
Death Of A Rose

Rose was a loving child to her mother but didn't seem to exist to her father. Along the line in high school, she met a wolf in sheep's clothing called Prince who was born with a silver spoon. He won her heart with his charm and wealth because anyone who dated him was a queen. Prince and Rose's relationship was kept secret from their parents. Only their friends, colleagues, and some teachers knew about their affair. She lost her virginity to him and got pregnant afterward. She was scared of telling her parents and also being a subject of ridicule so she obliged with Prince's advice of aborting the pregnancy. She ended up aborting so many pregnancies for him that the doctor warned her not to go ahead with the last abortion as it might terminate her womb. On Prince's birthday, he had his way with her and impregnated her. She was in a state of a dilemma but still adhered to Prince's advice on aborting the final pregnancy. She lost her womb and the true nature of Prince surfaced as he broke up with her and abandoned her. He cut contact with her but karma caught up with him. He lost peace and stopped attending lectures as he was afraid to face his parents who were aware of his crime. He decided to conceal his whereabouts. His new place was lodging in a remote hotel where he was caught and exposed. His parents who have been looking for him for a long time found him with the help of a hotel receptionist who dialed the police number to expose his whereabouts. He finally met his parents and was instructed to go and apologize to Rose's parents for their loss because she actually committed suicide when guilt and shame were overwhelming for her. However, Rose had backups along the line who vowed to punish her lover who seemed untouchable due to his influence to cover up several crimes. Will they succeed or will Prince win this battle?

Roland Ogomigo · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

The Attack

One night Kate wanted to go to sleep because she was feeling dizzy, then she had some knocks on the gate and she wondered who that could be at such an odd hour. When she opened the gate for the visitors who claimed they were from Prince. She was hit with the ass of a gun on her side face and fell to the ground. She tried to regain consciousness and fight back but there was little she could do to stop the alert Intruders.

Worst still, they were good at Kung Fu as they beat the hell out of her after a series of lashes from her. She tried to dodge their bullets by knocking off their guns skillfully. There were four of them and they didn't come there to kill but to rob only.

One of the guys who was irritated by her beatings almost shot her, but he was stopped by their boss and they finally sprayed tear gas in her eyes which made her oblivious of her surroundings and led to her subconsciousness.