
Death in the Multiverse Re-Write

Jackson Pryde was an ordinary ten-year old boy from an extraordinary world (MCU/Marvel), but during an alien invasion in New York City, he fell into a void and was sent to another world by the One-Above-All, with three of his classmates getting dragged along for the ride. With his system that the One-Above-All gave to him, Jackson retains himself while transforming into Death, while his classmates become War, Fury, and Strife, and are all sent to a world called Remnant. The first step of Death's epic adventure begins. Volume 1 : Death in Remnant Volume 2 : Darksider in Star Wars Volume 3 : Nephilim in the Pokémon World (Kanto)

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First Night As Official Students (R-18)

"Aurelia Stroheim, Alannah Holybrooke, Melania NicAina, and Diamond Alesina. The four or you retrieved the black rook pieces. From now on, you will be Team Sand (SAND), led by Aurelia Stroheim. Congratulations young lady."

As Ozpin was announcing the group, Death took his time to try to put names with the faces, as none of the members of this team were shown in the show he had seen.

Aurelia had green hair in a ponytail, with light green eyes. While she was 17 years old, she didn't quite look it. Most who saw her would estimate she was at oldest 14 or 15, looking more adorable then mature. She managed to get admitted into Beacon, and was made the leader of her team, though, so Death knew not to make assumptions about her based on her appearance.

Alannah Holybrooke physically reminded Death of Weiss a bit. She was not the most endowed in the chest department, but her figure was elegant and definitely mature with regard to the rest of her figure. Her hair was long, straight and blond with brilliantly blue eyes

Melania NicAina seemed to be a white tiger faunus with a figure that many men would desire. When it came to her chest, she was easily Yangs match, Even her muscles were similar to Yangs, Death deduced that she probably had a similar fighting style to Yangs.

The lone boy on Team SAND was Diamond Alesina, and he looked human, but Death knew different thanks to prior conversations with Weiss over his scroll Diamond's father was indeed a human named Michel Alecina, but his mother was a Faunus, specifically a cheetah faunus Diamond had inherited his fathers white hair, but mirrored his mothers faunus trait, which was retractable claws. Like his mother, Weiss said that he tried not to use his claws since it was fairly difficult for cheetah faunus to retract their claws compared to other cat-type faunus with that trait.

"Asta Snow, Hestia Demetriou, Riddick Ravilieu, and Aster Snow. The four or you retrieved the white rook pieces. From now on, you will be Team Aura (AHRA), led by Asta Snow. Congratulations young lady." Ozpin said as he announced the next group.

Asta Snow, Death realized, seemed to be a faunus with a fluffy white tail, while Aster Snow, who he assumed was her twin, had ears that he assumed made them both Arctic Fox Faunus Hestia Demetriou and Riddick Ravilieu were both humans, with Hestia looking even younger then Ruby. If he'd spotted the redhead Hestia on the street, he would have guessed her age around 12 or 13. Since Ruby was the only one that entered early this year, though, in spite of appearances Death knew that she was at least 17.

"Cardin Winchester, Russel Thrush, Dove Bronzewing, and Sky Lark. The four or you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team Cardinal (CRDL), led by Cardin Winchester. Congratulations young man." Ozpin said as he announced the next group.

"Cinder Fall, Neopolitan Arc, Mercury Black, and Emerald Sustrai. The four or you retrieved the white bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team Flames (FAMS), led by Cinder Fall. Congratulations young lady"

"Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, and Lie Ren. The four or you retrieved the black knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team Juniper (JNPR), led by Jaune Arc. Congratulations young man."

"Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladona, and Yang Xiao Long. The four or you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team Ruby (RWBY), led by Ruby Rose. Congratulations young lady."

"Death Rose, Strife Belladonna, Fury Belladonna and War Schnee. The four or you were assigned to be a team in a different way, but the fact remains that from this day forward, you will work together as Team Rainbow (RBBW), led by Death Rose. Congratulations young man." Though he had known that they were coming and that they'd be assigned as a Team, he had not thus far managed to come up with a better team name for them, since their names were so uncooperative. The only other idea that came to mind was RWBS, but that didn't seem any better.

