
Death Premonition

Seeing your death seconds before it happens, that's the power Nathan discovers he possesses when he sees himself at death's door at the age of ten. Thanks to this premonition of death, he manages to escape death, but instead, he sees a dozen people being cut in half in front of him. Fleeing from everything while fear is embedded within his being, he goes from living in a large prestigious family, to a life without luxuries where day after day he struggles to survive against the calamities, monstrous beings that live within the realms, fragments of what was once another world. Suddenly, strange events begin to happen on earth that involve the existence of these realms, causing the little tranquility and peace in which they lived to be gradually corrupted by strange powers that threaten to change everything.

SeventhTear · Fantasy
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174 Chs

You don’t always get what you want

Nathan did not take long to leave the warehouse, but even when he was outside, the atmosphere felt strangely cold.

It was actually winter, but it was a warm night, so it did not make sense that the temperature was so low. Nathan could even see his breath every time he exhaled.

'There are calamities everywhere!' Amelia shouted as soon as they left the warehouse.

Nathan clicked his tongue but didn't stop, instead he started running faster.

'Never mind, we're just going to escape, not fight them!'

Saying that, Nathan began to use what little essence he had left, he then began to dodge the calamities that were beginning to become aware of his presence.

Suddenly he felt the temperature drop exponentially and turned his head without stopping running, then he saw how a layer of ice began to cover the ground, and how the surroundings began to freeze.

Nathan saw how the strange ice reached the calamities he had left behind, and without their being able to react, they turned into blocks of ice in an instant.

Seeing the calamities freeze, Nathan turned pale and started to run faster.

'Shit, what's going on?!'

The ice was fast, even a little faster than him, so eventually this one would catch up with him. Realizing this, Nathan jumped onto a nearby crate and started to climb up it until he reached the roof of another warehouse.

Then the ice froze the boxes where he had passed and began to freeze the entire warehouse.

Nathan smacked his lips again and continued running.

The only person he had faced who had an ice power was Cadet Siena, but compared to his ice lotuses, Nathan could feel that the ice chasing him was much more dangerous, even deadly.

Reaching the edge of the roof of the warehouse, Nathan jumped and rolled as he fell to the ground before getting up and continuing to run, and then he realized that when the ice froze the warehouse stopped expanding.

Nathan did not understand why it had stopped but was thankful that he was still alive and continued to run away from the place.


Back in the warehouse, the snow that had been raised by the explosion was beginning to settle on the ground, then a man suddenly opened his ice-blue eyes and stared straight ahead.

"Lord Freyser"

Behind him, another man kept his head slightly down.

Without looking back at him, the man called Freyser asked him a question.

"What are our casualties?"

"Thanks to Lord Freyser destroying the bomb, we only had less than a hundred casualties, mostly in the first unit" explained the man quickly.

Freyser nodded with a snort, then turned to look at the portal and the army on the other side of it. Then he raised his hand and the man who appeared to be his assistant handed him a coat.

Freyser put on the coat, covering his white, almost crystalline skin. Then he sighed and the steam that came out of his mouth began to freeze before falling like drops of ice to the ground.


Almost half an hour later, Nathan left the outskirts and headed for a hotel in the central part of the city, then after another half hour, he arrived at the entrance of a hotel.

As it was midnight, there were almost no people on the street, so the first person to see him was the hotel receptionist, who, seeing him come in with his clothes torn, bleeding and breathing so heavily, was about to call security.

Then Nathan quickly showed her an emblem that he took out of the inside of his coat, and she stopped and slowly sat down again as if she had not seen anything.

Nathan got into the elevator and dialed the top floor, then in what seemed like an eternity, the elevator doors finally opened.

The top floor of the hotel was a full room, so when Nathan stepped out of the elevator he found himself directly in the living room, where several men were sitting and talking to each other.

Seeing this, they quickly raised their guard and got up from the couches while grabbing their weapons. Nathan ignored this and just looked at the door to a room.

"Call Enarys"

One of the men scowled and growled angrily.

"Who do you think you are?!"

Nathan looked back at him with annoyance and repeated.

"Call her, it's important"

The man was about to draw his sword, but then the door to the room opened and Enarys came out yawning dressed in white pajamas.

"Why are you all making so much noise... Robert?"

Enarys saw the state he was in and quickly lost all his drowsiness, then she forced him into a chair and began to heal his wounds.

While she was healing him, Nathan began to explain everything he had seen, and with each thing she told him, Enarys frowned more and more.

Then she finished healing him at the same time Nathan finished explaining about the ice. Enarys sat down on the couch across from him and folded her arms.

"Shit..." Enarys whispered, then turned his head and looked at one of his guards. "Bring the book"

The man nodded respectfully and walked quickly away, meanwhile, Enarys looked seriously at Nathan.

"Are you absolutely sure about what you saw?"

Nathan nodded confidently, then the guard arrived with a red velvet book in his hands before carefully handing it to Enarys.

Once she received it, Enarys placed it on her lap and opened it, then took a pen and began to write something in it.

Nathan remained silent for the couple of minutes it took Enarys to write, then she put the pen aside and tore the page out of the book where she had written.

As soon as the page was torn out, it began to burn and a few seconds later it turned to ashes.

Returning the book to her guard, Enarys looked at Nathan, who yawned slightly.

"Thank you for helping me... as promised, I'll consign the money"

Nathan nodded and got up heading for the elevator. Enarys remained seated and just followed him with her eyes.

"It's late already, why don't you stay over?"

Ignoring the stares of her guards, Enarys waited to see Nathan's response who stepped onto the elevator and simply smiled silently at her as he waited for the doors to close.

Once Enarys saw the elevator begin to descend, she sighed and stood up before heading to her room with an amused smile on her face.

Then as she reached her room she closed the door and leaned against it with a completely serious expression.

'Lady Enarys?' Lux asked, puzzled by his attitude.

Enarys sighed and walking to her bed she threw herself on the soft mattress and closed her eyes.

'Everything is so complicated... I wish I could live without worries'

Enarys remembered everything Nathan had told her and sighed.

'But apparently you don't always get what you want'

I will be busy until the end of November, so some days I will only be able to upload one chapter. I will definitely make up for it later!

Also, thanks for all the power stones!

SeventhTearcreators' thoughts