
Death is the Ending for a Trash Prince.

ADAM BOYD PROFESSIONAL MMA FIGHTER DIES TRAGICALLY IN A HEAD ON COLLISION OFF OF HIGHWAY I-29! Adam Boyd, age 32, dies and wakes up in the light novel Birds of a Feather Flock Together, a dark fantasy romance his friend Isabella used to tell him about back in high school. Now living as the Male Lead Osiris Von Lux, Adam must learn to survive or die by the hands of his own family, the royals of the Lux Kingdom. His information is limited. He isn't even sure if all the information he has is accurate, and what was made up by the fans. This is not a story about a hero, quite the opposite in fact. He was never meant to be a hero. Blink and you'll miss it, you'll be gone, why is everyone in this world so strong?! Villain POV. Villain to Lovers. Isekai. DARK Fantasy. READ TO THE BOTTOM OF THE CHAPTERS OR YOU MAY MISS THINGS.

Pseudoonym · Fantasy
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95 Chs


Chapter Fifty Two


"The assembly will start soon."

Fucking Dove was like fucking a piece of stale bread. Mancio worked on buttoning his shirt. Fiancé or not, they only fucked because it's convenient. Here at school he doesn't have access to his elves, so he makes due with what he can.

"Do you want me to sit with you today?"


Marcio was the heir to the Grand Duke of the Pennello house. His father wanted him to befriend that Prince, so they had to sit in the front today.


He hated how beautiful she was.

His mother picked her because she was everything he ever wanted in a human. She was thin, nearly flat chested, and elegant. She was as close to an elf as a human could get. Even her hair was like theirs. He shivered. But in bed she was as flavorful as a rock.

They silently put on their uniforms. He was going to have to find another lover this semester.

Dove sighed silently as she put on her skirt.

She never got to see this Prince everyone is talking about. Because of his aura, she couldn't move the entire three days, but that only made her more curious. Was he scary looking? Tall? Is his hair really pink? Does he really have two colored eyes? She was curious. Dove glanced at Marcio. Thanks to him, she'll get a chance to see for herself.

"Can I use your restroom?"

He waved her off.

Dove let her shoulders relax as the door locked. Mancio was as cold as ever. She could never relax around him. His eyes were always heavy. It felt like he expected something from her, and she never knew what it was.

Dove used a towel to clean herself.

She was lonely. Even engaged she-

"Let's go."

She startled.


She dried her hands and fixed her dress. They had an image to uphold.

Aspen sat with the other scholarship students with a blank face. It was mid semester but since the Prince and a few other nobles returned from war alive, now everyone has to sit through another orientation. He hated orientation. Every year it was the same.

He hoped it will be different in uni.

Aspen could feel the discomfort from the other student. No one likes a hair user. Aspen looked through the crowd as more people showed up.

Rogan wanted to kill him.


"He's going to need friends, you brat."

Rogan loved his dad to bits but he was a dumb as bricks.

"Then let him make them."

He was worried the Prince would have trouble making friends… The man has seen, heard, and felt these last few days.

Was he starting to lose his memory?

"I'm not."

Rogan glared at him.

Don't read my mind.

"Just show him around, please."

Rogan rolled his eyes.

"Dad, don't I always help you with the new kids? Even before I entered the academy, you thought it was cute to have a kid show people around."

"I know, I just…"

Imhotep sighed.

He's seen images from the war, and he knows a little bit about what happened in the castle, but he still feels for the boy. Especially since he wants to take this chance to study him. It was rare for a human to be born with the ability to see mana. He was so excited! He was sure if his son could befriend him he could ask the boy questions-

His dad was so goofy sometimes.

Rogan watched him lose himself to his mind.

He wonders why his mom married him. His mom is a big girl. She was only slightly thinner than he was, and Rogan was already twice the width of his dad. Not as tall as his dad, but still.

His dad was tall, but thinner than a pretzel. His clothes were always a little too big, and he had messy red hair he always wore in a low ponytail.

His round glasses didn't help.

He thanked the gods he looked like his mother.

"Let's see what happens."

