
Death Guns In Another World

Check out my new novel: My Seven Beautiful Sins! °°°°° Alexander Kael Touch, a self-made young billionaire, found his meteoric rise tragically cut short on a school trip. But fate had other plans, whisking him and his classmates away to a realm of swords and magic – a world where power manifested as unique: ''Gifts." While friends awoke to magnificent Gifts, Alex's Gift yielded only two enigmatic guns: one gleaming silver, the other shrouded in black. Worse, he couldn't use magic like his peers, drawing scorn and derision. Yet, fueled by an unyielding spirit and a burning dream, Alex refused to falter. In this new world, he craved not wealth, but the strength to forge his own destiny. One goal burned bright: to rise once more, not to the peaks of financial power, but to the pinnacle of strength and control. This is the chronicle of Alexander Kael Touch, the boy with two guns in a world of wonders. A tale of relentless struggle, forged in the crucible of mockery and doubt. A journey to the apex, where the scorned student will become the ultimate warrior. Whispers of the "Death Guns Master" stir, echoes of a legend rising from slumber. The world may have forgotten them, but they are coming back. †††††††††††† Nickaido's here with D-Guns, do not expect the smartest MC because he was once a billionaire, is still young, he has his flaws, he will learn and grow, so will the other characters. At the beginning other characters are stronger but worry not everything will change starting from around chapter 80 onward. Also sorry in advance because some of the female characters have strong backgrounds but it's for the sake of the future story, this book is just the start, I'm still improving. Sorry in advance, English is not my first language, so they may be grammatical errors and misspelled words. Please bear with me. I'm trying to improve to provide a better story. Starting from chapter 200th, I have started using Grammarly premium to help me with the English, so I think it's become better. As for the earliest chapters, I have started to re-edit them slowly; I will do more as I get more time. Maybe hire a professional editor when I can. Once again, this is not some sophisticated story; it has many flaws, which I'm trying to learn from; however, this doesn't make the story less enjoyable. Would you please give it a try? Discord Server: https://discord.gg/7MRsHg33tv

Nickaido · Fantasy
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1737 Chs

Chapter 16: Awakening Part 2

With a thud, Alex crumpled onto the cobblestones before the watchful eyes of the Erian guards. One, weathered and keen, knelt, checking for a pulse. Relief washed over the man's face. Unconscious, not dead. The guild card glinting on Alex's chest gave them pause. An adventurer, spent and seeking solace within the city walls. A decision was made.

Leena, the ever-efficient elven receptionist, frowned at the sight of Alex sprawled unconscious on the guild's second floor. A quiet instruction sent another adventurer hurrying to fetch a restorative draught. As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and lavender, Alex remained lost in the embrace of sleep. His slumber, however, held secrets more profound than mere rest.

Within the depths of his mind, a kaleidoscope of images unfolded. Lush, vibrant landscapes stretched across vast continents, some soaring high in the ethereal embrace of skies, others clinging to the surface of a world bathed in sunlight. Towering cities gleamed with technology and magic intertwined, and a tapestry of races bustled through bustling streets, each leaving their mark on the grand canvas of this fantastical world.

Suddenly, the scene shifted. A young man materialized, his long black hair framing a classically handsome face, his eyes shimmering with an unnatural crimson glow. Alex found himself thrust into this being's perspective, a passenger along for the ride. He yearned for control, to steer the young man's actions, but his pleas were met with only silence. He was a witness, not a participant, in this unfolding drama.

The young man walked, his purpose unknown, yet imbued with an undeniable pull. As he navigated the bustling cityscape, snippets of conversations drifted to Alex like wisps of smoke, hinting at a grander narrative, a conflict brewing beneath the surface of this seemingly idyllic world.

This wasn't just a dream. It was a glimpse into another reality, a world mirroring yet distinct from his own. A wave of questions washed over Alex: Who was this man? What struggles did he face? How did his path intertwine with Alex's own? Were these visions a message, a warning, or merely a fascinating glimpse into the infinite possibilities of existence?

As the dream unfolded, revealing more pieces of the puzzle, Alex knew one thing for certain: his slumber held more significance than mere rest. He awaited the morning light, not just for physical recovery, but for the answers that the dreamscape might hold.

A young man with raven hair entered a vast hall, its center dominated by a structure resembling a temple. The air crackled with anticipation, buzzing with the murmur of the crowd gathered within.

Suddenly, a golden-haired man, his eyes sparkling with excitement, spotted the newcomer and approached him. "You made it! The ceremony starts soon. I can hardly wait to see what kind of divine weapon I'll be paired with."

"Indeed," the dark-haired man replied, a hint of amusement in his voice. "Let the fates reveal what they have in store."

