

Warning: detected high assimilated mass Warning: diverged entity detected The cube is now on the loose, weapon of mass destruction is free. ...//all hail to your god//...

HGGsuckatwriting · Others
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45 Chs



Minty: "Mari? Where are you?" searching the house for the funny tall girl, just to see her worker core on resting mode in her room. "where is this girl... I wanna try this makeup for her" Minty puzzled then headed to her room.

on top of the tallest building where there shouldn't be anyone stay due to lack of standing spots, a figure with the name of Mari sitting on the rear of the radio tower, writing the story of the cube, placed the pencil down on the clipboard, thinking to herself

"Hiaaaaa~ this is so boring... wish I could be with him like the old time... hmm glad I made Minty stop looking for me, she would interrupt my side work" Smile and complacent to herself, "Funny how I can listen to everybody wishes, being their god is soo fun" the pencil on her clipboard moved, it writing on the paper without Mari, "Let them have their good time". 

"Ooh..." her own voice in her thought deepens down, "I see... the old pal is coming back... well... I'm mad because of that new..."

looking up to the sky, the cloud clearing out of her sight, showing the glowing star far from home... 

she is coming...


Diving in for the clean-cut, T accelerated to the point of increasing speed rapidly and unstopping. "Showdown!"-T 

Just before the blade could get into ICon's neck, the whole area stopped with the time slow down, the missiles then redirected at T, and ICon with a big grin on her face, making T slowly realize what just happened, trying to get her head fall off, the blade got miss direction, a metal pole from the ceiling fall down by the shockwave, T's blade cut into ICon's body, and her left hand stopped it from cut her in half.

IC-0n: "Thank you, my administrator! I love you with this new power!!!!!" her metal claws then slash T, knocking him back at the incoming rockets, exploding and explosions rapidly directed. recovered the wound on her body, ICon then reconstructed her right arm into a steel fist, jet punch right on T's face, breaking his inside, and causing property damage. she landed down, full of mischievous intent of killing.

T, slowly emerged from the broken, kneeling with his face down, feeling unstable, he pukes out D-blood, his AS begins to crumble, and his power is rapidly decreasing, but the charges on his sheath still remain, looking up to see ICon approaching him menacingly, he metal claws scratching the floor, its looks like she wants to tears his body apart. T laughed. "Can't believe I will die like this! man, that was a rush" When he stood up again, ICon was already in front of him, with her gun pointing at his head.

IC-0n: "Wanna die now?" happily said.

T: "Wait... wait..." he takes out a can of D-blood. "This is the first time I really have a fight... may I ask for a final play? after that, I can die" Looking at the face of death, he smiled, not afraid.

IC-0n: "huh?! wow, I never thought you would say that... sure, at least you will remember the one who is the strongest here"

she then jumped back, doing a stylist backflip, and landed safely near the bomb spot, T chuckled, put his blade into his sheath again, and drank the whole can containing D-blood, a black liquid that went into his blood vessel, his heart getting faster with the blue spark of power cover around him, he throw away the can and get into the position of forward cut. holding his blade firmly his eyes sparking out of electricity, the AS symbol then showed up behind his back creating two glowing hologram-like wings, and the final charges filled the bar on his sheath.

T: "HERE COME THE FINAL STRIKE!!!" smiling like it was his last words in the world.

ICon stood there, hand down and up, lots of ray guns appeared behind her, and they all pointed at T. "Come on! Show me entertainment!"

the surroundings T begins to crack up, creating 4 rings on the ground, his wings spread out side by side, then form back again his AS symbol, his eyes wide open. "ABSOLUTE SPEED! BLAST!!!" the whole place shattered with the super boom from the blast, the immense power as speed forward ICon, can't be able to know what just happened. 

a clean strike that can't be blocked or dodged, ICon thought she got hit, but something unexpected happened, T clearly had slashed her, he was in front of her, but his right arm and blade were gone, and the arm was torn, and broken, and the blade hit the nearest wall, pinned on it. ICon looked at him disbelieving, "Why did you give up! show me what you can do! why you killed the fun!" she grabbed his shirt, disappointed and sad.

T: "Heh... there's something protecting you right? An invisible power coming from him... well play" he fell down, ICon couldn't hold him, and he just fell dead on the floor, D-blood coming out of his mouth.

IC-0n: "Dammit! hiaa! I thought it would be more awesome... whatever. let's blow the bombs up" Her ray guns pointed at the bomb stick on the surface of the main power transfer, and all blasted them, creating a massive explosion, ICon quickly turned into her cube form and flew away.

with the explosion causing the damage straight into the central core of the planet, the core begins to crumble, and power up for the dead blow.

Jame: "Nice job Icon..."

Jame looks down at the dead body of the prime and the rest of them. all the primes have tried to stop him with the people from the surface, Jame killed all of them by only using his fists. "I can finally go back home without any problems anymore" 

He tracked down ICon's signal, he caught her when she was flying to him.

IC-0n: "I did it!"

