
Death EMisarry

I got nothing more than pain, I smile when I let it out

LaughingShadowDea · History
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35 Chs

Pirate fight 2

Haechi stood at the top deck of the ship and looked up to the stars, the time the ship set sail was almost by dusk so darkness has already now covered the face of the earth.

"Why is no pirate attacking," The shadow morphed out to grumble.

"Death Emissary" Haechi called out.

"mmmmhhh, do you want to say shut up and go back inside as usual?" The shadow asked.

"No, I want to say scout ahead and find Yuri, I smell blood" Haechi said as the chain in his eye rotated slowly spreading from it coiled up form.

Hearing Haechi the shadow turned silent for a bit as it looked up.

"I don't know how I missed that, what should I do?" the shadow asked.

"keep Yuri alive enough till I come?" Haechi said with a serious expression.

"That sounds like something hard to do without possession," The shadow said.

"Possess as many as you can then on the ship, I don't believe there won't be enough body to possess, all are disposable except Yuri" Haechi said with seriousness.

"Sure enough, even kids?" The shadow asked.

Hearing the shadow, Haechi looked at it for some time.

"make do with adult first then kids if there is no other option left" Haechi said.

"Okay then, off I go" The shadow said as it begin to disperse merging with the darkness.

After Gaara saw the outline of a human about to attack, a sinister smile appeared on his face as he said.

"I can see you now, wouldn't it be more fun if we play in the open now that I can see you."

"sure it will" Kaori voice sounded as he came out of the shadow.

"The technique you both are using is not some disappearing powers but some Ninja technique right" Gaara said with the smile still hanging on his face as he walked towards Kaori straightening out his body.

Voom! There seem to be a burst in speed as Kaori covered up the distance between them with his Katana heading directly toward Gaara neck.

Creeeaaa! The katana got to Gaara neck but then he immediately punched out not caring whether he will die from the attack.

Seeing the punch coming, Kaori took the opportunity of his katana having the advantage of length to slit Gaara neck while dodging the punch.

"Been a while I felt this tinkling sensation" Gaara said as he touched his neck to trace the slight katana mark left on it.

Sure enough the attack could have killed almost every normal human being but he was not normal.

Seeing this, that the Katana only left slight mark on Gaara's neck, Kaori's eyes creased a bit.

"You don't have to do that, I guess unless you are an angel of death or messenger of god before you can…..

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bullet come in quick succession striking Gaara right at his forehead while he was still in the middle of his speech.

"that sure did hurt, but the katana did better" Gaara said as a smile hang on his face.

"Now to complete what I was saying, you can't kill me or hurt me much in my Ashura form unless you are angel of death or messenger of God" Gaara added.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Gun sound started ringing in quick succession.

"That sure pains when it struck though" Gaara said as he fall backward narrowly dodging the bullets that came his way, but still in that position noticed a katana strike heading right towards him.

Pa, Gaara whose body was still up in the air in a weird angle somehow twisted his body enough to punch out, using his punch to push back the Katana attack.

Bang! Another gun sound rang as he saw a bullet heading directly at him.

"Sparrow, shouldn't it be high time you wake up" Gaara said as he now let his body fall totally to dodge the shot.

"wanted to see how perfect they work and confirm something, the shadow blend in sure seems like a famous technique in my formal organization scarecrow," Sparrow who has been shot earlier rise up in a weird way, his hand not touching the ground with his body just rising like he got no bone.

the gun shot didn't come neither did Kaori attack as this happened.

"You are quite a beautiful lady to be heartless enough to headshot people" Sparrow said as he looked at a spot.

"Guess everyone from your formal Scarecrow is a monster tasting for blood, the katana guy is not bad" Gaara said standing up with a smile on his face.

"I think they are just people ranking high from the platoon, they haven't shown any powers to show they are a seed, You sure will think they are a waste if you see our top five, am I right? " Sparrow said as he seem to teleport only to appear at the spot he was looking at before with this little blade stabbing forward.

Peng! The blade collided with Kaori's katana, he has somehow intercepted the attack but then, Sparrow longer blade stabbed forward forcing Yuri out of the shadow as she used her gun to block the attack.

"they are really good to be just from the platoon" Gaara said as he started coming over.

"you both should surrender, I think you both should know me and know how much you stand no chance against me" Sparrow said as he pushed himself back landing gracefully.

"I know you, you are sparrow, Scarecrow number seven, but we are not from scarecrow though, we are anti scarecrow organization" Yuri said as she step forward from behind Kaori that was blocking him.

"Oh then, just surrender, your skills are pretty good but it is just on par with that of a sparrow top platoon officer" Sparrow said.

"we can call a truce, we surrender and you let us go to Mongolia" Yuri said.

"I have lost men, who will fill up for them then" Gaara said with a smile still hanging on his face.

"We pay you for them, I believe my brother will be rich enough to pay you for each of them" Yuri said.

"Is that so? It will be better taking you as hostages then" Gaara said with a sinister smile.

"I am not sure I will advise you to do that, just like killing him was a wrong option, taking me as a hostage will be a long option too.

"why do you say that? Is it because of your bloody" Gaara asked with a smile.

"No but because of someone he knows better," Yuri said looking at Sparrow.

"Who should that be then?" Sparrow asked.

"If you are to take me hostage and I lose a strand of hair, you will all be dead, he is the one my heart beats for, he is Scarecrow number two" Yuri said, she has totally come up with the plan after seeing sparrow rise from the dead and confirming he is the sparrow her brother tells her about.