
Chapter 20

Carra takes the exit to coral reef and drives on a empty road, no bodies, cars or fires was in this area. They pull up to a parking lot near the beach houses that has six that they all have access to a private beach.

Ari steps out stretching her arms and pops the trunk. She grabs one of the duffel bags, then a kevlar vest and walks over to the driver's side.

" Here is clothes like mine, also weapons and ammo so load your vest, also I have melee weapons that we can latch to your belt." Ari said while looking through her binoculars at the houses, she couldn't see any movement in Kalaes house.

She looks over to Carra loading mags and shells into her vest that she didn't finish earlier so she crawls over and helps latch the holsters onto her thighs, letting her hands rake up and down Carras inner thighs with a smirk on her face.

When Carras holsters her two 9mm glocks on both legs, she shoves the .38 Remington in her ankle holster. The Daggers were placed in her vest and into the sheath on her belt on her lower back, Ari hands her two hand held axes that was made of all metal she clips the sheaths to her belt while shouldering her rifle and clipping the shotgun to the back of her vest.

" I won't be able to run with the weight " Carra said with a shy smile while looking at a couple grenades in the corner of the bag, Ari picks up three of them and clips them to the front side of her vest keeping her eyes staring into Carras who swallowed hard as her ears turned pink.

" I think you're stamina would be better than mine " Ari said leaning in kissing Carras lips all the way to her neck where she started sucking and nipping leaving her marks on the girls beautiful neck.

Carra moans out while pulling Ari closer to her but then felt the latter release her holding the grenades getting ready to latch them and could see the worry in Aris eyes and she knew it was about Kalae.

" Thermite, frag and a concussion grenades" Ari said pointing at them, Carra nodds her head while taking the safety off her rifle looking through the optics with a smile looking at Aris rifle.

" it has night vision, thermal and a 3x magnifier on it, hit these buttons here" Ari said showing Carra how to use them and locks the truck after securing all of her weapons using the sniper rifle to look closely around the six houses noticing two of the houses had lights on while the others was still off.

" let's move to the third, then so on and quietly check things out, but I think they've been expecting us to maybe stop by or hoping we'll stop off since he's watching through the blinds.

They cautiously make their way over to the third house, Ari tries the door and its unlocked, she makes her way through the house checking each room.

" clear " Ari said while Carra checks the closets and other spaces, she left TNT in the Truck, Ari looks at the pictures hanging up of her and Kalae, a sad smile comes across her lips and a tear steaks down her cheek.

" Kalae please be safe" Ari said out loud while she wipes the tear away and she takes some of the pictures down to take with her. Even though Kalae did what she did she still loves her, unknown to the two girls they're being watched, they felt as if something is wrong as they take pictures of Kalaes or small things she liked as Ari started packing two bags for her with hope, worry and love written all over her face then Carra remembered the two girls she was friends with that lives next door.

" Mike...." Ari said when she seen people moving in the house, she remembered the girls saying they was going to hide here and Carra couldn't leave her infected father not until it was Ari that came. They started packing things they know Kalae would want or need, they also secured some rations that Carra packed inside of a back pack she found in the closet along with getting some of Kalaes jackets she would see her in when she came.

" Let's talk to them, they could want help or need a man to help them out" Jim said with a smirk as the other four men snicker at him, two women that were holding each other curled into a corner with broken dull eyes. Mike walks over standing over them, he licks his lips while grabbing the younger ones arm and tries to pull her out from her sisters arms. Jim walks over grabbing Mike's arm, shaking his head no, then goes back over to the telescope to watch the two women next door.

" I thought we were gonna leave this place, we got women and supplies" Arnold said while scratching his grey beard, staring at the two bodies laying on the floor and blood has soaked through the sheets that covered them.

He knew the girls was broken seeing their parents killed in front of them, he'll hope that a chance comes that he can let the girls escape and learn their lesson about being careful of who you help especially with the men their with right now who has his family using it against him for tasks like this since the one called Jim is one of the men who runs the settlement where their at.

Mike walks over to where the others are standing, instead of walking around the bodies he steps on top of them and has no regard making the two girls glare at him while a few tears slid down their face. The older man closed his eyes, trying to calm down and looked over to the two young girls gritting his teeth wanting to help them.

(" I've got to get them out of here when the others are occupied, those women look like they can defend themselves or get the girls to go with those two women ")

Arnold thought to himself while watching the other four men, his friend Tom went to the house at the end and hasn't returned yet.

" ok Mike, Larry and Sam you all will go over and try to act scared. You all will mention that you have a couple more friends outside that had something chasing them and will get the two to seperate. We need those guns, Arnold you will watch us with the rifle and shoot them when you see a good opening. I'll make my way around back, to try to sneak the one who will stay in the house with one of you" Jim said knowing how people try to help others and he was sure they would separate since they've done this and everyone always seemed helpful.

All the men head out of the house while Arnold watched the man through the scope, he knew this place was the safest that they've found so far and the group they are in is twenty miles back in the city.

Jim's father and brother was actually the one who took charge of the butcher shop, they had a and meat to feed all the people, so they stargeneratorted putting gates up along with abandoned cars to make barricades around the shops with houses.

They were all monsters in that shop, the poor women lived in fear and even his wife and daughter was used against him so he'd go with the leaders son. One thing he knows for sure is that he'll need Jim alive, but not able to let the others know anything so he could help kill the ones that are in the way of decent people surviving. When he sees the others get close to the door, he runs over to the girls, he grabs some bags that has food and water.

" ok I'm going to hide you two in the attic, I'm going to try to help those women next door." he said while taking the girls upstairs, he hands them the .38 and a half of box of shells.

" only come out if I say are you thirsty, if you hear the women call out to you and keep the gun in the waist of your pants. They have heavy artillery, no matter what do not come out except for the women or me and I'll say are you thirsty if its safe" Arnold said while closing the ladder and door to the attic, the girl pulled the string up so no body could reach it and sits down hugging her sister. Arnold makes his way over to the house next door, he watches Jim hide behind a Bush at the back door.

He seen Tom stumbling from the house next door, his hand was at his throat while covered with blood, was pale as snow and Jim seen him coming toward him so he panicked firing his gun off hitting Tom in the chest.

Arnold quickly made his way back to the house after seeing Jim shoot Tom as fear ran through him loosing his friend and when he arrived what looked like insanity crossed Jim's face but Arnold seen it as the man chuckled holding his gun close to him.

(The other two men either are against those women or they ran into one of those things inside maybe) Arnold thought looking back to make sure Jim was still there and hopefully run into those women without being killed by either group or creatures.