
Death is the Ending for a Trash Prince.

ADAM BOYD PROFESSIONAL MMA FIGHTER DIES TRAGICALLY IN A HEAD ON COLLISION OFF OF HIGHWAY I-29! Adam Boyd, age 32, dies and wakes up in the light novel Birds of a Feather Flock Together, a dark fantasy romance his friend Isabella used to tell him about back in high school. Now living as the Male Lead Osiris Von Lux, Adam must learn to survive or die by the hands of his own family, the royals of the Lux Kingdom. His information is limited. He isn't even sure if all the information he has is accurate, and what was made up by the fans. This is not a story about a hero, quite the opposite in fact. He was never meant to be a hero. Blink and you'll miss it, you'll be gone, why is everyone in this world so strong?! Villain POV. Villain to Lovers. Isekai. DARK Fantasy. READ TO THE BOTTOM OF THE CHAPTERS OR YOU MAY MISS THINGS.

Pseudoonym · Fantasy
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95 Chs



Mikael and the guards all made it outside the castle gates just in time to see his son flatten the entire forest in front of him. 


Seth flinched and turned towards the Lux Kingdom and felt his entire mood become wrathful. 

Everyone fell to their knees. 

He pulled up at his spells and found the recording for it. 

It was three seconds. 

The portal opened and suddenly the Prince tried to jump through, only to be shot back off across the field. Then he- the camera cut. 


Horus and Masika were gritting their teeth as they tried to bare their father's ego. They may not have the white aura line thanks to their bloodline, but he still looked like he was radiating frost. The ground started to freeze. 

"So he was the one that destroyed the others."

There was a slight hiss under his voice. 

Seth became malevolent.