
Death : Can't Stop Love

Her father King washed his hands off the responsibility to get his daughter suitably married and asked her to find a husband for herself. "Will she find the husband for herself or see will live alone until death".

Antidote · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Begining of mysterious travel

After some hours a man has arrived he saw her on ground, her hair was all over her face so he slightly move his hand over her face and brushed her hair back and pick her in his arms and went towards a suspicious stone, he touch that suspicious stone and get invisible with her.

When she wakes up and open her eyes she discovered herself in a creepy room,

what happen to me ?, where I am ?, I was in the forest last time then how I end up in this room? She says,

She was not having energy to stood up and walk but she tried to get up and walk out but somebody pop up infront of her.

"hey .... babygirl!"

She got startled by the sudden voice,

And she shouted "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa".

Then suddenly he put his finger on her lips and says


And then he hold her and pinned to wall and get closer to her, then their eyes meet with eachother she see that his eyes were sparkling red, his lips were pale, his skin was flawless, he was tall and muscular and then he put down his finger from her lips then she asked,

"who are you ?",

"why am I here ?"

"what place is this?"

"how do I came ?"

Then he again puts his finger on her lips and says

"will you be just quiet for awhile?", "I will explain you",

"why are you shouting ?", "I hate loud noises",

"what a troublesome lady you are ?"

Then he release her and asked her sit down on his bed and he starts explaining the situation

"I am a vampire prince ,I bring you here from forest yesterday, this is the vampire world and you are sitting in my bedroom, I just transported you in my world with me."

"what in the world is this vampire world?",

"why did you bring me hear?",

"I am also a vampire, did you drink my blood?", she asked with a fearful voice.

"No ,I didn't drink human blood , you are alive and only human in this place, this is a place were only vampires lives, I have saved your life from the evil vampire" he replied.

"Why you save .....?" she was asking and fainted.

She was not having enough energy to ask him any question and she was fainted again.

Then he sense her pain lay her on his bed cover her with a blanket and leaves from there before leaving her he blocked her human smell from his energy that no other vampire could smell her.

He went to find some things to eat and drink for her in his vampire world forest, but he could barely find some fruits but that was not enough to survive her, he walk for a while and he get a talking old big tree standing in middle of forest he was like

"what is this tree?, I haven't seen this tree here",

"but why can I see only see the tree steams?"

Then suddenly the tree answered,

"I am a vampy tree, who knows the all about vampire and related to vampire"

"how could a vampire could see me ?"

"only vampire who have love in his heart can see me"

"you have little bit love in your heart that why you can only see my steams"

The vampire replied "ohhh"

The tree asked "do you want to ask me something?"

He nervously replied "yes, I was curious about something , how can a human survive in this world?"

"ok, I will answer your question but what can you give me in exchange of the answered, the tree replied

The vampire says "I will give you my half powers"

The tree replied "ok, give me your powers and this book is your answer of your question".

The tree gives the book to vampire and get invisible .

While returning back from forest he reads the book and get the answer.

He reaches to his bedroom he open the door and see if she is awaken but she was not awaken then he awkwardly goes close to her and tries to kiss her, while he kiss her little bit she awaken instantly but she was not having enough energy to push him.

She asked "what are you doing, go away from me?"

He replied "this is the only way to survive you a little bit in this world"

"what are you saying? , I don't believe you , you just go away from me" she said.

While pushing him away from her she injured her arm and blood comes from her arms, he get's the smell of blood and his eyes turned red and his wing comes out his back which makes him look scary, then he come closer to her pinned her to the bed, she closed her eyes and he forced to kiss her on lips to give her his energy, he kiss her aggressively until she calm down.

After sometimes both calm down and stop kissing, he turned back normal and says

" I am sorry for my behaviour, but I couldn't control myself to kiss you forcefully because of your powerful blood scent that can turn me into powerful vampire",

" I was just helping you by giving my little energy to you for survive in this world, that you can't survive here on human food."

"can't you tell me about this, you stupid vampire" she shouts on vampire

Vampire replied " I was telling you but don't want to listen me, so what should I do"

And if you have to survive her you need to kiss me every after 2 days, then he gets her arm and tied a piece of cloth on her wound. She has no other option to survive but agreed on the kiss.

"But why did you saved me?" she asked

"I am not a evil vampire who drinks human blood" he replied,

"Then how you survived?" she asked,

" I only drink animal blood" he replied,

"but how can I go back to my world ?" she asked,

"I don't know how you can go back, wait a minute I have a book which will gives ours questions answer" he said and proceed to ask the question to the book , the book answered that "no alive human can go back from this world"

"what?", she was shocked,

Both where thinking hard about this but no conclusion came out and then he says

" no matter what happened but I will find a way to send you back in your world until you are my responsibility."

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