
Resistant(Half Info Dump)

Waking up in a bit of a haze and a weird gross sludge. I dipped my finger into said sludge and licked it. I gagged as I recognized what it was. A sludge of sweat and dead skin. Due to things like the liquid decay I basically sweated out the gross stuff while layers of my skin burned off from the hellfire.

I opened up my status menu.

<Name:Alistar Hathaway(Dionysus Athea)>

<Species: Ethereal Spectre Bound Human Soul>

<Class: None>

<Level:98 Age:288>

<Titles: Glutton of Punish, Masochist, Ungrateful Living, The Traveler, Master Blades, Clubs, and more...>

<Health 304 Points:304>

<Mana: 128>

<Vitality: 116>

<Endurance: 202>

<Spirit: 262>

<Intelligence: 90>

<SP-None >

<Blessings: Blessing of the Damned, Lost, Kin(Goblin)>

<Conditions: Bound to Body(Dionysus Athea, Half-Blood(Elven)>

<Leveled Skills: Self-Defined, Unique Soul, Perfected Off-hand, Perfect stab, Slash, throw, Self-Mastered Skilled Weapon Talent, Natural Master of Blades, Clubs, Missiles, Walking, Levitation, Astral Strike, Bolt, Grasp, Fade, Soul Song, Altered Mana Control, Duplication, Warp, Aura Bright Vision, Ghostly Appraisal, Deft Hands, Sleight hand, Compromising, Inhuman Self-Control, Possession(Bound), Poison Resistance(R.9), Fire Resistance(R.6), Frost Resistance(R.5), Decay Resistance(R.2), Miden Blood, Void Sight, Pain Environmental Tolerance(R.3), Regeneration(R.3)>

<Unique Skills: Slipspace, Hellbent, Loss of Humanity, Master the Soul, Escape Death, Formless Self, Soul Crush, Wane, Purity, Precious Life, Pain Absorption, Taste Paralysis.>

I couldn't help, but laugh like a maniac, I had obtain so much. Starting at the top of my status menu though I did feel a bit sour. The titles Glutton of Punishment and Masochist were the source of said sourness. 

However the ecstatic feeling of so many free stat points and skills was almost euphoric. I did notice i lost exactly 1 point in my intelligence though. However the 90 points to my health, 40 into my mana, 18 into vitality and the insane boost in my endurance and spirit! The grin on my face was practically frozen to it.

My admiration didn't stop though, poison resistance up to rank 9 was astonishing. Rank 10 poison resistance is the limit of poison resistance before one achieves poison immunity. Rank 6 and 5 in Fire and Frost resistance was good too. Hellfire would still hurt like hell, but natural fires would be child's play. The same applied to frost effects. Only magical frost effects would harm me.

Decay resistance is only rank 2, I assume this is because I got it during so many other effects. Decay hardly matters when you are burning off your skin and roasting your insides. However Decay resistance rank 1 would've been good enough to not be killed by instant death magic. Something I made sure to get since apparently I had the Tower's Attention.

I got up off the sticky floor and rubbed my hands at the gaining Miden Blood and Void sight. Realistically one can get 4 skills from eating Miden Moss and 3 skills from Void tears. The fact I got Miden blood the third best skill from Miden moss and Void sight the second best form Void tears.

Miden Moss can give you the skills Electricity resistance, Miden Blood, Lighting Form, and Body of Miden. Miden Blood however gives an automatic Electricity Resistance Rank 5, with the bonus of turning 5% of any energy attack into a random stat point. The catch is you cannot gain electricity resistance and cannot raise it higher than rank 5. For the other two it was very similar, just with higher resistances applied and bonus stat points.

With Void tears however you couldn't receive a resistance skill. Just the skill Void Tears, Void Sight and Void Mind. Void Tears made your tears reveal hidden objects. Void Sight gave essentially Void Tears skill and the ability to see hidden objects. Finally Void Mind allowed one to just know where hidden things are and reveals them with one's thoughts. The catch to these skills is that you have only a 10% chance to receive the skill Void Tears, so the rarity of Void Sight and Mind was even lower.

So just those two skills were riding me high. The rest was just a bonus, Pain resistance was an incredibly hard skill to get. The Rank 1 version wouldn't even appear on a persons status unless you had the title of masochist. So I no doubt had the rank 1 version since I now had Rank 2. As far as I know though, the person with the highest pain resistance is rank 4 and they were born with CIPA.