Death didn't care if the team name sounded odd, though, since they were destined to be the strongest team in Remnant.


As they were brought out of the ceremony where they became official students, they were each given directions to their new rooms, and Death decided to use his Other World Roulette Spin and his Premium Other world Roulette Spin, with the premium one guaranteeing him a new skill.

'Premium spin first' he thought before the roulette started. Before he could pay attention to the roulette, though, Ruby jumped at Death and wrapped her arms around his neck "Spend time with me." Ruby ordered.

"You're lucky you are so adorkable" Death chuckled in amusement while returning Ruby's hug "Sure, I'll spend a little while with you, but we don't want to stay up too late. Don't want to be late on our first day of classes here tomorrow" he never had been any good at telling Ruby no to anything. Yeah, he had always spoiled her, but he never once regretted it! "I have a new Crow summon that I can introduce you too, Ruby, though he's a bit of an arrogant guy." he suggested to her with a chuckle as the rest of Team RWBY approached them.

"Death agreed to come with us" Ruby said to Weiss, Yang, and Blake.

"I was just going to introduce Ruby to my new summon, do you girls want to go as well? We can do the introductions after you ladies have found your room." Death offered to the trio that had just arrived.

"Sure thing, hot stuff." Yang chuckled as Death finally set Ruby back down on her feet to walk with the girls, trying to keep his body from misbehaving with four beauties so close to him.

Death found Yang's words a bit ironic considering what she had said, and the fact that Yang was the one that had said it. In addition to unsealing his Pyromancer Skill Tree, his new summon made a couple new branches appear on it, including 'Golden Yang Flames'


Golden Yang Flames

These Golden Flames are made of purely destructive Yang energy. Unlike the Yin Energy Flames of the Phoenix, the Golden Crow's Flames can only be used for purely destructive reasons. Lighting a campfire with Golden Yang Flames will result in the wood being completely consumed in a short time, not even leaving ashes behind. The fire burns extremely hot, but quickly consumes that which it burns, making these flames not very useful as tool for anything else but death and destruction.


Despite finding her choice of words humorous, Death kept a straight face as he committed to accompanying the girls.

Weiss looked at the instructions to their room and took the lead of the other girls and Death, while Ruby, Blake and Yang all tried to stay very close to Death, causing his hormones to run wild big time.

Death suddenly started feeling like maybe they were deliberately trying to make him react like this, but he thought that it might be wishful thinking on the part of his hormonal teen brain. Why would they all conspire to make him so turned on?' He refused to cave in to his fantasies, since he was determined to be a good friend to them all.

Eventually they reached Team RWBY's new room, where their luggage had already been delivered. Death heard Yang close the door behind him, then lock it. "It's time to have a chat." Yang said as she came up next to Death "You see, the four of us all love you, but we are willing to share you. You just need to decide which of us you are going to accept. If you think you can satisfy all of us, then we will all be yours. I'm not just teasing this time."

Death shuddered a bit "I might be a Nephilim, but I'm also a hormonal teenager. Because I love you all, I am hesitant to jump into anything too quickly. What if my body and my hormones are making me irrational? I don't want to hurt any of you."

"Well, he's got a point." Weiss admitted with a slight blush "But I love you, so I'll believe in you. If things don't work out perfectly, then I still won't let that mess up our friendship, you have my word, so just decide what you want at this moment."

Death suddenly had the four of them surrounding him, with Yang behind him, Ruby in front of him, and Weiss and Blake respectively on his right and left, bringing their bodies against his. He finally concluded that they seriously were trying to seduce him.

'Normally isn't it the guy that is supposed to try to coax the girl into sleeping with him?' Death thought. Suddenly he had four pairs of arms wrapped around him, with four girls that he was definitely attracted to, pressing their bodies into his. He no longer had the will to resist this temptation.

