Carla runs back to the car and calls for N, N instantly answers her "Carla, what had happened?" Carla while looking from the window at the street in case if she can see anybody that is suspicious, and talks without stopping to catch her breath "I have just met Ryuk, he spoke to me, he was huge, he was scary and he said to me that the person we are following is wrong, because for some reason he respects you, and we found him at the park, he didn't walk near by or talk to Jasper!" N asked Abdul to start writing what Carla was saying and said to her "Carla, relax, breathe, talk slowly, tell me exactly what he had said!" Carla stops looking from the car's window, takes a deep breath, then looks at Jessica's face that didn't understand anything, since she hasn't seen Ryuk.
Carla looks at her phone and then she starts talking with N with a more relaxing tone "alright, we followed Jasper from the moment he left his house, Ryuk did not come out with him, so we followed him all the way to a park that Jessica told me he visits it a lot, and while we were following him, I saw Ryuk, in a crowded place, and he was talking about a Shinigami eyes trade, in order for that guy to kill you, then he started staring at me and he knew that I was seeing him and he knew that you past me the paper, so I can be able to see him then he told me that the guy we are tracking down is not the death note holder, that was Ryuk's sort of advice to you because he holds a large amount of respect for you!" Abdul writes all what Carla was saying and N says to her "Then all of you, stop tracking Jasper, come to my office right now" then hangs up the phone.
Meanwhile in Jasper's apartment, he pulls out the death note and starts writing the names of many criminals, from all over the world, he writes over two thousand names while playing the Friends series on his laptop, and writes beside their names (they die after writing KIRA on their right arm) then he pulls his father's laptop, uses the VPN again and creates a new page, then names it "THE EXECUTER"
Then he posts on it the code *4170627!* and picture that says "NO MORE CORRUPTION" and he just posts it.
Then he starts writing the names of the top corrupted presidents and kings on the whole world (Donald ******** David ***** Jason ****** Amir **** ….) and writes beside their names (***** ****** dies after writing 4170627! On his left arm, and THE EXECUTER on his right arm)
Then he lays down and starts eating some grapes with Ryuk, but Ryuk asks him "why are you representing two faces? Isn't that strange?" then Ryuk realizes it and says "Ahh! I see what you are doing, now they will think that there is another death note holder, not just you! That is brilliant" then Jasper smiles to Ryuk while eating a green grape.
They both sit and start to watch the BBC news, when they start talking about the death of many presidents, and weird marks on their arms, Jasper starts laughing strangely (The same way Yagami Light laughed when L died)
But once Jasper starts looking Ryuk's astonished face h stops laughing and feels scared, and starts to rethink his plans and all what he had done. Jasper started doing flashbacks for almost two minutes, he remembered that none of the dead leaders was searched on by Jasper, he remembered that Jessica didn't hear him while he was talking to Ryuk, he remembered that he didn't look at Carla at all, he remembered that Ryuk's head phones were not shown, either his smart phone. He when he finished that flashback, he just decided to ask Ryuk "What is it Ryuk? What had happened?" Ryuk, looked at Jasper by turning his head slowly to the right and said with a voice that was full of concerns "The Other Death Notes, have just fallen into the human's world"
Meanwhile in Singapore, at a library, where Samir a Moroccan student, was studying chemistry. He was alone at the library when he had heard something fell, so he went to check it out, when Samir got there, he found a death note but it wasn't written in English, the DEATH NOTE words were written in Chinese, Samir spoke Chinese so he did understand it.
Samir picked the note and walked around the Chinese books section to see where does it belong, he didn't find any empty spot, so the went to the computer and searched for the death note on the data base. But he didn't find anything, it was already too late at that moment, he put it on his backpack and decided to ask the library lady on the next morning.
AT the same moment in France, while Juliette a twenty-four years old French woman was cleaning the tables and getting ready to change her ship, she encountered the third death note on the changing room, inside her locker, no one except her, had the keys to that locker, so she opened it and found a ripped paper inside it saying "take me home, you will love me" she barely read it, since it was written by a horrible hand writing and extremely small. So, she did take the death note with her to her home.
And the fourth death note holder was a criminal at one of the most top-secret prisons on the world, Kim Xian Hong. A formal secret agent at the American army that was assigned to find where the Death note was and give it to the American government in 2019, but once N started making investigations about him because he was caught by the Japanese police while he was steeling confidential information about KIRA's case.
When the Americans knew about it, they put him in prison, under too many fake accusations in order to save themselves from the Japanese to know what Xian's mission was.