Environmental Tolerance was pretty achievable. Honestly I could've had it in my past life if I traveled around a bit more. Though I'd have Rank 1, Rank 3 is no doubt achieved through the hellfire. Regeneration was just too obvious, though I got it likely from the combination of the Glacier Slime's Liquid Core and the Magma Salamander Gland. The two were ingredients for a high grade healing potion after all.

I looked at the two unique skills and skipped them. I had noticed this before, but just went over the new skills first. I hovered over my mana control skill. In the past it was unhinged mana control, now however it read Altered the same with my aura control. They both read as altered. The explanation was surprising.

Reading aloud, "An non-unstable version of mana control, a unique design for controlling mana. Mastered by the decay of one's mana lines, and regenerating the damage." The same applied to aura control it seemed the reason why Decay resistance was only Rank 2 was because of this. I circulated my mana and was surprised. it was smooth. I filtered through my respiratory system it seemed I could breath mana. The reason why it was unstable was because it was a closed circuit inside a spiritual body. Most spirits breath mana so it made sense how it was stabilized.

I sighed, and looked at the unique skills finally. Pain absorption, a skill gain by the Glutton of punishment. It converted pain into spirit, more pain I experience the more my spirit skill increases. it wasn't bad, Taste of paralysis was actually not what I thought. It made my saliva...weird.

"Your saliva if applied will becomes a numbing agent. If your saliva is mixed with another person's it becomes a amplification agent."

I tried to click on my status to get more information, but at the same time I didn't think I wanted said information. What the hell was this even from? I didn't get any titles for it... Could it be from one of the nuerotoxins? I shook it off as research, it was a unique skill though. It was whatever it would be useful since it was a numbing agent. 


I opened the front door and skipped over to the counter and laid the jewelry box on the counter and opened it up to its padded material. My Lady would love this! I got the earrings she gave me purified. The negative effects were gone and while equipped it would give the unique stat Charm!

My lady was already charming enough, imagine having the unique stat for charm! If she wears it enough the stat should become permeant too. I perked my ears up when I heard running water it seemed she was in the bathroom.

I knocked on her door, "My Lady I am home! Can you hear me?"

She yelled back, "Yeah, I'm in the Shower right now Enna!"

I nodded as expected. "My Lady What would you like for Dinner!"

I waited a second and got a reply. "Could you make some Chili, preferably hot chili! Oh and if you can Clean up the mess in my room."

I nodded, I could easily make chili for my lady. I'll get food started and then clean up the mess she mentioned whiled it cooks. I took out some ground beef and turkey. Mixing them together into the pot would be nice and healthy. Searching the pantry I found 1 can of tomato soup, 1 can of tomato sauce and a smaller can of tomato paste. A good balance in my opinion.

Next was the veggies, onions are a staple of chili, but I also got out a solid tomato, a dungeon pepper. I actually forgot we had dungeon peppers. "Hmmmm, two couldn't hurt." I grabbed a second pepper. Got some cilantro and, "Oh! beans, what chili doesn't have beans right?"

I smiled at all the ingredients and I turned the meat in the pot. it was cooking well. Let's check on that mess. Opening the door I flicked on the light. lately my lady hasn't been turning on lights. I wonder if... "HOLY SHIT WHAT IS THIS!"

A thick black sludge was pooling on the carpet and the smell made me gag. Deciding on the best course of action quickly I rolled up the carpet. Picking up the carpet I carried it outside and threw it in our dumpster. The smell was awful, I ran to the kitchen sink and pulled out the strongest cleaning spray I could find. Entering my Lady's room I wiped down the floor where the carpet was.

"Ugh! God." My eyes were watering from the smell and the cleaner.

My lady came out of the bathroom. "Oh, you threw out the carpet? Makes sense."

I looked at my lady, "D-Do you not smell?"

She rubbed my hair and gave a smile. "Yes, Yes I do."

I stuttered, "Wh-wha?"

She shrugged, "No clue, impurities maybe? It was mostly burned skin and stuff."

I shook my head, burned skin? I looked at the Orb of hell fire sitting on the bed. It lost a lot of its color. Did my lady use it on herself? Don't people use them as bombs? I gagged again. I needed to clean this up.