The only question became how to satisfy all of them, and the answer soon hit him and made him smile "Alright, ladies. I'll do my best to satisfy all of you." he then made three body doubles, and each of them wrapped their arms around one of the girls waists from behind, freeing his true body to only grasp Ruby, who happened to be in front of him.

Death kissed Ruby on the lips and felt his body doubles turning Weiss, Blake and Yang around to begin kissing them as well. Enduring the sensations of 6 body doubles was getting easy, but Death could already tell that the intensity of this was on a whole different level and he would not last long with this level of sensory overload.

Seeing no other choice, he created one more body double to retreat to his own room in a hurry. If he was going to be able to perform for Ruby at all, in his current state, it would have to be remotely through a body double, but he tried to do his best first, before resorting to that.


POV Ruby Rose

Ruby was happy, but also a bit surprised, when she felt Death's arms wrap around her slender waist and kissed her, and soon after he was slowly removing her clothes. Ruby felt a bit embarrassed, but didn't tell him to stop, because as embarrassing as it was, she was excited to become his woman.

She decided helping him to undress her, and then himself, before he brought her to one of the rooms four beds and he laid with her on it, and started kissing her breasts while climbing between her legs.

While his mouth was starting to gently suck on her nipples, one one of his hands slipped in between her legs, and she knew she probably looked a bit like a tomato because she was so embarrassed, but she also felt a fire burning deep inside of her and began moaning as two fingers began intruding inside of her "I love you, Death." she managed to say weakly as she looked around the room a bit and saw three more Deaths' bringing Yang, Blake, and Weiss each to a bed.

"Inside me. I want it..." She looked at Death lovingly, and Death looked up from where he was taking turns suckling of her now erect nipples, with an expression that seemed to ask if she was certain.

Ruby managed the best smile that she could and nodded reassuringly.

As Death started changing position, she took the opportunity to look at his erection, and was a bit shocked by it's 12 inch length and nearly two inch girth, wondering if it could really fit inside of her, but she decided to take the challenge and tried her best to relax down there, as she saw him line it up and then sheath himself inside of her while bringing his mouth to her lips and beginning to kiss her passionately.

Ruby felt a stabbing pain as he took her virginity, combined with a feeling as though she was being split in half, but after a minute or so, while their hands were exploring each others bodies, the pain had been thoroughly suppressed, and about two minutes after that, she felt his seed pouring into her body.

Ruby momentarily felt disappointed, but it soon passed as he had immediately recovered and continued making love to her. She kept her lips locked to his, because while she seemed to have managed bearing his girth, she was still a bit too worried and intimidated to try to take that entire length inside of her. Thanks to their height difference, even angling his body to try to make love to her while they were kissing, he could only get about two thirds, or eight inches of himself into her, and even that made her feel over-filled.


POV Death

Death knew that considering the overwhelming stimulation his clone would definitely out-perform him, but he still managed to take Ruby's first time, then Weiss's, Blake's, and Yang's. His clones had fondled and used foreplay with the other three until he was able to trade places and step in, to take the next girls first time.

After taking their first times, though, Death replaced himself with the clone he had sent to his room where he laid in his tub and continued controlling his avatars to sleep with team RWBY.

When he felt he could manage it throughout the night, he he would step in and replace one of his clones and personally pleasure his new lovers, but he kept having to retreat to his tub because he couldn't handle the sensory overload.

Why bother trying to sleep with them personally when he could see, feel, hear, taste and smell everything that his body doubles/avatars did? Well, he thought maybe it would sound stupid, but there was just a bit of extra pride that he got from doing it with his true body. This was even moreso the case when he took each of their virginities.

Death and his body doubles made love to them until each of his lovers passed out from physical exhaustion, with Blake being the one that endured the longest before she fell asleep.


Death did not get to take Team RWBY to meet Jīnwū that night, after caving in to his carnal desires.

