
Death Descends

POV Summer Rose

It had been a bit over a year since her daughter Ruby was born, and up until now Summer had resisted the urge to accept jobs so that she could bond with Yang and Ruby, but she was a Huntress and couldn't stay out of the field indefinitely. Presently she had been asked to investigate the increasing Grimm attacks at Mountain Glenn.

Summer, of course, thought that the job assigned to her was stupid, and that it was obvious what was to blame. There were no natural barriers here, and after each attack negative emotions likely grew, thereby attracting more Grimm, but the vale Council still wanted to investigate it, so here she was, along with Qrow.

Qrow Branwen wasn't as resistant to the job, because he didn't have two beautiful little girls to get back home too. If this job came from Ozpin, Summer would have trusted it a lot more, though she'd still want to return to the girls as soon as possible, but from the Vale Council she felt it was pointless, she thought Mountain Glenn was a terrible idea and that it should be evacuated before the worst happens.

Summer felt that it was not a matter of if, but rather of when it happened.

"We're about to land" Qrow noted as the Bullhead they were in reduced elevation to land on the roof of a building near the edge of Mountain Glenn, where the attacks had come most often and most viscously.


POV Death

Death, while falling through the clouds, entered his Reaper for, and saw a city appear nearby on the ground, though he was falling towards a forested area. As he was seconds away from crashing into the ground, he activated the levitation aspect of his Reaper form and slowed his fall dramatically

Death's falling came to an end three feet above the ground and he received a notification.


New Quest : Help defend Mountain Glenn from the Creatures of Grimm

0/214 Beowolvess

0/3 Alpha Beowolves

0/95 Ursas

0/1 Alpha Ursa

0/81 Boarbatusks

0/1 Goliath

Reward : Other World Roulette Spin (Value 1,000,000 Shop Points), 1,000 Shop Points

Failure : Other World Roulette Spin disappears from shop forever


Indeed, he realized he had landed in the middle of a horde. If he didn't have infinite Reaper form then he'd be dead for sure! Reaper form basically made him temporarily invulnerable. With a swing of his huge scythe, the pipsqueak Reaper form darted about, slaughtering Grimm along the way.

Death did not want to let a single one of these monsters escape. Not only did he start with 0 Shop Points, but he did not want to lose such an option. He was a bit disappointed when the slaughter started because each of the Beowolves only gave him two shop points, so at the end of the day, killing Grimm did not seem like an effective way to earn these points.

Quests just the system would be far more lucritive, he guessed while slaughtering Grimm.


POV Summer Rose

They hadn't been on the ground for long before word reached Summer and Qrow of another Grimm Horde approaching Mountain Glenn. Since it was their job right now, they went to investigate

When the duo arrived, they were shocked to see even a Goliath among the horde. 'This is seriously bad. I might have to use them.' Summer thought to herself.

Ozpin had cautioned her to try not to use her silver eyes in front of people to avoid their enemy learning of her existence, but against this horde she might have to take a chance. This just made her more upset with her current job.

Summer took a deep breath and was bout to take action, when something fell from the sky into the hordes heart. It was the size of a child, not much larger then Yang, and wore a bluish purplish robe with a hood that hid his face from sight, though his hands were too large, and looked to be completely bone, and they carried an unreasonably large scythe like it was nothing at all.

If bone hands were not eerie enough, the figure also had what appeared to be the skeleton of a pair of wings with a few strands of muscle fiber connecting them, but no skin and no feathers.

"Is that a Grimm?" Qrow asked with shock, but a moment later the Grimm turned to try to attack the scythe wielding figure and a one-sided slaughter began, with the number of Grimm present reducing at an incredible rate.

"I'm not sure." Summer admitted "It doesn't seem to by a Creature of Grimm, but it doesn't look to be human or faunus either."


POV Death

As the fight lingered on, Death realized that he'd made a major oversight. While he did not have to worry about damage or running out of wrath, using his Reaper form for so long still mentally exhausted him, and his head felt like it was starting to throb by the time he'd killed half of the Grimm.

He was determined to endure it, though, since if he did not keep his Reaper form active, he'd die nearly instantly. He could regenerate 100% of his aura and lifeforce every 5 seconds, but if he took sufficient damage within that time period he could still die, and there were enough monsters here to make that very likely, especially the one that looks like an elephant that he'd been dodging thusfar to take out the rest of them.

As the fight dragged on, Death needed to use more of his will to maintain his focus, which slowed him down quite a bit, but did not end the slaughter.


POV Summer

They'd watched a while, but Summer felt her motherly instincts going wild on her. Even though the robed boy fought savagely, she knew in her heart that this was a child, and she wanted to protect him "Qrow. The Goliath separated itself from the others for the moment. Lets get it."

As much as she wanted to rush to the boy, pull him into her arms and protect him, she knew that the Goliath was the greatest threat to all of them, so it needed to ne killed fast.

"Alright" Qrow agreed before the duo ran towards the Goliath to kill it.


POV Death

While slaughtering Creatures of Grimm, Death received a notification.


Allied units have entered the battlefield. Enemies slain by allies will give half exp and half shop points.


The notification had been a surprise, but a welcome one, since the stress of maintaining the form for so long was getting to him. Even so, he kept fighting until he completed his quest.


