
Death note, A second chance(Rewritten)

Light was almost killed by getting shot and died on the stairs due to a heart attack but when he went to Mu his soul was to curropted to enter, so he had to suffer each death of his victims over and over again, until each victim was satisfied . Once his last victim's soul passed he was somehow reincarnated into his 17 year old self , but he wasn't in the world he knew. Things somehow changed and Kira struck again. With a new future and a change in fate can he catch Kira before it's to late ??

Amy555 · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 1.6

Light was a popular boy, but never did he expect to become so popular. 

Girls and boys keep asking him out yet no matter what how much he keeps rejecting them they wouldn't leave him alone.

One day when he was walking home a stalker immerged from the bushes and Light immediately ran away confused and in fear.

" What the hell is going on ?!"

When he finnaly made it home he heard her mom asking for his test results .

" I'm so proud of you son. These are your highest scores yet !"

He smiled and went to his room and plopped on the bed , exhausted .

Light P.o.v 

The deaths are not in some sort of pattern. Unlike when I... no . 

Unlike when he was kira the deaths does not follow a pattern, that means he already found out some rules of the death note.

It's terrifying. 

I grabbed my dad's laptop and found out that no new information is put about the case.

" Shit ! "

I cursed loudly and banged my hand on the table.

" This never happened the first time !" 

I checked 3 times to see if what I saw on the computer was true ... It is.

They must found out that I was using the computer.

I start to panic.

I have no way of knowing what kira will do !

I kept banging my hand on the wall , not realizing it was bleeding till Sayu came into my room.

" Light !!"

She ran to me as I started to cry.

" Light what's wrong ?! Mom hurry up ! Light's bleeding !!"

Why am I so stupid ?? 

Why did I think kira would copy my ... no his past actions ?? 

That means that I have 0 knowledge of what Kira will do !

A familiar pain flowed my body again as Sayu and mom start to worry .

" Call the Ambulance and call dad !!"

Why am I so stupid ?? 


In the Secret Kira Task force Soichiro was working on the case with huge worry , at home Light was becoming more angry and paranoid.

And there's nothing he could do to help.

Till the phone rung and shock and pain flew in his body.

" My...son...He had a heart attack ... they are at the hospital right now..."

Silence filled the Task force as Matsuda consoled him.

L was surprisingly shocked and ... worried ??

" Soichiro i suspect that this is an attack from Kira himself .

Hurry to the hospital !" 

Soichiro didn't need to be told twice .

Matsuda decided to follow me .

We wore our masks and in the hospital Sayu and Sachiko were crying .

" What happened ?! "

" Light ... Light was hurting himself again and suddenly he had a heart attack ! We brought him here as fast as i could !"

Matsuda was shocked to hear and Soichiro was hoping for the best .

Soon a doctor came with a surprised smile.

" It is a miracle... "

" Is Light okay ?!"

Asked Sayu in tears as the doctor nodded his head in amazement .

" Light is already recovering in an amazing speed. 

As you can see "

The doctor shows them a scanner .

" Light's heart isn't beating at all yet the blood moves around as if it is still beating.

After only 3 minutes the heart started beating again as if nothing happened. 

We are currently looking for any mutation in his body that made something like this p-"

" Did we give you permission to do that ?"

Soichiro was getting furious, first Kira shower up , attacked thousands, tortured and tried to kill his son and now the doctors are trying to experiment on him ?! 

" Well you haven't but-"

" I did .not. ask for an excuse , if my son is okay I demand you as the NPA chief to release my son. "

The doctor tried to make excuses about how a medical break through it is but Soichiro was not hearing it and was getting more furious until the doctor got arrested for medical misconduct .

"Now release my son before i arrest this whole building."

The nurses slowly obliged and Light was brought to them.

Light was in a hospital gown clenching his head, Soichiro never expected to see his son like that. 

Traumatized , terrified and weak .

His blood boils in hate for Kira even more .

He did this to my son .

Sachiko and Sayu hugged Light and Light cried in their arms.

Light was crying because of kira.



L was worried, he was waiting for the bad news to arrive only for Aizawa to exclaim in relief that Light was holding on to Soichiro for balance .

Light is alive.

Kira failed.

The task force started to talk over each other yet the conversation stayed about Light .

" How did he survive a kira attack ?! "

" I'm so glad the kid is okay..."

" Please stay quiet . Light needs rest ."

I cleared my throat and started to talk.

" Soichiro, you don't know how glad I am that Light survived , yet we have bad news I have to tell .

Somehow it was publicly revealed that Light survived a kira attack. 