Death and his body doubles ended up secretly taking Team RWBY into the mirror dimension as they were each brought to the beds, where time flowed at half speed relative to the flow of time in Remnant, so he made sure that they were still able to have plenty of time to sleep.

After the girls fell asleep, Death took a cold shower, he finally used his two roulette spins earlier, and got the skill called 'Gigai Creation' and two items called 'Ring of Universal Energy Immunity' and 'Gate Key'. Apparently his Other World Roulette roll got a lucky result and got two items from the same world instead of just one, and the items looked pretty great to him.

The Ring was pretty self-explanatory by it's name, but the gate key let him create a doorway and then create a second doorway, connecting to the first, even if the doorway is on a different world. He could make as many doorways as he wanted too but only the bearer of the 'Gate Key' could connect them, and only one connection could be active at one time unless he acquired additional 'Gate Keys'.

While he could not cross worlds and dimensions just yet, it would definitely be useful once he got to that stage, or even before then since even though it could work between worlds and dimensions, it could also be used within the same world. He started thinking about creating gates connecting all of the kingdoms together, though he figured he'd place them in the Mirror Dimension to prevent those who are unsavory from accessing them and putting them to nefarious uses.

He felt relieved that his earlier work with Qrow, combined with a rational argument about how large Nephilim could eventually grow to be, allowed him and his sibling horsemen to have private rooms, because he would not have wanted to have the conversation with Strife, Fury, and War about what he was currently feeling.

Mentally he wondered whether or not what he was doing was right, but Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang seemed really happy about it. This was definitely not how he expected to spend his evening, that was for sure. In fact, it was about as far as it could get from how he expected to spend his evening. Maybe in a fantasy he could have thought of this possibility, but certainly not in reality! Death made a mental commitment to himself to never let anyone hurt Team RWBY, and to especially not hurt them himself! Now that things had progressed this far, he knew he had to take responsibility for his actions.

Oh, he knew that they wouldn't get pregnant, but he still felt the need to take responsibility and to treat them right in the future.

According to his shop, he could spend 100,000 Shop Points and make himself capable of procreating with 'races other then Nephilim, Angels and Demons' This seemed to imply that as a Nephilim, his species was physically incompatible with humans and that pregnancy was impossible unless he bought that 'Enhanced Compatibility' ability from his shop. Since he figured that they were still too young, he chose not to buy it for now, and to enjoy being able to be with them without fear of an unintended pregnancy.


POV Death's Body Doubles/Avatars

After the exhausted girls had slept a full4 hours (8 hours in the time dilated mirror dimension), Death's avatars were up again and carefully cleansed each of the sleeping young women very thoroughly, then moved them each out of the mirror dimension and into their dorm room properly, so that the room would not smell like sex when they woke up.

They each managed to remain asleep in spite of being touched more then a little bit while they were out cold, and even slept through beig carried into their new dorm and getting neatly tucked into bed.


POV Ruby

When she woke up, she found herself in a room that had been redecorated a bit already. Their beds had been replaced with bunkbeds somehow, and she was assigned to a top bunk above Weiss. She appeared to have been covered up at some point, but had thrown off the covers at some point, exposing the fact that she was still currently naked.

Only one Death appeared to still be in the room, and he was creating food and setting it at a table for the girls.

"Good morning" Death smiled at Ruby.

"Are you one of the clones?" Ruby asked him with curiosity.

Death shook his head and chuckled "Nah, I'm the real deal. And they are not clones. They are more like avatars. I completely control each of them and experience everything that they do. I can also trade places with them at will. I've never done anything like we did last night, so the sensory overload was difficult. I'll try to preform better in the future."

Hearing this, Ruby leapt out of bed and threw her arms around Death excitedly "Good. Then the times when you didn't last as long?" she guessed

Death chuckled and created a juicy red strawberry, which Ruby happily opened her mouth to receive and eat. "Yeah. That was the real me, hopping in and out as needed to recover a little bit and to try my best to also satisfy the others." he chuckled and kissed Ruby's cheek "Well, you have about three hours before class, so we should get the other girls up so you can all start to unpack."


