
Death March Danmachi

Haru is your everyday 12 year old, nothing special about him. Until one day on a playground a large delivery truck comes out from nowhere and Haru wakes up in an anime world he’s not familiar with. More shocking it the system he awakens with! “Wait I have three meteor rains?” *ROAR* Seeing the large black dragon with only one menacing eye in the distance, coming slowly towards him, Haru panicked! “This is off script you bitch!” Will Haru survive? . . . 1.) this fic is the ‘anime’ version of Danmachi! 2.) MC doesn’t step foot into the dungeon often at all, only when asked due to emergency! 3.) MC is young, 12 to be exact. And cute as a button, the little brother you wish to protect sort, and incredibly innocent yet mischievous at the same time. 4.) MC is extremely OP, he has the death march through a parallel world UI and system (tweeked a bit) if you’ve ever seen that anime. 5.) No harem and I don’t know about romance, this is more of a slice of life/ wholesome journey type story. 6.) MC is an Orphan so when he gets to know and trust someone he grows close and caring, so even if you dislike a character in Danmachi, don’t expect me to care if you rant because my MC treats them well. 7.) Speaking of treating them well, most major characters in the show will be in this fic, and Haru treats everyone with kindness as much as he can, because in a world where you can be anything, he chooses to be kind. . . . cover is not mine, if owner wishes it removed contact me with proof and it will be removed immediately.

Shadow_of_death · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Ch5. Celestial?

"It's very nice too meet you pretty lady." Haru looked up at the beautiful silver haired woman…

'She looks familiar.' Haru could swear this girl reminded him of someone but shook that thought from his head, Now was not the time to daydream!

"Fufufu, isn't he not the cutest Ottar?"Freya asked the man behind her without taking her eyes of the little one.

"Yes goddess." The gruff voice spoke as his eyes scanned Haru for a brief moment before going back to watching the surroundings.

"Hehehe, tell me your name little one?" Freya moved closer to Haru, this time no one noticed as her charm had increased in only one direction…

"H-H-haruuu pretty lady—❤️"

[Charm resistance gained! The host is under the effects of a charm!]

A message appeared in Haru's vision immediately causing his eyes to go wide as his status window opened and Haru immediately put charm resistance up to ten.

As soon as the window closed a cooling effect washed over Haru's body, the lady before him suddenly looked confused…

Freya stood flabbergasted at the fact her charm lost all effect on the boy, one second she could almost see the little hearts in his breathtaking eyes, the next he was as cool as a cucumber.

This was a strange turn of events, but even stranger was his soul, most souls gave of colors based on emotions and deeds…

Many held lust, greed, hate and other negative emotions, even many of her own familia members.

Her attention towards these two young men thought was different, the white haired one had a crystal clear soul, completely devoid of the usual darkened souls she sees. Well it was refreshing, it was nothing compared to the soul before her…

It was MASSIVE! A swirling galaxy filled with billions of bright stars, every color imaginable could be seen and even a few that weren't.

Just staring upon it made Freyas legs weak, like she was defying the heavens themselves by witnessing such a sight.

The moment she increased her charm on the boy, the soul grew in strength and repelled her power. This alone was cause for concern, no one is capable of such a feat!

No one but…

The more Freya thought about it the more her back began to sweat, her legs felt like jelly and her skin gained numerous goosebumps.


Freya immediately covered her own mouth as she blurted out something she shouldn't have.

"Sorry, pardon me but I have something that requires my attention." Freya gave a small curtsy to Haru before turning and quickly leaving the guild building leaving everyone in utter shock, even Ottar who quickly followed her.

'What just happened?' Haru was simply confused, it was clear as day the lady went from amused, to bewildered, to straight up terrified?

He wasn't the only one though, many adventures who were gawking at the spectacle also now had a confused expression on their faces.

"You know what? I don't think I need to be here for this…" Haru decided to leave the guild alongside Bete, letting Bell register without him there as he seemed to keep causing trouble.




Leaving the guild, Haru let out a sigh.

Thankfully Bell was okay with registering without him and Haru asked that quite blonde lady named Ais to stay and help his brother if necessary, she only nodded and stared off into space…that girl is weird.

Now both he and Bete were walking around the Square looking into the various shops and peddlers dotted about, Bete kept trying to buy Haru anything that caught his interest. Haru would turn him down and then they would repeat this at the next stop.

'Wait where did that small elf girl go?' Haru suddenly realized the girl named Lefiya had disappeared somewhere. Oh well she seemed strong enough to look out for herself.


"Oh dear me, Naaza's going to be upset with me for this one…"

A handsome man with blue hair stumbled and dropped a creat filled with glass vials on the ground causing Haru to jump.

Looking over, Haru noticed the man who even though seemed to be in trouble, was still smiling.

Something about that man made Haru take a few steps towards him…

"Do you need help mister?" Haru took a few more steps towards the man who suddenly noticed him.

