
Death God's System

“Don’t be a hero,” he whispered. “Heroes die alone.” Jester, the god of death and misery goes back in time to take revenge against his previous reincarnation. Keiren Astaroth finds himself at death's door, forced to pay for sins he did not commit. The seven races fought for a throne, the highest seat in the universe. Trapped in the future, Keiren must live as Caedes Volkov, someone the 7 races want dead. If that wasn't enough? Keiren Astaroth was the son of Ifrit, the first primordial. He was the rightful heir to what Jester was essentially stripped of. The Forgotten Throne. *** The ML will not just wake up and be oh so the devourer of worlds or anything as such. So please don't expect him to get his powers in the starting chapters. He'll grow, develop, and only then will he realize his purpose in the world. The purpose of Caedes Volkov. Would request the readers to read the first 10 chapters before dropping the book since the main story starts at chapter 8 itself. The first 7 chapters are the prologue and just an overview about the world. [Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024 Entry] 15 Power stones = 1 bonus chapter The cover is not mine, if the owner wants, I'll remove it.

bearateme_ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
43 Chs


'Can I dig into her neck already?' With a tone of urgency, he thought. The blood rush was getting onto him.

It was not like he could drink this dead beast's blood in front of her anyway. Just as he thought about keeping her eyes away from this place, the girl caught him off guard.

"Let's set up a camp here!"

As Caedes fought to suppress his insatiable hunger, a sense of urgency gnawed at him,

"It's not safe here," Caedes replied, his voice strained with an effort to maintain his composure. "We need to keep moving."

Lilith seemed unfazed by his concerns, her eyes shining with determination as she surveyed the gates of the boss room. "We've been fighting for hours," She insisted. "We need rest, and this place seems as good as any to set up camp."

Caedes hesitated, torn between his desire for blood and to keep his identity safe.

"Fine," he relented, his voice tinged with resignation. "But we'll need to keep watch. I don't trust this place."

With a nod of agreement, Lilith set about gathering firewood and setting up their makeshift camp, her movements purposeful and efficient. Despite his growing unease, Caedes forced himself to focus on the task at hand, pushing aside the relentless demands of his instincts as he helped prepare their campsite.

The fire crackled and the shadows danced around them, Caedes couldn't shake the feeling of dread gnawing at his insides. He knew that they were not safe here, she was not safe here...

Those dangerous beasts lurked in every shadow, waiting to strike when they least expected it. He was referring to himself-

For now, he could only keep a vigilant watch and pray that his hunger remained at bay long enough for them to make it to the night.

"Caedes..How are we planning to sleep? Either you or I will have to keep a watch.."

Lilith said, hesitating to let him guard her while she was the most vulnerable-

When Lilith voiced her concerns about sleeping, Caedes knew she was right. One of them would have to keep watch, and he couldn't afford to let his guard down, not with his cravings threatening to consume him.

'Yes. I trust him. But no- I won't be betrayed ever again due to my kindness. I once trusted that man. Look where I am. In a deserted cave with a boy who drinks blood.' The girl thought. She had already guessed that this boy must be hungry, hungry for blood.

Her enhanced senses gave her leverage over him after all. His frantic eyes, the sweat on his face, him unusually licking his lips- All of that and what she saw when she first met him gave her a good idea of what was happening to him.

She was scared.

With a heavy heart, Lilith bent down to set up the makeshift tent, her skin-tight armour creased from the neck as she bent down the makeshift tent, her movements betraying a mixture of fear and suspicion. This was a test. His test. 

 Caedes watched her closely, his senses on high alert as he struggled to suppress his hunger and prove himself worthy of her trust. It was a test—one that he couldn't afford to fail.

He wasn't an idiot. Although it was not necessary, who knew what the future held for both of them?

He could very easily kill her and satisfy his hunger but the boy knew. He was lonely. He couldn't afford to kill the first person who genuinely tried putting in effort to trust him.

'Ughh, If only I could wait for a while longer!' He thought he didn't have the brain to control his thirst for blood much longer.

With calm and a resolute expression. he closed the distance between him and Lilith. He was scared too Was he not a child too? Unfortunately or fortunately, he was more lonely than he was scared.

"Lilith. I will be blunt." He began, his voice filled with emotion. "I know you're scared. I am too. But we have to trust each other if we're going to make it through this."

Lilith met his gaze, his eyes reflecting a mix of vulnerability and determination. She wanted to trust him, to believe that he wouldn't hurt her, but the fear lingered in the back of her mind, a constant reminder of the betrayal she faced.

"My gift allows me to manipulate blood, hell, even make flames with it- The only condition is to consume blood and if I don't? Let's just say, I'll bite the fuck out of you." Finally showing how on edge he was, he said out loud.

With the fire crackling nearby, Caedes approached Lilith, his eyes reflecting the hunger he felt. 

Lilith was a princess, no one had ever acted or behaved the way the boy in front of her was. She was confused. The all knowing princess did not know what to do or how to react with this boy.

Acting as if she did not hear about how Caedes wanted to 'eat' her, the girl hurriedly finished setting up their tent. The boy's eyes softened as he watched her, a silent understanding passing between the two of them. He knew this was more than just survival; it was about trust. About finding someone to rely on.

Caedes did not know but an invisible thread of fate pulled them together. One needed support, and the other craved affection.


Ps: Many new characters will be introduced soon and I would love it if you all- My dear readers could give me some ideas. It could be a name you really like or even a superpower you would like a character to have.