POV Death

Ruby nodded and jogged over to wake up Yang and Blake at the other bunkbed, so Death walked over and sat on Weiss's bed "Weiss, are you awake?" he asked while gently stroking her cheek.

Weiss's eyes fluttered a bit before slowly opening "Last night was really great." she admitted, and immediately blushed like a tomato.

Death chuckled and lightly pinched her cheek "I learned that my body doubles can disconnect from each other, but not from me, and I can't from them either, so I apolagize for my poor performance I'll try to get better at controlling my avatars and at coping with the the sensory input so that my performance doesn't suffer too much.."

Weiss laughed "I think you performed incredibly." she placed a hand on her lower stomach "I still feel full.."

"It's in your head, though, dear. I thoroughly washed you while you were sleep so that your dorm wouldn't end up smelling like sex." he insisted teasingly

Weiss sat up in the bed, revealing her modest chest to Death, causing Death's eyes to look at it. "Do you like what you see?" Weiss asked with a smile.

"Of course I do. You are gorgeous, Weiss." Death insisted.

"Good" Weiss said with satisfaction and got up to go get into her luggage and change into her school clothes.

Death got a very nice show as all four girls got dressed. A part of him wanted more of what they had done last night, but he controlled himself, telling himself that just because they had sex didn't mean that he should make their relationship about only sex. On the contrary, he felt he had to spend time with each of them and get to know them better as boyfriend and girlfriend, without letting their relationships be only about the physical stuff.

"Now that you are all dressed, if you want something else to eat other then what I put on the table, just ask" Death told the girls with a smile once they were dressed.

"So, uh, wouldn't you normally try seducing us again or something now that it is morning?" Yang asked him "Also. why do I feel clean?" after what happened the previous evening, she expected to feel grimy, sticky, dirty, and sweaty, but instead she felt like she'd already had a refreshing shower.

"Well, last night you were taken into what I call the mirror dimension, everything that happens there wont leave a permanent mark and will revert to the default state after a while, so any smell that would have been there is long gone. As for your bodies...After you fell asleep I cleaned each of you before putting you into your proper beds outside of the Mirror Dimension. Also I replaced your bed with bunkbeds to make things more efficient for you." Death insisted and chuckled in amusement "Anyway, Yang. I admit that a part of me really wants more of what happened last night, but the more rational part of me won today. If I truly want to be worthy of all the faith you girls have in me, then I can't just do that every day. I have to try to develop a proper relationship with each of you. especially with you, Yang, While I was physically attracted to you, of course, I always just excepted that I was like a brother to you, so I never expected anything like what happened yesterday to happen. This is completely unexpected territory for me."

"Doesn't that apply to me as well?" Ruby asked him with confusion.

Death looked at Ruby and smirked "When I was three, Ruby, I looked down upon Remnant and saw you righting an army of Beowolves, and I developed my first crush. You were, in the end, the reason that I descended down to Remnant to begin with. Of course, once I entered Remnant I ended up being about 15 years in the past, so you went from being twelve to thirteen years older then me to being two years younger. So I guess a part of me always hoped that you would fall in love with me. I hadn't completely accepted that I was purely brother-zoned by you yet as I had accepted it with Yang."

Death then looked at Blake and Weiss "I wasn't really sure where I'd end up or who I'd end up with in the end. Even if you were not my first crushes like Ruby, I still grew to love both of you immensely as well. I did not know whether or not you'd still love me when we were older, but since I did not know whether or not Ruby would accept me, I admit that I'd thought about you both as potential partners for me in the future. Never did I think you would all have such feelings for me, nor did I think that things would end up as they did last night."

The girls gathered around the table and started eating, generally seeming to be in very happy moods as they talked with each other and with Death, After they ate, Death helped each of them to unpack and to organize the room, and gave each of them a kiss on the lips before he left by disappearing into the Mirror Dimension.

