
Death Note: The New Kira

Yamishi Yagami, a young talented student renowned for his intellect, runs into a Shinigami on his way home from school. The Shinigami looks to Yamashi with a look of intrigue... "Are you as bored as I am?" "Yes" Little does Yamashi know that this shinigami has just found his new Kira *Warning: includes scenes with sex, torture and violence. You have been warned.* Support me here: https://www.patreon.com/dipforthechips

dipforthechips · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Yamishi's Messed Up Head Pt.2


Just a quick reminder: this book will have no filter, as I hate it when books use f*ck. Also, it takes away from the immersion a little. Also just as a WARNING, this chapter contains TORTURE.


When Yamishi didn't get a reply from his knocking he decided to go further. He knocked with great force, making the sound echo through the house.

Upstairs was a young man. He was quite handsome, having dyed blonde hair and a good physique. He wore a dirty grey singlet and long black pants. In every sense, this guy was a trouble maker.

When he heard the knocking the first time he decided to ignore it. However, when he heard the second knock, which seemed to echo throughout his entire house, he decided to investigate.

He walked down the stairs to his door and peeked out the window beside it. Outside was what looked to be a school kid and a rich one at that.

"Huh, come to flaunt your wealth have you? I hate your type the most. I'll certainly beat the absolute fucking shit out of you, you fucking bastard." The man screamed at Yamishi as he ripped open the door.


Without a second, Yamishi leapt forward grasping the man's face in his hand and slamming it hard into the tiled floor. This caused cracks to splinter out from the point of impact. Blood dripped from the man's head as he tried to recollect his thoughts.

'Huh, what the fuck just happened, did I just get beaten instantly?' thought the man, visibly terrified from what had just happened.

Yamishi stood up and closed the door with a loud slam, "Is it just you here?"

The man opened his eyes, still in pain and said, "No, im the only one here. Please I'm sorry for whatever I did, just don't hurt me!"

From this Yamishi could decipher that the man had done more than just harm his precious little sister since getting out from juvie.


Yamishi had just stomped on the man's leg, completely shattering his leg bones. The man let out an agonising scream, filled with extreme pain and suffering. As an extra precaution, Yamishi stomped on his leg once more, causing the lower leg to visibly disconnect from the upper leg. The only thing left holding it together was his flesh. Once again the man let out another scream, this time shedding tears with it.

Yamishi walked further into the house, gathering tools along the way. The house was an absolute mess, rubbish and bottles covered the floor, and weapons sat upon each table. Apart from this, there were also needles and drugs scattered around the apartment.

He had found a pair of pliers, a hammer, baseball bat, a knife, nails, needles, and a glass bottle.

The injured man had made his way closer to the door, reaching for the handle to try escaping from this psychopath. But sadly for him, there was no escape, only an extremely painful death.

Yamishi, once finished gathering tools for his playtime walked back to the front door and placed his tools on a table. Seeing that the man was trying to escape, Yamishi quickly grabbed his uninjured leg and pulled him over to the table.

"Haha, why are you trying to run from me? You didn't give my sister a chance to run, did you? Hehehe" Yamishi said playfully.

The look in that man's eyes filled Yamishi with joy. Yamishi loved to have a feeling of dominance over his opponent. He liked to feel stronger than them.

"So what one first?" Yamishi said, pointing to the table full of torture devices.

No answer could be heard, only whimpers of the man.

"If you don't pick, I'll make it ten times more painful~. So which one first~" Yamishi said once again, this time more playful than the last.

The man was in a panicked state, causing him to choose, not realising that no matter what Yamishi would make it as painful as possible anyway.

"Uh, the hammer!" The man said with haste, wanting to get it over and done with.

"Hm, I guess that's ok. Well anyway, try to let out as much screaming as possible, Haha" Yamishi laughed while grabbing the hammer.

Yamishi kneeled down on the ground near the man's feet. He removed the man's shoes and held his foot in place. In the next second the man let out a scream of pain, then proceeding to cry before letting out another scream of pain. Yamishi had smashed the man's toes with the hammer, one by one, giggling as he did so.

'I'm not a psycho, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm not a psycho, there's nothing wrong with me, I'm not a psycho, there's nothing wrong with me' Yamishis head was screaming at him with every swing of the hammer. Almost in harmony with the screams of pain, the man was letting out.

"It's a bit of a wasted to use this hammer just for this, maybe I could..." Yamishi put the man on his back and slammed the hammer into his crotch.

"AAARRG" the man cried. Blood now filled his pants causing him to cry even more.

"Now it's my turn to pick!! Hmm, I think I'd like to use these pliers, Hehehe haha!" Yamishi screamed as he quickly stood up and switched the hammer for his second tool of torture.

He once again Knelt down, this time next to the man's upper body. Yamishi held the man's hand, stroking it gently, "Shh, shh... It's ok, I hope you've learnt your lesson now."

The man, tears leaking out from his blood-red eyes, quickly nodded his head. "Y-yes s-sir, I-I-I promise. I-I le-learnt my l-lesson, " he said, barely able to speak.

Right as the man had finally thought he was safe from this psycho, he took back everything he thought.

"Hahahah, you're way too funny." Yamishi trapped his hand tightly and held his fingernails with the pliers.


Ryuk had watched this entire event play out, interested at every turn, 'This kid is truly something else, I like it, hehehe'


Suicide is a valid cause of death. Basically, all humans are thought to possess the possibility to commit suicide. It is, therefore, not something unbelievable to think of.