"Oh no it's fine, I'm okay!" Miach looked closer at the helpful child and couldn't help but nod his head at the little guy.

'He has kind eyes' Miach noticed Haru's eyes first and foremost as the boy finally reached the dropped crate and began to pick up and place the items back into the box.

'Even though I said I was fine the boy still helps…truly kind' Miach noticed that small things about the child and couldn't help but smile more, it was rare to see such a pure human.

"Miach?" Bete called out to the god and walked up to help Haru pick up the vials that fell out of the crate.

"Hmm? Bete? Ohhh I see… this boy is a new member of the Loki familia I take it?" Miach for the first time in a long time felt…disappointed?

"Nah Haru ain't a member, I'm sure Loki wants him to be though." Bete never noticed the gleam in Miachs eye as his disappointment disappeared in a flash.

Bete had always respected Miach and didn't care about spilling such info, the god was known for basically giving away potions to new adventurers.

The amount of people that are alive today because of Miach is staggering, even Bete is sad to see the gods familia fall so low.

"We'll let me thank the child for his help, it's not much but why don't you come too our shop The Blue Pharmacy? Naaza makes a mean stew." Miach heard the boys belly rumble and let out a chuckle.

"That's settled then, I shall repay you with dinner at our shop, shall we?" Miach looked on in amusement as the child began to fidget.

"Um can my big brother come along?" Haru looked up expectantly at the god before him who only smiled and nodded.

"The more the merrier, at least that's what I believe!" Miach was happy two get another to tag along, especially if Haru's brother was anything like him.

"Haru? Who's this?" Speak of the devil, Haru turned and saw Bell with two girls behind him.

The quite girl named Ais and the small elf girl…so that's where she was.

"Oh this here is Miach, he invited us to dinner! Can we go? Please!" Haru ran up and tugged on Bells shirt sleeve.

"I don't see why not." Bell pat Haru on his head, feeling the silky smooth hair through his fingers, Bell could get use to this.

"Whooohooo!" Haru ran up too Miach and grabbed the gods hands in his own.

"Lead the way good sir! Oh and Bell can you carry that crate?" Haru gave Bell puppy dog eyes.

"No problem, Miach is treating us too dinner then it's the least I can do." Bell picked up the crate and walked up beside Haru.

Bete began to walk with them before a hand shot out and pulled him back.

"We have to head home." Ais kept her hand on Betes collar as he tried to break free.

"Nooooo! Ais I need to gooooo!" However Betes pleas fell on deaf ears as Haru, Bell and Miach got further away before disappearing into the busy city streets.





"Here we are…" Miach and the two brothers stood outside of the blue pharmacy.

The building was a little shabby and needed some repairs, but both brothers seemed to not even care in the slightest.

Both grew up with little and wouldn't judge something clearly important to the god before them.

"Well let's go in and get settled!" Miach opened the door and walked in followed by both Haru and Bell.

The shop was clean and neat, if not a little barren. Potions and ingredients could be seen here and there while a counter with a snoring girl sat at the back.

"NAAZA! Guests!" Miach shouted in a sing song voice as he walked up to the now stirring woman.

"Hmm? What time is it?" The woman rubbed her eyes as she yawned.

'Oh crickets'


Haru witnessing the girl named Naaza yawn felt the need to as well.

Like a miniature t-rex, Haru let out a yawn that made both Bell and Miach smile.

Haru was far to cute.

"Customers?" Naaza finally woke up and glanced at the two people her god brought along.

Seeing the two young boys, Naaza looked at Miach and figured out his game instantly.

"Hello my names Naaza, nice to meet you both." Naaza held her hand out and Bell was the first to shake it.

"My names Bell Carnel, and this is my little brother Haru!" Haru upon being introduced also reached you to shake the woman's hand.

Naaza felt a tingle when she took the soft warm hand in her own, his skin was softer then the most expensive fabrics.

She noticed that this kids skin would be the envy of every woman, she didn't even think the skin of the gods could compare to how perfect this kid was…

This kid would be terrifying in the future, Naaza could fell it in her bones.

Miach interrupted everyone and shouted out with a smile plastered on his face…

"Time too eat!"





In a large gilded hall, on a large gilded throne, a man with large wings that shone with starlight smiled.

"Seems that one figured it out pretty quickly Lilith."

"It seems so." A woman sitting on the stairs leading up to the man sitting on the throne looking out at the large mirror that was showing a confused boy as Freya walked away.

'If she hurts my baby I'll slaughter her universe'

A large beautiful smile appeared on the woman named Liliths face as her large black wings spread open revealing countless galaxies within.

"Scary." The man on the throne couldn't help but mumble at Liliths words, mothers truly were terrifying beings.

Who’s the man on the throne? Wait isn’t Haru an orphan? What’s going on!

Shadow_of_deathcreators' thoughts