Their camaraderie was evident, a bond forged in years of shared experiences. Soon, a priest emerged, his booming voice signaling the commencement of the ceremony. One by one, individuals stepped forward, their hands glowing as they forged a connection with their chosen weapons.

The golden-haired man's turn arrived. With a flourish, he drew a magnificent golden longsword, its aura radiating power. The crowd erupted in cheers, recognizing it as a high-grade divine weapon.

Finally, all eyes turned to the dark-haired man. As he approached the altar, a hush fell over the hall. His hand met the glowing orb, and instead of a single weapon, two materialized – a pair of mismatched pistols, one ebony black, the other a gleaming silver.

A gasp rippled through the crowd. Never before had anyone witnessed such a peculiar pairing. Divine weapons typically manifested as traditional armaments – swords, spears, bows. Guns were unheard of.

The priest himself seemed bewildered. He cautiously examined the pistols, muttering under his breath about their unknown grade. Whispers of confusion and intrigue swirled throughout the hall.

Years passed. The dark-haired man, driven by an unwavering curiosity, honed his skills with his unique weapons. He vanquished countless beasts, his prowess growing with each encounter. Yet, the mystery surrounding the pistols' grade remained. While some speculated they were high-grade, the lack of precedent fueled doubt.

One lingering question gnawed at everyone – no one had ever seen the dark-haired man wield the black pistol. Was it merely a lesser weapon, reserved for weaker foes? Or was it something more, something shrouded in secrecy?

This unspoken curiosity eventually culminated in a challenge. The golden-haired man, now known as Arthuro, stepped forward, his eyes gleaming with a competitive fire. A duel was declared, the perfect opportunity to unveil the true potential of the enigmatic black pistol.

The clash began, a whirlwind of steel and magic. Initially, the fight was evenly matched, both warriors showcasing their mastery. But as the duel progressed, a shift occurred. Arthuro, wielding his proven longsword, began to gain the upper hand.

The crowd, stunned into silence, watched in disbelief. They had never imagined the dark-haired man, armed with only one of his unorthodox weapons, could hold his own against Arthuro for so long. The secret of the black pistol seemed to weigh heavily in the air, a tantalizing mystery waiting to be unraveled.

A shadow hung over the duel. To truly defeat Arthuro, the dark-haired man would be forced to unleash the black gun, a weapon shrouded in mystery. Its power remained unknown, a tantalizing secret everyone yearned to witness, even Alex, the enigmatic spectator residing within the man's being.

As the dark-haired man reached for the black pistol, the world dissolved into darkness. Alex found himself ejected, the dream world shattering around him. But before fully awakening, a voice echoed in his mind, the dark-haired man's voice, heavy with unspoken truths.

"Take care of her. Sorry, but you're not strong enough for the second gun. See you soon."

The dream faded, leaving Alex with a startling realization. It wasn't a dream, but a glimpse into the memories of his predecessor, the original wielder of the Gift. He awoke with a jolt, head throbbing, the weight of the encounter pressing down on him.

Suddenly, a new voice filled the room, soft and melodious. "Finally awakened, Master. Though not fully. How are you feeling?"

Startled, Alex leaped from the bed, hand instinctively darting for a defensive stance.

"Who are you? What do you want? Who is your master?"

"So many questions, Master," the voice chuckled, amusement tinged with warmth.

"I am your weapon, the one that binds you to this Gift. I wished to introduce myself, to offer clarity."

The voice belonged to a woman, a comforting contrast to the confusion swirling within him. A mischievous thought flickered across his mind: 'Not that I mind. A woman's voice is far more pleasant than...'

His musings were interrupted as the silver gun materialized, floating towards him before settling comfortably in his grasp. "This is me, your contracted weapon," the voice confirmed, solidifying his suspicions.

"You... can read my thoughts?" he asked, caution still coloring his tone.

"Not quite, Master. But there's a connection, a bond forged by the Gift. Speaking of connections, I lack a name. Would you bestow one upon me, Master?"

A moment of contemplation passed before a name surfaced. "Silveria," he declared, "for your gleaming silver exterior and the feminine spirit I sense within."

A beat of silence, then, "Silveria it is. Take care of me, Master."

As Silveria embraced her new name, a radiant light pulsed from the gun, momentarily blinding Alex. When his vision cleared, he found a new mark etched onto his left arm – a miniature replica of the cross adorning Silveria's hilt.

The weight of the Gift settled upon him, a responsibility intertwined with mystery. "Silveria," he said, his voice firm, "We need to talk."

"Of course, Master," the gun replied, her voice laced with newfound loyalty.

"Tell me, what troubles your spirit?"


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