

I walked into a bar and sat at the counter next to a man I knew worked for the Mafia. The bartender came over to me "One Margarita." I said, he nodded and quickly prepared my drink, I glanced at the man next to me "Wonderful night isn't it sir?" he nodded in response "The Mafia probably thinks so as well." The bartender handed me my drink and I took a sip of it, the man looked at me as he took a sip of his drink, "Who the hell are you?" I felt the barrel of a gun against my waist and smirked "Do you know what a crow symbolizes?"  I asked taking another sip of my drink, he put his finger over the trigger and pushed the barrel harder against my waist "Answer the question. Who the hell are you?"

I took another sip of my drink "A Crow, a Crow that appears in your life indicates it is time for you to use your second sight and to think more thoroughly about your life. At least that's what most people believe, others think that Crows symbolize bad luck or Death. And some believe a crow is a symbol of life, magic and mysteries. Tell me Mr. Jones, what do you think a crow symbolizes?" 

He glared at me "I don't care what a crow symbolizes."

 "Oh so you don't care that I happen to be a crow that symbolizes death, how's your drink by the way?"

His eyes filled with shock from the comment and the poison I snuck into his drink started to kick in, causing the man to fall to the floor with a thud. I finished my drink, placed some money on the counter and walked out the door with a smirk on my face.

The Next Day

I was sitting on the couch at my house and my best friend Ivan was sitting on the floor "Dude I came to your house last night and found out you weren't home. Where the hell were you?" he asked. "First, that's none of your business and second, how did you get into my house?" 

"You do know you always leave your back door unlocked right?" I sat there in shock and embarrassment. Me, a guy who kills Mafia members can't even remember to lock his back door. "Uh yeah of course I know..." I replied, laughing nervously. He smirked and then laughed "Well I hope you're not doing anything that will get you in trouble." I looked away from him, Ivan has been my best friend since childhood, he actually helped me after my family was taken away from me.

12 Years Ago


I could hear the attempted gun shot in the distance as I ran as fast as I could away from the only home I had, and away from my families cold dead bodies. Eventually, a house came into view and I quickly ran up to the door and knocked "Ivan! IVAN! PLEASE LET ME IN!" I heard footsteps and the door opened, revealing a boy, who was my age, he had black hair and dark brown eyes. I hugged him and started crying leaving him shocked and confused. "They're dead....they're dead Ivan.....all I could do....was watch....' I stated between cries.

He rubbed my back and guided me towards his couch, wrapping me in a blanket "I'll get you some water." he walked away leaving me alone. My body was shaking, but I couldn't tell if it was from fear or from the cold air.

After about 5 minutes he walked back in with a cup of water and handed it to me "I'm sorry Ivan, I didn't know where else to go...." he sat next to me and patted me on the back "It's ok Ramon, from this day forward, You and I are brothers."

Present Time

After all that, I changed my name to Raven and bought my own place. But I hardly ever call Ivan a brother, because if I do, it'll just take me back to 12 years ago, when my brother ran out that closet.

Why didn't you stay in the damn closet Elmando!?