
Hung over

The stars were still singing there greeting when I awoke. Cut was still asleep but I need to get home. His arms were wrapped around me as if to hold me close. I heard he wake. He retracted his arms and yawned. Meeting my gaze, "Where are you going?" I got up, "Home." Cut stood up, "Must you go?" I went towards my car, "Yes, goodbye." He grabbed my shoulder, "Please stay, if only for a little longer." I unlocked my car, "Good night." Shutting the car door I could tell he said something but I did not know what. Why did I care? It's not like anyone is going to remember me after that party. Let alone find me. I went there to get away but now all I want is IBUPROFEN. Perhaps some other pain killers. Coffee helps with hangovers right? I don't know. It is dark and foggy. What should I do? I probably shouldn't be driving but here we are driving to where I think home is. Shouldn't I at least know the direction? I was already a little drunk before the party and now I am lost in the fog. That sounds like it would be a good movie title; "Lost in Fog." Or something like that I don't know. My phone buzzed and I almost picked it up. No you could die, star. That is the concern right? I can't die because I don't know what happens. Really? Either you have a religion, you don't care, or you like ghosts. I could die right now and I can almost guarantee that I would be doing better than I am now. I could see headlights, slow down. There is a stop sign around here somewhere. Not that it will help any. I carefully approached the stop sign, I believe. After waiting and straining my eyes I convinced myself no one was there. I honked my horn a few times before going just to make sure. The fog cleared as I got into town. Lucky me. I drove towards my home which to clarify is not a home. I parked in my work parking lot and fell asleep. Rather down the street from my work. I am careful that I am ready for work before my boss gets to work every morning. That way it looks like I love my job rather than I am poor but happy to have something.

Of all the reasons to go to a party I went to try again. After getting lost in the music I had one to many drinks. I am so stupid! At least no one has my number and I don't have to worry about changing my number. Again.

I have two hours before work. That's enough time to take a nap to recover from a hang over, rather being drunk. Do I have gum? I opened the glove compartment, yes. I can sleep and eat a stick of gum tomorrow. Leaning the seat back I closed my eyes and waited for the throbbing to stop. It will only get worse but one can only hope, right?