
Death Of A Rose

Rose was a loving child to her mother but didn't seem to exist to her father. Along the line in high school, she met a wolf in sheep's clothing called Prince who was born with a silver spoon. He won her heart with his charm and wealth because anyone who dated him was a queen. Prince and Rose's relationship was kept secret from their parents. Only their friends, colleagues, and some teachers knew about their affair. She lost her virginity to him and got pregnant afterward. She was scared of telling her parents and also being a subject of ridicule so she obliged with Prince's advice of aborting the pregnancy. She ended up aborting so many pregnancies for him that the doctor warned her not to go ahead with the last abortion as it might terminate her womb. On Prince's birthday, he had his way with her and impregnated her. She was in a state of a dilemma but still adhered to Prince's advice on aborting the final pregnancy. She lost her womb and the true nature of Prince surfaced as he broke up with her and abandoned her. He cut contact with her but karma caught up with him. He lost peace and stopped attending lectures as he was afraid to face his parents who were aware of his crime. He decided to conceal his whereabouts. His new place was lodging in a remote hotel where he was caught and exposed. His parents who have been looking for him for a long time found him with the help of a hotel receptionist who dialed the police number to expose his whereabouts. He finally met his parents and was instructed to go and apologize to Rose's parents for their loss because she actually committed suicide when guilt and shame were overwhelming for her. However, Rose had backups along the line who vowed to punish her lover who seemed untouchable due to his influence to cover up several crimes. Will they succeed or will Prince win this battle?

Roland Ogomigo · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

A Bitter Encounter

As Prince walked through the city streets, his heart weighed heavy with the burden of his recent encounter. Despite the wise words of the old woman and his renewed commitment to seek justice peacefully, he couldn't shake off the lingering anger and frustration that consumed him. The memories of the robbers' vicious assault lingered in his mind, and he couldn't forgive himself for allowing them to escape without consequences.

One evening, as he made his way through a bustling marketplace, a face caught his attention from a distance. It was one of the robbers, unmistakably recognizable by the scar across his cheek. Prince's heart raced, and a mixture of rage and determination surged within him. This time, he wouldn't let them get away.

Quickly, Prince found a nearby hiding spot where he could observe the robber without being seen. He grabbed a sturdy rod lying nearby, feeling its weight and the resolve it represented. With clenched fists and determination in his eyes, he waited for the opportune moment.

As the robber turned a corner, Prince sprang into action, striking him forcefully on the back of the head with the rod. The robber crumpled to the ground, momentarily dazed and defenseless. Prince wasted no time and swiftly searched the robber's pockets, retrieving whatever possessions he could find--symbols of his victory, however small.

But his triumph was short-lived. The sound of approaching footsteps alerted Prince to the presence of the other robbers. Panic surged through his veins as he sprinted towards the nearest bus stop. With his heart pounding, he managed to board the bus just in time, hoping to escape the clutches of his pursuers.

However, fate had a different plan in store for Prince. To his dismay, the bus was filled with acquaintances and friends of the robbers--people who owed them loyalty and allegiance. The moment Prince stepped onto the bus, their eyes met, and recognition dawned upon them.

Within seconds, a wave of hostility and anger washed over Prince as the bus erupted into chaos. He was outnumbered and overpowered, subjected to a brutal onslaught of punches and kicks. The pain was unbearable, each blow reminding him of his earlier defeat and his inability to bring justice to those who had wronged him.

Finally, battered and bruised, Prince was forcibly thrown off the bus and left lying on the pavement in a pool of agony and humiliation. As he struggled to catch his breath, the realization sank in that seeking revenge had only led him deeper into the abyss of pain and despair.

Despite the fresh bruises and the overwhelming sense of defeat, Prince found a flicker of determination deep within himself. He would not let this setback extinguish his resolve. Through the pain, he realized the importance of finding alternative paths to justice and change--ones rooted in compassion and understanding.

With every ounce of strength he could muster, Prince picked himself up from the cold ground and looked toward the horizon. The road ahead seemed daunting, but he refused to be consumed by bitterness. The lessons he had learned, painful as they were, would guide his actions moving forward.

As he continued his journey home, his body marked by the visible wounds of his recent encounter, Prince clung to the spark of resilience that still burned within him. With a renewed sense of purpose, he vowed to navigate the path of justice with wisdom, seeking to build a society where cruelty and violence were not tolerated.

In the face of adversity, Prince knew that his true strength would be revealed. The scars he bore would serve as a reminder of the battles fought and the challenges overcome. It was in these darkest moments that he would discover the depth of his determination and his unwavering commitment to changing the world.