
Death Escape (Unlimited Flow)

During the flag-raising ceremony on Monday, while the school Director was delivering a speech to the students, he exploded into a pool of blood. [Ding! Welcome players to the Immersive Escape Game: Abyss.] [Ding! The first level of the escape game shall now begin!] It was a nightmare - In a sealed-off School campus, all of the teachers and students were trapped and forced to fight for the sake of seeing the next sunrise. Enemies that surrounded them on all fronts, the companions that were ready to turn against each other in the blink of an eye… What If Death is just the beginning? What If Survival is nothing more than just a game for other's enjoyment? Are you ready for it? ------------------------------------------- Rong Qing Lin was dragged into an Infinite Escape Game. While struggling to survive, his roommate double-crossed him. He was about to be stabbed from behind when a big guy with long legs and a handsome face, still stained with blood, suddenly appeared in front of him, blocking the knife. Another identical-looking big guy enters the scene, beating the roommate bloody. In Rong Qing Lin’s vigilant gaze, he called out in a wronged, pitiful voice “Rong Rong.” Rong Qing Lin always thought that his online dating partners were sweet, innocent, and poor little cuties who were incredibly shy and thus they refused to meet IRL. But looking at the 1.9m tall handsome delinquents of their rival school Rong Qing Lin expressed. Where is his sweet, innocent, easy-to-tease wifey and cinnamon roll? Is 1.9 m short? Is he blind or are they blind? And what are you acting pitiful for? Don't think I didn't see you guys beating people into a pulp!!! Rong Qing Lin, the study tyrant, who had been fantasising about raising his little harem, rolls his eyes, looking up at the sky at a 45 degrees angle, and contemplates the meaning of life. Now how can he be the cool, tyrannical CEO Gong who raises a pair of little white face twins? An adorable, submissive bunny on his left and a cold, iceberg beauty on his right??? ------------------------------------------- Warning: This is a BL. Please provide with caution. Those interested please enjoy! and those interested....... please exit ASAP.

PoisonSerpent · Horror
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5 Chs

Bad Newse

The glass cabinet above reflected everything happening in the convenience store.

"The food delivery was delayed, that is to say, there is nothing in the cafeteria. And as for the little things in the convenience store, let alone 10 days, these can not last even for two meals. But I want to make sure that nobody starves to death. I don't want to give the penguin what he wants. I know it will be difficult, but I still want to try it. Will you guys help me?"The green tea teacher spoke as he entered, and stopped in front of the counter.

'???The food delivery was delayed!!! The situation was worst than he had imagined.....'

Facing the principal and CEO with his back, so they could not see his face, a weird calculative look came into his eyes.

Not only was it difficult, but it was also impossible.

There was simply not enough to share, not enough.

No amount of food in the convenience store would be enough for more than 1,500 people to consume for these 10 days.

Rong Qing Lin simply could not discern if this new teacher of theirs was too much of a green tea or if was he mentally retarded.

And the men behind him had the gall to show helpless and loving or 'as to be expected' expressions on their faces.

Rong Qing Lin really wanted to ask "Are you sure you're not blind?"

Not wanting to listen to any more of this nonsense, he carefully crawled to the door of the backrest area, opened the door with a light click, and carefully exited while trying to make the tiniest of sounds.

Thankfully, the ventilator fan was old and noisy, hiding the rustling voices made by the plastic bags. Plus, the fact that the other three occupants of the room were off in their own little world was a bonus.

In the back rest area, Rong Qing Lin found a few cardboard boxes with a 'Fruity' Logo.

Unpacking them revealed canned peaches, lychees, apples, pineapples, and mangos.

Elated, he selected a few of each and stuffed them anywhere he could.

Rong Qing Lin now had enough food to sustain his physical fitness for several days and even keep up his nutrition as well. As long as he was not robbed, he wasn't worried about starving to death.

But he could not let his guard down. If these hungry people can't get the ones from the convenience store, then they will grab those of others.

At this time, no one will think that they are friends, and just to have a bit of food, it's too much to go as far as to rob others.

It was no longer just food, it was life.

But robbery is still manageable.

There are more monks and less porridge. If there is no more porridge, then you can only reduce the number of monks.

They were trapped in the academy unable to enter or exit. Sooner or later, people will discover that the resources were limited and could not be increased. If they want to obtain more resources, they need to reduce the number of people.

And the way to reduce the number of people?


And what if there is no more food left?

Human meat was also meat.

It was edible.

But Rong Qing Lin didn't want to resort to cannibalism.

Not because of morality or something noble like that.

Or because of the disgust at eating the flesh of the same kind.

But because of the possibility of the infection, it may cause in the long run.

Getting to the convenience store was easy enough—

He had to abruptly cut his line of thought as he saw Lin Yi, Jin Yong and another of their classmates, Wang Jun coming in this direction.

He ducked behind and secretly observed them. In a fight against them, if he sneaks an attack he is sure he can kill Jin Yong in one go.

Although Wand Jun has a bear-like physique, Rong Qing Lin had confidence that he could kill him with some effort. But if Lin Yi was with them, then, he was afraid things could get a little out of control.

When Lin Yi was close to the convenience store he suddenly turned his head and stared straight at one side of the building, but there was nothing out of the ordinary there.

Don't know what he saw there, he stopped in place, not coming in the range of the window's view.

Instead, he went around and reached the back door.

"Lin-ge why are we entering through the back entrance?"

Wang Jun's loud voice could be heard from behind him.

Lin Yi only put his finger on his lips to indicate to them to be quiet.

Faint voices could be heard from the inside.

"Amazing!!! Lin-ge you knew there was someone inside even before you enter the convenience store! But why do we need to hide from others?" Wang Jun whispered loudly.

Lin Yi did not look back but a smile tugged on his lips.

On the wall beside the backrest area door, someone had drawn a knife and fork and crossed them out.

The marker in question rolled to his feet. Lin Yi narrowed his eyes in thought.

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