
Death EMisarry

I got nothing more than pain, I smile when I let it out

LaughingShadowDea · History
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35 Chs

Hell break lose: the kiss

After Haechi said what he said, Sparrow felt a bad premonition and immediately want to draw back but notice something like a big projection of the Grim Reaper behind him.

"You are marked dead" The Grim reaper projection bent and whispered into Sparrow's ear as he immediately felt his brain muscle pulsate.

Aaaaghh! Sparrow scream out in p-ain as he held on to his head.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Ryuji shot out radically.

"Greater teleportation!" Okito screamed disappearing totally, he has exactly a look of horror immediately he saw the grim reaper projection.

Po! Sparrows head burst to pieces as blood scattered everywhere.

Pa! pa! pa! the three bullet Ryuku shot hit Haechi but then he only raised his head to smile at Ryuku, he is totally devil like now.

Boom! Haechi vanished just as Ryuku was about to shoot again.

"Illusion!" Ryuku shouted as his surrounding immediately changed with more than fifty people that looks like him now appearing.

Phew! Haechi swiped his Katana on appearing mid air as the illusion that appeared all vanish while his katana slash continued heading towards Ryuku.

Boom! The Katana cut into the roof as Ryuku has dodged midway.

Hot sweat immediately drip down Ryuku's head after he dodged, "he cleaved through the illusion" Ryuku can't help saying within himself.

"Cupid!" Ryuku shouted out immediately he saw Haechi vanish again.

"Death touch" Haechi who appeared again beside Ryuku held his shoulder as he whispered right close to him.

Hearing the words, Ryuku immediately had a bad feeling and without wasting time activated his next power.

"Sacrifice for love!" Ryuku said as he another Ryuku appeared some meters away from the one Haechi was holding

Boom! The one Haechi was holding blow to pieces spilling gore all around.

"This…" Ryuku said as another hot sweat immediately drip from his head, he sure would have died now if he hasn't substituted himself.

"I need to escape, damn that Okito" Ryuku said as he saw Haechi vanish once again.

"illusion, Cupid, Sacrifice for love" Ryuku throw out most power in his arsenal to see if any will buy him more time.

Phew! Illusion was totally cut through but then Cupid only stunned Haechi for a second before the katana continued cutting Ryuku but then he appeared somewhere else.

"he is totally a monster, no a devil" Ryuku said on appearing somewhere else but then notice he couldn't see Haechi at the formal place.

"He has followed up immediately" Ryuku immediately had the bad feeling as he immediately calculated fast.

"Sacrifice for love" He quickly muttered out as Haechi hand touched him.

"Message from Yama" Haechi whispered right to Ryuku

Boom! Ryuku appeared on another place but then notice the substitution he left the other place didn't die and immediately had a bad premonition.

"You are marked dead" Ryuku heard a subtle voice whisper into his ear as he finally notice the projection of the grim reaper beside him.

"Sacrifice for love" Ryuku remembering what happened to Sparrow immediately shouted appearing somewhere else but then immediately he appeared he screamed.

Po! Po! Po! Both Ryuku's head and the head of the substitute all burst.

"He killed them all, I saw him attack you, we all can work together to escape" Blazxe who was barely hanging to his life facing the attack of Yuri and Kaori said.

"Well I don't think I mind him killing me" Yuri said with a smile as she shoot out.

Bang! The pullet pierced through Blaze head as he fall with a tud.

Phew! The demon face appeared on Haechi chest again blowing in and sucking in all the blood of people Haechi newly killed as Haechi turned to look at the roof where Yuri and Kaori was with a creepy smile hanging on his face.

"Young miss what do we do now" Kaori asked.

"Once he close in take me and go invisible," Yuri said.

"What if he can see through invisibility, their power doesn't even work on him" Kaori said.

"it did, he couldn't totally cut off Gaara's head because of his power, and the lightening guy struck him, the cupid and the rest too all worked but he just see through them a bit fast and end up immune to those powers making it to seem like it doesn't work" Yuri said.

"What is the need to go invisibility then? Young miss escape, I will die in next three minutes away so I won't mind holding him back" Kaori said as he readied his Katana.

"Just do as I told you once he moves, with the way he is moving I am not sure you can even buy three minutes not to talk about enough time for me to escape" Yuri said.

Boom! Haechi finally moved after the demon face finished sucking in all the blood.

"Now" Yuri said as Kaori immediately grab hold of her hand disappearing immediately.

"Bang! Haechi katana cut into the roof as he has arrived a bit late.

Seeing Haechi katana land on the roof while still being invisible, Yuri closed in from the side only to appear visible placing her lips on Haechi's lips, seriously she don't have any plan doing so, she just feel like why not steal a kiss before she dies.

Immediately Yuri lips pressed on Haechi's lips, Haechi immediately raise his Katana to stab her but then the his hand hanged mid air.

"You should really leave, I failed to rewrite the contract, he got deep into killing and lost in to it" the shadow appeared, he seem to be the one holding back Haechi.

Hearing the shadow, Yuri who should have left didn't but instead now wrapped both her hands around Haechi hugging him tight while still kissing him.

Meanwhile deep inside Haechi body, the demon face has already eaten half of his heart.

"That's Yuri" Haechi said in his consciousness , I can't kill her, I need to stop, Haechi kept repeating in his conciousness but then the demon face already almost overpowering the shadow on the outside caused the katana to go down inch by inch towards Yuri.

Pu! The Katana finally stabbed in