


I am running as fast as I can. I am running as far as I can. I am running as long as my foot can run. I know I am running. I know it because my breaths are getting heavier and heavier, I know because my feet are feeling numb from running. I am not running away from anything, I am not running without a destination. I am running to save someone. I stop running as soon as I hear it.   It's the Voice of the machine. I realize that I am running again and I stop as soon as I see it, the machine. It's huge. The place is full of former, Brocken, rusty cars. At a side there's a machine and the cars are being pushed inside and getting crushed. It does not take me long to realize why I am here. I start to look around for her. My eyes land on the yellow car which is about to be pushed inside the machine. I can't let it happen. Suddenly I freeze. My ears hear the voice which they least want to hear, her scream and then the sound of her bones being crushed.  No, this can't be happening, but I can't move my eyes are fixed on her head which is going to be crushed next. She's lifeless. Her eyes are still green my favorite color but it's not anymore because they don't love me anymore. It's over. Her lips are apart in a frown. What a tragic death she had. I couldn't even save her. I still can't believe she's dead. I don't know how long I stay there in the same position. The scene of my favorite face, her beautiful features being crushed keeps on getting replayed in my head but then I can't think about anything and next all is black. I can't see anything I can't feel anything I think I died too. But then why do I hear people chatters, sobs, sighs, screams, sirens. Why do I feel the touch of people picking me up, what is it?