

"Young master Phelippe, your father's calling for you," the house butler spoke from behind the door.

"I'll be there after a clean myself!" Phel replied, and then added to himself silently. "I just came here, at least give me some time for myself…"

He then undressed, and went to his bathroom. The water was a bit too cold for him, but he solved the problem soon enough with a spell. 

As he submerged himself into the warm water, his mind settled down. Though, he still couldn't prevent the sigh from escaping his mouth.

And he was very much looking forward to spending time with Arza on the weekend. But, his family called for him abruptly the day before. They did not even tell him why he was called, only saying it was urgent. 

Phel apologetically explain his situation to Arza. Thankfully, Arza was understanding and let Phel go without issue. A part of Phel hoped for the red-haired boy to make a bigger fuss, but one couldn't have everything in life. 

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