Imhotep smiled.

"Just like your mother. Come. Let's go meet the Prince."

Jasper stood with the school's student guard.

He joined the stupid club because his father wanted it, but it was boring.

"I can't!"

"You can."

"Why are we-"


Three men in the royal guard gear popped out from behind the curtains. They forced themselves to the mic.

Osiris cackled silently as they tried to talk to the entire student board. They've never been to school, so stage fright is something everyone should experience at least once in their lives. He wasn't mad they skipped training this morning. No, not at all.

"T-this is a bit.."

The principal was a pushover.

Osiris let the curtain close. His men were going to need a minute.

"They'll be fine. It's good for character development."

"I-I see."

Imhotep let the boy torture his men.

"So what were you saying?"

"The King left it up to you to decide, but we offer dorms to student-"

"Yes, what else."

Imhotep brightened.

Rogan stood at attention at the back.

That kid was terrifying and he wanted nothing to do with him. He's seen eyes like those from men his father used to examine during the war. And it was never the men on our side.

He thought he would be able to help his dad, but he doesn't think he can this time… his dad loved these types. Short, sweet, to the point. He was a child when it came to knowledge. Rogan gave them a wary look. He worried for him, but his dad wasn't the Dean for nothing.

"What field are you looking to study?"


"Dad, save it for after the ceremony."

If he didn't stop him no one would.

"Right! Silly me."

He rubbed his head bashfully.

The man was taller than him.

"You married?"


"Yes, and he has a kid, me."

Rogan kept his eyes looking at the wall when the Prince looked at him. He could fake courage when he needed to. His mom said sometimes you have to.

"S-so please don't flirt with him, at least not in front of me."


Osiris turned to the principal.

"Puberty, amiright?"

That made his cheeks turn red. But the Prince stopped.


"Yes, like my son said, I'm married. I have pictures if you'd-"

"Another one lost to the sea."


"How old are you anyways?"



His men were back.

"Seventy eight."

"Damn you're old."


Osiris looked him up and down seriously.

"What a waste."

He walked towards the stage.


"Let's go dad. I'm sure he'll talk to you if you let him skip class or something."


The introduction was.. something. Three very skittish royal guards came up and each gave rules to follow when it came to the Prince?

Dove was lost.

"What the fuck is happening?"

Mancio whispered behind his hand.

It was a rhetorical question, but she was thinking the same thing. It took them ten minutes to say three things before they scurried back behind the curtain. Dove sat up in her seat as the curtain pulled back.

He was beautiful.

"So that's him."

Mancio watched a guy with pink hair, side bangs covering an eye, and half of it pulled up in a little ponytail. He was girlish. Or pretty, in nicer terms. His lashes were thicker than Doves, with a slim, triangle body shape. He had a tiny waist and firm ass. He could already tell the girls were going to love him. He doubted Dove would react. She never does.

Marcio glanced at her.

Her eyes were wide and her little mouth was parted.

Her cheeks had a light flush. He wanted to fuck her. He looked at the Prince.

So that's her type.

"My name is Osiris. I am good at fighting, killing, and eating. I hate the Queen, and I like food."

The lights were so bright he couldn't see anything past the podium.

"Thanks for having me."

Osiris turned left and walked off stage and out the door, leaving the Headmaster stumbling up to the podium.

"T-that was Prince Osiris Von Lux, youngest prince of the Lux Kingdom."

Imhotep had to improvise after that weird introduction. Kids were kids. He's had dukes and marquees do much worse.

The Prince didn't stay for the assembly.

Dove was in love.

Marcio squeezed her arm.

"Sit back."

She looked down. She was almost off her seat.


"Just don't do it again."

He didn't sound angry for once.

Dove bit her cheek. Something she hasn't felt in a long time pooled in her stomach. She looked down. Something throbbed. She crossed her legs.

She was embarrassed.

I thought people joked about these things!

"I'll be bac-"

"No, wait."

He put a firm hand on her leg. It hurt.


His hand crept up.


She sat back and let her mind wonder as the headmaster went on about being kind to those who return from war. She doubted they would ever meet.