
chapter 12

Ari enters the garage quietly and walks closer to the door that's open then listens to what Evelyn and Len are speaking about.

" I would never have her do something that would put her life at risk, I plan to leave on my own and that man wants to get to his family. I will help him there then leave on my own, I like Ari more than I should and being with her cannot happen." Len said while thinking of her fathers threats to her, she would die before he'd let her be with women.

" thank you for the weapons and supplies, I'll leave before the sun rises" Len said Evelyn sighed while filling two duffel bags with different ammo and other things that Len can use and she needs to give Taylor weapons he can use. Which she pulled out a 9mm glock and a Benelli M4 pump shotgun, she stuffed them in a third duffel bag with some ammo and other supplies.

Len was taking off the holsters with the handguns in them, she shoved them into one of the duffle bags.

" um Evelyn there seems to be a lot more guns then what we discussed" Len said while looking at four different AR 15 pistols, with scopes on them and six different handguns. Evelyn walked over with two vests like the one Ari put on her earlier, they were fully loaded with shotgun shells, different mags and she also seen sheathed blades.

" well you said you need to get to your family and maybe they'll need to help fight with you" Evelyn said then opens the duffel bags and looks at Len.

" were gonna go over things about the weapons and armor that you'll wear, also I'll tell you more about the defenses we have here. I also want to talk about you and Ari, I just want to know your plans is all." Evelyn said while looking at the guns ad other weapons she loaded.

Evelyn pulls out two Ar-15s setting them to the side, she then pulls out two smaller weapons.

" ok you seen those AR-15s already, these are a mini uzi anda AK-74u and they empty quickly also the aim isn't as sharp as your pistol. If your being overwhelmed by them they are good to hit several targets. She pulls out a Hk-MK 556, then pulls out a colt .38, Taurus 9mm and a desert eagle.40 pointing at two more 9mm in the bag.

" I know you have the weapons from earlier in here and the other ones that she wants you to have, these are just in case and the HK-MK 556 are the ones the police and military officers use. They are light and easier to aim to hit the target, these are called M 25A1 stabilized binoculars and even though you have the gun optics that have multiplier and night vision these are easier to pull out. I have some grenades in here, be careful with them, you have drags, smoke, thermite, and a flash bang. Now I've put in a few bayonets a M7 and a M9 which is longer than its brother, two hand axes and two tactical batons. I have a truck that has been modified for heavy assault. Taylor has a car the same way and I have him a kit as well, there is flashlights, medical, flares, and these grenades will give us your location and a colored smoke will disperse in the air for us to see. Now that's quick rundown and do not show him all of what you have and dont show anyone, this bag will be kept on you, and always have your gear on you." Evelyn said while Len felt like smoke was coming out of her ears, she nodded her head to Evelyn as she loaded everything back in the bags.

" I know you have feelings for her, I don't know if you should tell her and I'm scared she'll go after you. Why dont you wait to where we can plan a excursion to go" Evelyn said while grabbing Lens hands with pleading eyes, she has never seen her sister act this way except one other time and she knows that she'll follow.

" I don't want to put you at risk or her I'll leave without her knowing, I just need to know how to get passed the fence" Len said while gently removing her hands from Evelyns.

" I'll load everything in your truck, before you leave put on the outfit and gear before entering the truck. I want the vest and holsters loaded with weapons and at 5AM I'll let you out, I'll have everything ready with a radio as well. I think you owe her that much, you decide to come back you are welcome here with your family and if you make it to the gate we'll let you in....oh hell 12311217 is the code and don't tell no one " Evelyn said as she smiles at Len.

Evelyn started to walk away from the table, Len quickly grabs her hand pulling the shorter woman into a hug.

" thank you for everything and I will return with my family, I do want to be with her too. My father won't allow me to be and I'll figure it out ." Len said

Ari quickly leaves the garage quietly and waits for both to leave, sneaks back into the weapons room.

( " I wont let her die, I'll get my stuff ready as well, dad has aready put some neat toys on the armored vehicle we brought back.") Ari thought to herself while getting weapons and other things ready in two duffel bags. She grabs the bags and the keys to the vehicle, after she hides her bags inside of it she goes in to her father and asked him to move the vehicle outside for her.

" yes I want to practice handling it, it's a little rough on the turns" Ari said while giving the keys to him and she watches him go outside while she grabs a drink.

" Wei I want you to add a few more heavy artillery on the roof, definitely a X4-MK19 and a few M240L machine guns and having the ones with grenade launchers make me feel better. The ones at the windows as well make sure they are ready, I want the flame throwers put in tonight and make sure the extinguishers are close by." Ari said while staring at the floor, Wei sighs then gets up heading out the door to get started as he rounds up the rest of the guts to help.