Jame: "Good, let's get out of here!" his cyborg arms then formed to each other, creating a huge canon pointing upward, Icon then hid inside his jacket, Jame blasted out the strongest heat ray, drilling a giant hole into the surface of the planet. wings spread then accelerated, Jame flew up the hole, just before the below surface getting blown up. 

with the explosion from the creation from deep inside the planet, pressure begins to form, and the surface of the planet crumbles.

Jame gets out of the underground in a few seconds. the whole place was chaotic, and many cities on this planet began to collapse. 

Jame: "We need to get out of this planet, so time it's to launch"

IC-0n: "Wait we still haven't know if I could stay in space"

Jame: "Welp time to find out"

IC-0n: "Wait wait wait!"

Jame crouches down, powerful jump with the AS power makes him fly upward leaving behind a giant crater, ICon screams and holds on Jame for dear life. Jame's solver creates a force field around them, stopping the burn with the air. 

Jame: "Hey we good"

IC-0n: "Next time give me a bag before you do something like this"

floating in space, the Cubes look at the main planet exploded, with a giant cut of Blackhole formed inside. Jame and ICon look amazed by their own genocide.

IC-0n: "Hey what about those two planets"

Jame: "Leave no witnesses..." his right arm formed into a railgun, a projectile loaded in and ready to fire.

IC-0n: "Nice!" she creates a giant Cannon next to Jame, both of the weapons roar up and pick one of the two planets.

Jame and ICon fired, and the death ray and rail spike instantly hit directly at the core of the two planets. and the result, the two planets join the fate of the Primes. 

Jame and ICon smiled and looked at each other, they gave each other a hive-five.

IC-0n: "This is actually nice. you're the best guy I have ever known, Jame"

Jame: "Heh, thank you. shall we go?"

IC-0n: "Yeah! the species on Earth and other planets will know our work, they will see we are the strongest!"

Jame then put ICon back into his pocket and continued to accelerate to travel back to Earth due to the space gate got broken. his AS then form into a skater hologram to stand on.

but just before he could fly away, from the ruin of planets, a spark of light charged right at Jame with rage. "YOU ARE NOT GETTING AWAY!!!" the first Prime attacked him, he threw right at him the metal bar, causing James to fall away from the skate, then bring in the destruction punch.

Jame: "Last-stand module huh?"

the Prime punched right in the stomach, knocked Jame far into space, and continued to pursue him. The Prime grabbed Jame onto the Shoulder, bringing him far into the rocky orbit.

IC-0n: "You need my help?"

Jame: "Nah I'm good" Jame grabs onto his arms, and grins in a dangerous way. "Let's take this back and show them what we have done!" he crushed his arm using the pressure from his palms. Jame then ripped off his arm then his claws grabbed the Prime's face. Jame then activated Absolute speed, traveling faster than they could be aware.

in about 3 seconds, Jame dived back into earth orbit, he stopped accelerating. "I'll show you why I am stronger than all of you!". the flame ball forming from the sky with extreme heat, Jame pushing the Prime down, his parts begin to fall off, one by one. 



about 200 meters above the ground, Jame then Slammed the prime right onto the ground, dirt and rock flew everywhere, creating a huge crater with fire rings around, shaping the the mark of Absolute Solver.

Jame rises up from the victory, ICongot out of his pocket to look "Wow you did him straight 6 feet under"

Jame: "Yep. well, that's done for the Prime, they are all dead and the world is safe again"

IC-0n: "Hm, I never thought of myself becoming their savior"

Jame: "Where are we by the way"

Jame and ICon levitate out of the crater, they see themself in the middle of the military base, with Cores, ICs, and people looking at them shocked and disbelieving, some of them whispering to each other.

#1: "It's that God-Mind?"

#2: "That's girl is the first Internecion cube..."

#3: "Are they attacking us?"

Jame and ICon looked at each other, lagged for a moment then "Sorry for the damage, we just killed an enemy of our safety so... no problem" -Jame

IC-0n: "Let's go, Administrator"

Jame: "y'all have a nice night"

Jame then spread his blade wings out and picked ICon to fly away. the people down below looking at them still flabbergasted, some looking down at the hole to see the dead body of a Cyborg with the Black liquid coming out of the chestplate.

#3: "D-blood leaking, someone takes out the matter reconstruction"

Jame and ICon both travel back to see Minty, they fly in the night sky with ICon sitting on Jame's back. 

IC-0n: "What are we gonna do after this?" she puzzled

Jame: "I just wanna have the rest, maybe having some time with Minty"

IC-0n: "Not gonna lie, I think I will be nothing without you"

Jame: "What do you mean?"

IC-0n: "Ever since I been with you, I feel like I was being something... a feeling? what is it called?"

Jame: "Alive?"

IC-0n: "Yeah, it felt like that, even tho I miss Max, showing me knowing I haven't learned, but with you, I feel that I really have a purpose to stay"

Jame: "That's deep... maybe I can teach you everything you want to learn"

IC-0n: "Really?" she smiled brightly "For an A.I god like me? Thank you, Jame!"

she hugged him, making him lose balance a little.

