's boisterous voice. Slowly, Tsuna closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep, feeling the warmth and comfort of his new father's presence as he rocks him to sleep.