I fear that as soon as you try to exit you'll be bombarded with paparazzi and journalists. 

Be prepared. "

I said and I could hear an angered sigh followed by a curse.

Light.... You don't deserve this . 

Not anymore .


Soichiro was mad , it must've been those petty nurses. 

And at the front he could see the paparazzi in a bundle with curious onlookers.

" Shit ! " 

Light was resting next to Sayu , holding her arm for dear life and rage started to overpower all his senses.

Why is the world out for his son ??

But as the Chief of the NPA he had to make a interview.

He went outside with Aizawa at his side.

Immediately flashes of cameras and questions about kira were in their faces.

" One question at a time people !!" 

The loud noise quieted down and a person raised his hand .

" Yes ?"

" How proud must you be that your son survived a kira attack ??"

" Excuse me ? My only son almost died and you think I would be proud of that . As a police officer and the NPA chief I am disappointed in myself that I couldn't help my son , but I am beyond relieved to know he survived and is currently recovering . " 

The paparazzi was not happy with the answer , but they held it to their selves.

Another raised their hands. 

" What are you going to do to protect your son from Kira??"

Soichiro stayed calm and answered with determination in his voice. 

" Me , the kira task force and L will do our best to protect my son and to make sure he recovers both physically and mentally .

In any legal means we will catch kira and make him pay , not only for harming my son but to all the people that died because of him."

The paparazzi cheered at his speech and demanded that he reveals how they plan to catch Kira but Soichiro left before things escalated.


I am mad , I made sure to write in the notebook that Light had a heart attack alone in his room , yet somehow his bird for brains sister ruined everything .

Now that L probably knows that Light is immune to the death note . 

I could already see what that L bastard will do to Light .

" Since you are immune to kira you must be with me 24/7 ."

" Okay , I trust you L "

" It is important to the kira case you sleep in the same room as me . "

" Okay L , you are the best detective in the world so you must know what you're doing. "

And Light being the innocent detective fanboy will not notice that slimy disgusting little- 

I scream in rage as Ryuk laughed behind my shoulders .

Oh , it seems that L has your little toy !"

He said while laughing.

" Shut up Ryuk !! L has nothing on me . " 

Well he has more money , he can probably pay up a few governments here and there and your toy is as good as his "

Ryuk said with a few laughs and my face turned red in anger .

" Light would never be bought with money, and I'm sure he prefers someone he could actually have fun with. " 

I said with a grin .

Well we don't know how L looks like yet , maybe he is Light's type . 

And that made me break my T.V. 

" No way !! I won't allow that little perverted shit to even touch my Light ! "

Ryuk kept laughing 

Takes one to know one.


A young persecutor was drooling on his phone screen in his apartment .

No not because of what you're thinking readers , but because he found his angel.

It started all when he met him holding a note book before throwing it away .

He stayed behind but before he could investigate a rich young man taking the book .

Hours later Kira appeared and it was to close to be a coincidence. 

He hated how kira had the power to kill and uses it to kill innocents. 

The power was clearly meant for him , he is the fighter of justice after all.

He was convinced that he was some sort of angel trying to give him the power to kill through the notebook, yet the kira bastard took it before he could.

And he was at the verge of drooling all over his phone when the news showed that his angel ; Light survived a kira attack and is currently recovering. 

Ofcourse he would , he's an angel after all .

Dreaming of how Light would react when he gives back the power meant for him made him...unholy multiple times .

But that isn't what's important , what is important is that his angel sent the power to him .

Sure the one who sent it to him wasn't how he expected him to look like , but it was fitting for a death note .

He could hear his Angel's voice whispering in his ears to kill kira .

" Kill him Teru... He hurt me .." 

I will .

I will avenge you my angel .


How did I get a heart attack with Sayu around ? 

I was currently being coddled in pillows by the Task force .

" I already told you all , I'm fine . "

I tried to get up only the get more blankets thrown on to me .

" No you're not kid , take your time to rest . " 

Shuichi said and gently patted my head .

" I'm not a kid , I'm 17 rem-"

More pillows were put onto my head .

" No , you're a kid and always will be .

And you'll be staying here until you recover ."

L said through the T.V screen as I got even more pissed .

I covered myself in the blankets and closed my eyes , they are so comfy... 

I didn't know the head ache that's going to happen at school .


For you to understand Ryuk got a little bored and gave Mikami another note book just for fun , how he has 3 notebooks will be revealed later on (*w*) and Misa will be living a happy life with Rem on a American tour cause she deserves it .

She will have therapy and be a happy model and Idol with a happy Rem by her side

*This will be important later on*

Amy555creators' thoughts