Jame also feels happy with her around. and when flying he hit right into the advertising board, Jame and ICon both slammed into the board and fell down.

Jame & IC-0n: "Aaaaaa!"

(after some time down the street later)

At about 9:00 pm, The duo finally reached Minty's house, with their gift bought from the store.

Jame: "Alright, it's pretty late now, hope she is still awake" he presses the bell "Next time walk and eat alright? You making us come here late"

IC-0n munching the chocolate cookie in the bag: "What? you said I could learn whatever I wanted"

Jame: "Yeah... but still..."

the door opened, Jame and ICon turned to look, without letting Jame say hi, Mari pulled them inside, making them drop all the bags with a variety of treats. but when they were about to hit the ground, all of the bags stopped and flew inside, and then the door closed shut.

Jame and ICon got placed down on the couch, the whole house was out of light, only the small lamb on the coffee table shining in the living room.

Jame: "Mari, what's the meaning of this?"

IC-0n: "Woah! this lady is tall!"

Mari with her clipboard floating next to her, writing for her like she was talking, meanwhile, she biting the small cake.

Mari: "That's delicious"

Jame: "Thank you. how are you doing?"

the sounds of pencil and paper continue: "Not good, maybe bad..."

Jame changes his face from slightly happy to serious: "What it is?"

Mari: "Well, my mistake isn't just a normal thing we can leave away anymore..."

Jame: "What do you mean?"

IC-0n: "Imma stay silent and eat those things"

Mari: "Straight to the point, My old and long foe is back, somehow... and yes she's coming for your Primal cube"

Jame: "What? my- who is she?"

Mari: "I forgot... but the symbol of the Absolute solver, and the power to control everything, I'm afraid this isn't your opponent you could win"

Jame: "Absolute solver... you can right?"

Mari: "Well... it depends" She shrugged "I might die, or live I don't know"

Jame: "She can kill you...?" his voice trembles

Mari: "Yeah, surely she learned how to defeat me"

Jame: "I can't believe this, the ultimate being like you can be killed? this sounds wrong"

Mari: "Well..." she smiles, then appears behind the couch, arms placed on Jame's head and leaning down "I saw this coming, but didn't expect she have the same ability to control as me. I will fight that girl soon, we have the score to settle, do you want to come?"

Jame: "Do I want to come? I can't let you go alone, I'll help you if it goes wrong"

IC-0n: "Me too also" She continues munching on the bread.

Mari: "Thanks. but y'all should stay back, this is the fight between a god and an Anti god"

Jame: "What happens now?"

Mari: "You two should have a rest, I'll take these gifts for Minty. Tah tah :>"

with a blink of an eye, Jame and ICon saw themself back at Jame's house, the A.I of the house light up the lambs and greet back his owner.

IC-0n: "How di-"

Jame: "Don't ask..."

ICon and Jame stood up from the couch, she started looking around the interior of the house, "Your house is nice dude"

Jame: "You have been here once, don't remember?" he goes to the bathroom

IC-0n: "Nope, I was in sleep mode I think. Woah your house has a person's soul?!"

Jame: "That's Jays, don't be mean to him"

the two then have a bath together, washing. they both continue their life like two normal humans, with Jame teaching ICon how to act and behave, but it's quite hard for a mischievous girl like her.

the two after that then learn how to eat, walk, and play, all about ICon learning new things, including doing chores and messing the right way.

for the long hour together, The cube is finally here on the bed, looking out from the giant sky window, watching stars and gazing at lights from the space station.

thoughts running through their heads, ICon lying next to Jame, she looked at him and asked: "Hey Jame... I have a question..."

Jame: "Go ahead..."

IC-0n: "Do you ever question who is your creator?"

Jame: "I killed mine..."

IC-0n: "Oof, what about your meaning? I sometimes question it for no reason"

Jame: "Yeah... I know I was a weapon...create for destruction and blah blah"

IC-0n: "That's what I think about myself, just a villain, but who knows I became a hero like you"

Jame: "No, more like Anti-heroes, since we didn't care much about people's lives on some occasions"

IC-0n: "Hehehe...that's true. I think Mari is a perfect girl..."

Jame: "It's true, but she called herself god a lot, like a lot"

IC-0n: "Maybe she wants everyone to know about her, like an Idol"

Jame: "Hmp sure"

IC-0n yawns, she tucked herself into Jame's arm like a cat then went into sleep mode. Jame closed the window, and covered it up using his AS, he also went to sleep with ICon, they both resting on the warm and cozy bed, two Machines after traveling for a long time.

After long hours of sleep, at midnight, far from where they are, the signature is broken out, letting the entity enter into the cube story. Mari was down in the grassy field, under a peach tree, she watched the mark giving the life, of the enemy she needed to defeat.

Mari: "This was very soon"

the rain begins to fall, and they all miss Mari. Zooming afar from where she relaxing, the girl stands up, her eyes glowing yellow in the dark of the night.

the night passed by with silence letting James and ICon rest peacefully, Mari knew her followers were safe before the fall of the night.

[be advised: unknown entity entered the world]