
Death Note: The New Kira

Yamishi Yagami, a young talented student renowned for his intellect, runs into a Shinigami on his way home from school. The Shinigami looks to Yamashi with a look of intrigue... "Are you as bored as I am?" "Yes" Little does Yamashi know that this shinigami has just found his new Kira *Warning: includes scenes with sex, torture and violence. You have been warned.* Support me here: https://www.patreon.com/dipforthechips

dipforthechips · Anime & Comics
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64 Chs

Announcement (About me and my novel)

Ok so...

Firstly, I don't know what you expect from a high schooler who is also studying electro technology, but it shouldn't be the expectation of an A grade English student lol. I'm not the best at writing stories and I know that, but I always find the time to put in a fair amount of effort and time into each chapter.

Secondly, I appreciate all criticism, but do keep in mind that I'm only in my 11th year of school and not some experienced veteran author.

Thirdly, I got asked why I do this if I'm not even getting paid. Well, it's rather simple actually. It's because I am not in need of money, and this is just a hobby of mine.

Finally, people are saying that the novel is too similar to the original anime, so I'll try fixing that.

No hate at all, just wanted to say this lol. Also, I really appreciate the people who read my work and enjoy it. Especially the three regular commenters. Thanks a lot!! :P

PS: Chapters will continue as normal