
Death is not the end!

First things first I don't own the cover art, obviously, but is it click baiting enough? ------- So this guy named Alistar is screwed over. He is dying and he is pissed off. So he kills this guy, and he feels good about it. So he becomes a serial killer on earth. Killing people with super powers all the while he is considered as nothing. He gets famous for his killings and people just don't understand how he did it. Specially since they never see him use any skills other than one. It wasn't even special a ton of people had storage space skills. Well, as it turns out. His oldest enemy is on his tail. So he kills one last time, and lets the News figure his identity out. As a big fuck you to his enemy. Though Alistar's life isn't done yet, as his own unique skill screws him over. Making him wind up stuck in his own storage skill as just a soul. -------- Okay so like there's more. I'm on debate about adding harem and r-18 tags/chapters. It doesn't fit the character and their background, but their will be times he reacts to character appearance. The villain tag is questionable, I might change to to anti-hero or just add anti-hero tag.

ZeOwl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

A whole new void


I obviously didn't know if whatever was out there that created the system was living or not so my words were directed to all forms of creatures. As I just proved dying meant nothing.

When I stabbed myself, I certainly freed myself from my slipspace. Except once freed I was thrown into the outer edges of who the fuck knew. It was a new void that he had no idea the location of.

Sure I could just float in a direction as now I didn't even have a floor to walk on. However who knew where any direction could lead. Hell he had the skill so he could do that automatically, but who the fuck knew how long it would take. Luckily it didn't take aura or mana. Sure, I even could use Aura to speed myself up, just like any skill. However that would be painful as I don't have true aura control.

So I could only sigh and begun floating in a random direction.


"HEED MY CALL!" A strange girl yelled. Her hair turning white, and her eyes a pale color that was similar to the blind. She used all her mana and begun supplying the circle of blood with her remaining life-span.

It didn't matter to her of course, she was dead anyway. A whole in her chest the size of a grape fruit was making her bleed out. Even now she was kept alive due to adrenaline, an artifact and her unique skill.

The summoning circle glowed with a vivid brightness. She couldn't see what she summoned, but she hoped it was powerful. After all she fell forward and plunged into eternal sleep.

Alistar however for his part looked down at the corpse. He shrugged wanting to thank the girl for saving him the time floating to who knew where. The girl however wouldn't see him due to his nature of being that of a ghost.


I blinked being summoned felt like my luck was looking up. However the fact that the summoning circle also gave and bound him to a contract he couldn't help but frown.

"Ah fuck, I knew I shouldn't have accepted. Now I have to take revenge for this stupid girl. I can't believe her Unique skill is Summoning of the beyond."

I shook my head I knew of the skill, I killed someone with it. Strange that someone else had it. Kinda made it not unique. The person who had it in the past could never actually use it to summon anything. I was sure this girl was the same. However since I was in the beyond she could summon me.

Actually she likely could've summoned other things its just my dumb-ass accepted. Thankfully it was only a contract for revenge and not something like a Familial contract which would've bound me to her family for who knew how many generations.

"Well now I have a new problem though, I am still only a soul." I scratched my chin and nodded. "Fuck it, I am a ghost why can't I posses people. I may not have the skill, but surely I can get the damn thing."

I phased myself into the girl's corpse hoping to posses it. However I just kept failing. It was likely the hole in her chest, to be honest I wouldn't want her body anyway she now looked like a old hag.

So I floated around and smiled. A similar looking corpse likely the girl's older sister. The none damaged corpse looked like a thirty year old woman. Inspecting the body the best I could without actually touching it. After all I had no idea how she died.

She was also somewhat face down in the dirt and I couldn't really see her whole face. Who knew if the other side was horribly maimed. Rolling my eyes as my own joke I tried possessing the body.

To my surprise my soul latched on. To a lesser surprise my status updated.

<Natural Skill learned, Possession.>

An obvious outcome though strangely worded. A natural skill was something based on your species. Which meant as long as I had the conditions met I could likely learn other skills that the more natural ghost-like monsters had.

Eh, but that wasn't the only updated.

<You possessed a body that was heavily poisoned. It is not a poison that effects the soul. You gain Poison Resistance(R.1)>

Ranked skills were actually uncommon so I was glad I got the thing, but it also opened a whole new exploit! I blinked and pushed myself off the ground. I sighed, I am certain I lost a portion of my sanity. However since I had the skill Self-Defined upgraded version of Self-Awareness I couldn't truly lose my mind.

I looked over my status and took note of three things. My species changed from Ethereal Spectre/Unbound Human Soul to Ethereal Spectre/Bound Human Soul.

Second I had gained the two skills which was not very important. However what was important was my name. My name now read as Alistar Hathaway/Dionysus Athea.

Putting it all together I shook my head. It seemed I was hasty, I had bound my soul to this body. Which meant I had just gone from man to woman. I sighed choosing to just accept it. I spent as a soul so long I was happy to just have a flesh and blood body.

I the feeling of my blood pumping was a good feeling. I felt my stiff hands easy up. The purple fingertips receded and I breathed out. I had a decent look a my new body, but I walked over to a puddle of water. Likely the water one of the corpses around spilled as it was pouring out of a bottle.

Within the reflection of the water I could help but be down right stunned. I was gorgeous, The girl, no the woman I possessed was a bombshell. An easy 9.5/10, with the vibes of a cool older sister verging on hot milf. One thing I caught though was the slightly pointed ears my new body had. Though some other features had changed as well, the black hair she had now had a small tinge of sickly green. While her eyes or, my eyes shined a pale green you'd only see in lime that slowly melted into the same sickly green.

It seemed that green will be my new best friend. Symbolized by the sickly green that just keeps showing up. I stood up and dug through my pockets. The woman's memories were starting to overlap with mine. No not overlap, it was more like I was being whispered a secret. Nodding it off I dug into my pocket and pulled out a ring.

A spatial ring the woman pocketed instead of wearing it naturally. She didn't trust her party clearly. Digging through I mostly found valuables nothing I wanted to see at this moment. Digging into my other pocket I found a wallet. The thing I did want, shuffling through it I found the woman's ID cards. A driver's license, a Guild Card, and some kind of awakened ID card.

Placing them back in my pocket I went over to the girl who summoned me. Her soul had already entered the cycle. That was good didn't want some resentment or some stupid vestige of her to bother me. Although as I looked at her stuff I frowned.

"Of course her name is Athea, stupid bitch is my new niece." The girl's name was Artem Athea. Knowing this I could put the pieces together. The girl was a genius bastard. So her parents or siblings whatever set up a assassination on her and her Aunt.

Her Aunt, who I was now possessing and bound to, was in the child's support. Hoping to raise her as her own and so on. From the bits and pieces I was getting the Aunt didn't have any other motives. She was a truly good person though fairly paranoid.

This also explained the other two bodies. I looted them and found the contracts they signed. They were in fact guards, just not very good ones. I sighed, I really should've just floated through the void endlessly again. At least that void had a chance to find something I had looted in the past.

With a higher master of my slipspace I new I could stop the degradation of certain objects thrown in so I grabbed the three corpses and tossed them in. Which just left getting out of.... Where ever I was.