
The Worst Night

As usual I was up late unable to sleep because of my nightmares. I'm a soothsayer I can see the future through dreams and sometimes even visions. I was getting tea when I felt a cold chill down my spine I turned around and there was nothing except my window was open, drapes were flowing slightly in the wind. I knew something was up I lived alone with a cat I could barely open the window on hot summer days. I watched horror movies I was not going to die today. I ran right back to my room not ever thinking of my cat, Mr. socks, I was so close to my room I could feel me not dying in a horror movie but then I tripped on my rug. A tall figure lingered over me watching me until I could see him in moons light deep red eyes, brown or black hair, but the main thing I noticed was his pearly white fangs, " Wait what?! Fangs?!", I internally screamed at myself. He pulled me up and dug his painfully sharp teeth in the crook of neck. I whimpered in pain as he dug deeper drinking my blood, enjoying every drop. I tried fighting, kicking, even trying to scream but it was no use nothing was going to help, I started feeling really dizzy and passed out.