Within the Mirror Dimension, he used the 'Gate Key' on the wall near Weiss and Ruby's Bunkbed and created a second Gate, which he then connected to the gate he placed in his own room within the Mirror Dimension, so easily travel to and from Team RWBY in the future, without getting caught.


POV Ruby Rose

After Death disappeared, Ruby looked at the rest of her teammates, grinning widely "It appears that our plan worked out last night, and we all got what we wanted. So that means we're basically all sisters now, in addition to teammates."

Yang, Weiss, and Blake all nodded in agreement.

"I thought I wouldn't have much of a chance...." Ruby admitted while touching her breasts, which were modest in size compared to Blake and Yang "But I guess he's not picky when it comes to these things."

"It's certainly true that most guys seem to like them bigger, but not all guys." Yang agreed "I think he may be one that likes them in all sizes, so even if we had insisted he pick only one of us, we might not have been able to properly satisfy him."

"He really seemed to like my ears as well" Blake admitted while blushing, and having her kitty ears droop a bit since she was embarrassed to admit it "Velvet will probably also pursue a relationship with him I wonder if he would also like her ears."

"Velvet? Whose that?" Weiss asked Blake. Though she had met Blake a few times prior to arriving at Beacon, Blake had not mentioned Velvet.

"Oh, she's a student here at Beacon, a year ahead of us, a rabbit faunus. She's also in love with him." Blake admitted.

"Well, we already agreed to sharing him, so as long as he's able to be a good boyfriend to each of us, we don't have much room to complain about other girls loving him. That just means more sisters for us" Ruby declared.

"We never asked how many of these avatars he can make or what restrictions they might have." Blake recalled "But I'm guessing four is not his limit, so we don't have to worry about him being able to satisfy each of us."

"Well, he wasn't able to do it this morning, but I guess he had a good reason for it" Yang admitted with a slight pout. She had been hoping that he'd take a bit more initiative. They probably would have been late if they had, but she would have been alright with being a bit late because after a bit of pain initially, the rest of last night felt amazing to her.

"Ruby, it does seem like if he were to choose one of us, it probably would have been you. Do you have any regrets?" Weiss asked her team leader.

"That came as a surprise to me, too. But Yang is also right about his tastes being possibly pretty diverse. It may be true that I would have enjoyed his undivided attention, but I'm not sure that I could have satisfied him properly." Ruby admitted to the other girls "I really want him to be happy, so this seems the best way. Plus I get new sisters out of it" she giggled.


POV Death

Death hadn't lied when he stated that he wanted to build proper relationships with each of them rather then just focusing so much on sex, but it wasn't the complete truth either. Last night's activities had actually increased the maximum number of body doubles he could have up to seven, so it seemed like that activity was very effective for training that particular skill, but after spending 1.5 million Shop points on a semblance called woodshaping, and using it to transform Team RWBY's beds into proper and sturdy bunkbeds, he was low on Shop Points again, and needed his body doubles to focus on grinding Shop Points for him.

At present he found that his body doubles, while able to cut themselves off from each other, were not able to cut their connection to the original him, so their effectiveness at grinding Shop Points while he was engaged in such behavior would drop dramatically. Metalshaping also existed for 3 million Shop Points, and he knew he might pick that up eventually too, but getting 6 million for the other horsemen to obtain semblances seemed far more important. He wouldn't have bought woodshaping at all if not for the fact that he'd worry about his girls sleeping in bunkbeds like the ones in the show, so he wanted to make them proper bunkbeds.

Death had no regrets when it came to spending those Shop Points, since they went to a good cause, which was taking care of his girlfriends.

Death inwardly thought it a bit amusing. His current situation seemed almost like a dream, and one he wanted to last forever, so it was reasonable to take care of them any way that he could, right?

After leaving his bedroom again, Death went to get up each of his siblings to prepare for their first day of classes.