Quest Complete : Help defend Mountain Glenn from the Creatures of Grimm

188/214 Beowolvess (10 exp each)

36/214 Beowolvess killed by allies (5 exp each)

3/3 Alpha Beowolves (50 exp each)

38/95 Ursas (20 exp each)

57/95 Ursas killed by allies (10 exp each)

1/1 Alpha Ursa killed by allies (50 exp each)

71/81 Boarbatusks (20 exp each)

10/81 Boarbatusks killed by allies (10 exp each)

1/1 Goliath killed by allies (250 exp each)

Reward : Other World Roulette Spin (Value 1,000,000 Shop Points), 1,000 Shop Points

Would you like to use the Other World Roulette Spin?


After the battle, he'd received a total of 5,360 experience and 1,072 Shop Points, plus 1,000 more from completing the quest. "Yes." death answered as he let his Reaper form expire and returned to his child form, looking like a grey-skilled kid with unusual features.

Though only death could see it, a roulette wheel appeared before him and started spinning. He was watching it when a woman came over and scooped him up protectively "Are you alright little guy?" she asked affectionately.

"We don't even know if he can understand us, Summer." Qrow pointed out to her "Or what he is."

"Nephilim." Death answered simply "My species is called Nephilim. We are half-angel and half-demon"

He saw that the roulette landed on 'Kurama's Negative Emotion Sense', which wasn't that great, but it also could have been something more useless. He figured he could work with it. he looked at Summer "When I looked to this world I saw a pretty lady wearing red and black and using a huge scythe that was also a gun to fight lots of monsters. I was impressed by her and wanted a closer look, so I descended. She looked a lot like you, just younger, pretty lady."

"What's your name, kid?" Qrow asked Death while Summer was stunned by his words.

"Passing through the void is a bit chaotic, so I may have gone forwards or backwards through time, but I shouldn't have gone back or forward any more then fifteen years." Death said to Summer, who held him "The girls name was Ruby." he then looked at Qrow "My name is Death. It is also my title. I am this current generations Reaper, embodiment of life and death, one of the four horsemen."

Death felt his eyelids getting heavy "I'm sorry. Maintaining my reaper form for so long was mentally exhausting, especially since it was my fir..." he fell asleep in Summer's arms.


POV Summer

It took Summer a bit to recover from all that she'd heard, but after having seen his Reaper form first hand, she couldn't help but believe him, especially since he seemed so young and innocent.

While gently stroking the top of Death's head, she looked at Qrow, who was holing his scythe "Looks like you'll eventually be teaching Ruby to use a scythe." she observed "I wonder if Oz would know anything about this Nephilim race. He did say he was half-angel."

"Half-demon as well." Qrow reminded her.

"Both of them are supposed to be mythical creatures, but his existence says otherwise. We shouldn't assume anything." Summer insisted to Qrow "Come, lets get him back to Mountain Glenn. If anyone asks, though, we'll say we assume he's a Faunus of some kind. No sense telling people the truth right now."

Qrow nodded in understanding "You're our team leader, so I'll trust your judgment, Summer."


POV Death

When Death woke up, the pretty lady with dark hair and silver eyes was asleep next to him. They were on a nice bed in what he assumed was a hotel room. He thought about waking her up and asking her how long he'd been out for, but was distracted by a quest he received.


New Quest : Prove that Merlot Industries is responsible for luring Creatures of Grimm into Mountain Glenn

Reward : Other World Roulette Spin x3 (Value 1,000,000 Shop Points each), 2,000 exp, 2,000 Shop Points

Failure : Mountain Glenn is Destroyed by the Creatures of Grimm.


His eyes grew large as he read the new quest, and particularly what would happen if they failed. Maybe Mountain Glenn was supposed to be destroyed, but he did not know what was supposed to happen in the future, having only seen the red trailer so far, so could he stand back and do nothing at all when he might be able to save a lot of lives?


Name : Death

Age : 3

Race : Nephilim

Transformation : Reaper Form (Cooldown : Approximately 41 days)

Summon : Despair

Semblance : Divine Regeneration (100% of all energies and heath regenerates every five seconds)

Other World Abilities : Kurama's Negative Emotion Sense

Level : 9

Experience : 860/1000

Health : 190/190

Wrath : 190/190

Aura : 1090/1090

Strength : 19

Defense : 19

Arcane : 19

Resistance : 19

Allocate Points : 32

Primary Weapon : Desolation Twin Scythes

- Damage (Fast) : 241-277

- Crit Chance : +30%

- Crit Damage : +32%

- Strength : +79

- Health Steal : +30%

Secondary Weapon : Decimating Hammer

- Damage (Slow) : 673-775

- Defense : +194

- Strength : +79

- Resistance : +195

- Wrath Steal : +30%

Shop Points : 2072

Note that I was told that iI was giving too much attention to Fury, Strife and War in the original version of this story so this reboot will dkip the chapters that they were involved in will still be canon but just will happen off screen. If you want to see it, my original version of this novel will remain up and they can be read there, completely optional.

Note that the chapters uploaded here will followmost of the same general plot but I will endeavor to fix certain things that people complained about and also to make other improvements that I want to make as well. Additionally, this book has an adult rating so new chapters will be added as well now that I don't have to worry about censoring smut and gore like before, though mostly smut.

And I will not post Deaths character sheet as often here as I did in the original story, as that was a complaint I got and ended up eventually stopping as requested.

The next three chapters will be from the POV of the other Horsemen, so if you want to skip them, that is your perrogative. I will try to edit the remaining Death chapters to make sense even under the assumption that some people will skip the chapters centered on his siblings. I will use Author's thoughts to tell you which chapters are Optional.

Optional Chapters :

3 : Strife Descends

4 : War Descends

5 : Fury Descends

Splendora_Gamingcreators' thoughts
Next chapter