
Death is the Ending for a Trash Prince.

ADAM BOYD PROFESSIONAL MMA FIGHTER DIES TRAGICALLY IN A HEAD ON COLLISION OFF OF HIGHWAY I-29! Adam Boyd, age 32, dies and wakes up in the light novel Birds of a Feather Flock Together, a dark fantasy romance his friend Isabella used to tell him about back in high school. Now living as the Male Lead Osiris Von Lux, Adam must learn to survive or die by the hands of his own family, the royals of the Lux Kingdom. His information is limited. He isn't even sure if all the information he has is accurate, and what was made up by the fans. This is not a story about a hero, quite the opposite in fact. He was never meant to be a hero. Blink and you'll miss it, you'll be gone, why is everyone in this world so strong?! Villain POV. Villain to Lovers. Isekai. DARK Fantasy. READ TO THE BOTTOM OF THE CHAPTERS OR YOU MAY MISS THINGS.

Pseudoonym · Fantasy
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95 Chs


Chapter Twenty One



Mikael did not believe it.

"You're done?"

"I did what you asked."

Mikael looked at the clock. It hasn't even been an hour.

"I only spoke to the boy for ten minutes."

That means for thirty five minutes she was roaming the halls. Mikael's brows scrunched.

"And he just did it?"

He was in disbelief.

"He is at least a three star, maybe four, if he takes better care of his body-"

"So he could do it all along?!"

Mikael was upset. What was the point of him getting hurt so badly if he could-

"He didn't now how."

Mikael calmed himself.


"The boy did not know what aura was. He did not know what an ego was."


Mikael's face fell.

Gladimir was curious why the man looked so crestfallen, but then again, it was none of her business.

"What else would you like me to teach him?"

Mikael appreciated that the Dwarf wasn't just going to jip him of that hard earned cash. Income is slow for everyone this time of year, even for the Dwarves.

"Is there anything you would recommend?"

"What is his weapon of choice?"

The King sighed.

"He doesn't want to use any weapons. He says he doesn't like them."

"Then how does he fight?"


"Like a street rat."

Gladimir paused.

"Who taught him how to fight like that?"

"I'm not sure."

Mikael could only think Kina taught him, but he wasn't sure why. Maybe in her last moments before she killed herse- Mikael slammed that thought closed.

"Do you have anyone he can spar with?"

"No. There is no one his age, and I have yet to introduce him to the family."

Gladimir remembered these humans have a weird tendency to keep their children hidden from all until they deem them ready. Dwarves lean more towards the 'It takes a village to raise a child.' community, as the humans would say it.

Dealing with the bullies is also good for their character. It's safer when the enemy is another five year old down the curb then a stranger.

"I will watch him train tomorrow and see what he can do. For day three I will recommend a weapon to him and teach him the basics."

The Oakmakers were known for their expertise in weaponry. Each one had their favorite, but they all end up choosing a big weapon.

"Please do not force him to use an axe."

"I cannot guarantee nothing since I am under no obligation to do so under the contract."

"Just be nice to him. He's been through a lot."

"We've all been through a lot."


"Show me how you fight."

The lady was back.


Adam was doing burpees again.

Gladimir was enthralled by the act. He was training quite a different set of muscles than she's seen around the Lux Kingdom. She could see the shape he was aiming for.

Gladimir kept watching as Adam kept pushing. She stood there for two hours. If she looked like she was breathing Adam would have ignored it.

But her lack of motion and that midnight shop crackhead behind here was a bit much.

Adam grunted.

"Fine, but I need a partner."

"The King said there was no one, so I will be one. If you do not wish to get hurt do not make contact when I move to block. I will only block."

Adam paused.

It was just a bunch of fake outs. He could pull his punches. He really didn't want to hit that shit again.


Gladimir removed her gloves and satchel and went to the middle.

"No mana."

His mana revolted by burning the ground hotter. He's been letting it get away with too much these days.

"I can't stop my mana, I have a leak. Did that King not tell you?"

Gladimir paused.

"I guess he forgot."

Adam shrugged.

"I don't know what to tell you, but I will try not to?"


Adam pepped himself up.

A few hops never hurt no one.

His mana sizzled against the floor.

Adam started with a few quick side kicks. Like she promised the lady pretended to block and nothing more. He picked up the speed.

She blocked everything and he expected no less. Adam tried to keep his mana in check but, alas, he could not. At least it was kind enough to keep the smoke in check this time. He never really hit her and she never grabbed him. By the end of it Adam felt a bit better about his control over his body.

It was nice.

Adam looked back up at the lady.

"So what now."

"You rely heavily on your feet."

"I do."

"I can think of one weapon that might suit you."

"You're suggesting weapons to me now?"

"Yes. It's a weapon harpies like to use. It's a gauntlet made specifically for appendage combat styles. The weapon type is called Malicious Claws."


"That sounds kind of dumb."

"You will have to ask the King to have them custom made. Preferably when you are much older due to the time and cost, but if you have the money."

Gladimir shrugged.

"Unfortunately I can only show you how they fight."


They separated and Gladimir showed him an interesting combination of moves that reminded him of home. Home where he showed off moves he had just learned back in high school.

Gladimir reminded him of moves he had forgotten about.

P A R E N T A L C O N T R O L : Le mettre à nu.

The lady spent the last day giving him tips on what to build on next. She did her job. She taught him what the King asked. It was a pleasant passing.

"This is the end."

The two faced each other in the gloomy, stoney gym.

"Thanks I guess."

"We will likely never meet again."


"Le mettre à nu."