
Death Is Not The Greatest Loss

He propped his hand against the wall above my head. I watched those royal purple eyes slide their way from mine, down to my lips. His eyelids fell as he leaned in. I felt my heart skip as he got even closer. Why was my body reacting this way? I could hear his breath pick up as his lips were now grazing mine. Was i really preparing to kiss this man? This foul creature. This despicable being that killed people for a job, and sport? my breath caught in my throat as i prepared for the worst, only it never came. To my shocking disappointment, he pulled away and i fell to the floor with a loud thud.

Zorilynn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Defying Physics

Hes just standing there. His long white hair hangs halfway down his chest in perfect viking braids. It looks soft. It looks elegant. It almost blends perfectly with his ominous dark purple eyes that seem to glow. He doesnt seem real. He looks like one of those fairy tale people youd see in a netflix show. Hes at peace, just resting his back against the doorway of the classroom. Is he in this class? no. He cant be. Nobody ever takes this class. Then again, youre here.

I shake the thought away as i look back down to my notes, waiting for the professor to enter the room. My notebook looks almost empty. Theres a select few sentences about the theory of space, but most of the page is covered in hopeless doodles. I bite down on my lip, scrolling over the images on the paper. The dragon is screaming at the man, damning him for the life he was given. He didnt want to be a beast, just something worth loving.

"Looks like its just you five today. Thats unfortunate," a man interrupts my thoughts. I look to the front of the room to see a short old man, brows burrowed as if hes had a hundred years of confusion buried beneath the skin. His grey hair and bifocal glasses give away his decaying body.

I sigh as I lean my head into my hand. I use my elbow to prop myself up, and let my black hair fall to my desk around my arm. I cant wait for this day to be over. Just this very last day, and i will have my degree. The only downfall? speeches were today, and mine is nowhere near ready.

It takes me a minute to realize ive zoned out into my useless drawings again. The dragon now has a better story to tell, but its my turn to tell my story to the class. The professor calls my name, and i take a deep breath as i stand up. I grab the ends of my sleeves with my trembling fingers as i force my feet to move. After what feels like miles of quicksand, im standing before my very few classmates, with a nervous smile.

"This last semester, you asked me to write about what challenged my belief in science, " I breathe out. Just relax, you can do this. Dont ruin this. Not now. Youve worked too hard.

"For the longest time, i thought there was nothing that could make me believe in anything BUT science. That is, until a recent tragedy. " Another deep breath. you got this.

"He didnt know what he was doing. After all, who could blame him? Its hard to know whats happening when your mind betrays you. I cant say i know betrayal, but i can say that i watched it. I watched the disease take over as he lost himself. He fell victim to the gruesome horrors, which led him to his demise." Dont cry. Not this time. You dont get to cry anymore.

"He died, and there was nothing we could do. The doctors were supposed to have all the answers. They were supposed to have every kind of bandaid, but they didnt have the right kind for this. It was then, that i had a problem with science. I had damned it to hell, and threw my fury into it as i demanded answers. Why didnt we have the technology to fix this? We could replace whole organs, but couldnt sew together a few holes? Why had science failed me?" blink. keep blinking. dont let those tears fall. youre better than this.

"I couldnt help but believe that it had to be some other force. Something else had to have defied everything we know about physics. There was no reason we should have lost him that night. He should have lived. DESERVED to live. But maybe, just maybe, we dont know as much about science as we thought. " You did it. Youre done. You didnt fuck it up.

I exhale all of my anxieties as i make my way back to my seat. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him staring at me. The elegant man. Hes placed right behind where my spot is, grinning in an uneasy manner. I sit down in front of him, and i feel my spine tense as i sense his gaze upon me.

I try and focus on the other girls speech, but feel my heart stop almost instantaneously. I feel my useless pale cheeks turn red with anxiety as his breath hits my ear. "Dont speak about what you dont know, sweetheart, " his voice mocks me. Its so deep it sends ripples down my back.

"what do you mean?" I ask with a quiet and shaky breath. Its barely above a whisper. I dont know how he hears me.

"Death," his words feel like ice has just been shot through my skin. My entire body grows cold with the one, menacing word. I cant help but sit there, paralyzed by his manipulative overtones as i feel him run his finger across my shoulder.

With some sort of bravery, I whip around to interrogate the strange man. To my surprise, hes no longer there. I look from corner to corner, analyzing the class room with increased attention. Nowhere. He is nowhere. Did i just imagine him? No. He had to have been there.

The class is dismissed and i couldnt be anymore thankful. I practically throw myself out of my seat with anticipation to leave this horrid room. I dart to the exit, wedging between the few other students just to make sure i get to leave first. I make a sharp right, and speed walk down the luminescent hallways. I see my locker to the right of me, but I dont stop. I dont want to be in this building anymore. I keep walking as fast as i subtlety can, and rush towards my car once i reach the parking lot. My hands quiver as I grab my keys out of my black jeans. I press the button, and hear my red car beep promisingly as i open the door with haste.
