
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter Thirty-Five: Mephisto

As he left the Marquess Elizabeth's mansion, Felix seized a discreet opportunity to hold the beautiful knight sister's soft hand. He then slid a blue crystal bracelet, which he had spent the better part of the night perfecting, into her hand.

He had only attempted to inscribe the bracelet with the Light of Holiness spell once. This bracelet was an extra gift for the beautiful knight sister; he believed it was important not to play favorites.

Love is actually quite a nonsensical thing. In his past life, Felix always thought that marrying a woman he found pleasing to the eye was the utmost happiness. Strip away the disguises and the fortitude, and you'll find that people's hearts are actually quite soft.

Mrs. Ireland was a very wealthy woman, but she didn't leave Felix a fortune that would make others green with envy. The Saint Erde Cathedral's reserve fund had two hundred thousand Caesar gold coins. After deducting expenses for conducting sacraments, mass, and maintenance, Felix didn't have many Caesar gold coins left to use.

After leaving the Marquess's mansion, Felix went back to Magic Street. This time, he made a modest purchase of experimental materials. He wanted to inscribe sufficiently powerful magic, knowing that relying solely on gold and low-quality agate wouldn't cut it.

Felix always felt that in the future, two formidable enemies would appear to oppose him, entangling him in unclear relations with excessively excellent women like Lady Elizabeth, essentially setting up potential foes.

The reason none have appeared yet could be due to the lingering influence of Mrs. Ireland, or perhaps they are too prideful to consider a child who has just turned fourteen as a rival in love.

A loli will eventually grow into an elder sister figure, and a shota will have his day to become a man.

On the second day, Felix received a piece of news that was absolutely shocking.

Three Sacred Coffin Knights from the Church suffered severe losses while trying to eliminate the "Bloodthirsty Strangler" – Harald. One died, one was injured, and one was left disabled, while the accompanying priests and adventurers all lost their lives.

The "Bloodthirsty Strangler" – Harald, despite being seriously injured, managed to escape into the Maya Mountains. Guarding not some extraordinary treasure or divine artifact, as Felix had said, was a mother snake with a big, white belly!

And it was a pregnant Yamani White Crown King Snake!

Records about the Yamani King Snake are most notable for the fact that their ancestors once stole a gem from the Plague Goddess. These audacious snakes, daring to challenge the Plague Goddess, are absolutely comparable to the golden subspecies of dragons in terms of strength, with origins and status not at all inferior to those of the Nile Pythons.

A single Sacred Coffin Knight, with the support of a group of priests, should have about a fifty-fifty chance in a one-on-one battle with an ordinary adult dragon.

This battle can be simply understood as three and a half juvenile dragons successfully ambushing a Nile Python comparable to a demigod and a Yamani White Crown King Snake weakened due to pregnancy.

The Yamani White Crown King Snake with the white belly was killed on the spot, and the enraged "Bloodthirsty Strangler" – Harald killed a Sacred Coffin Knight on the spot in exchange for a heavy blow to its abdomen. When strength reaches a certain level, the simplest and most direct force is the most powerful.

A fancy "Judgment Day" is not even as powerful in single-target damage as an enhanced "Death's Touch"!

This battle, which can be called earth-shattering and soul-stirring, flattened the unknown mountain peak and its branches.

This is undoubtedly the worst outcome!

Both the Church and the Titans Royal Family will bear the brunt of the mad revenge of a demigod-level golden subspecies in the years to come. And their only gain is a dead Yamani White Crown King Snake and its golden species snake eggs, the vitality of which remains unknown.

Only the lowest-level spellcasters would dissect a dragon to make almost useless, chicken-rib-like magical props after slaying it!

Unfortunately, it was the Church, not the black magicians, Gamma masters, or puppeteers, that reaped these rewards.

If it had been the latter, then the gain would have been completely proportional to the cost. A "Golden Puppet" made from the Yamani White Crown King Snake, and a golden species revived and nurtured with dark magic. With ample time as the foundation, it would be entirely possible to completely destroy the "Bloodthirsty Strangler" – Harald in the next encounter!

Golden species are rare and sought-after, especially a specimen with such extraordinary lineage and heritage!

The meager rewards in the eyes of the Church have stirred the entire dark world into action. There's nothing more pleasurable than reaping the fruits of victory from others, especially from those hypocrites who shout "Glory to the Lord" while committing all sorts of atrocities behind closed doors!

Of course, all of this doesn't have much to do with Felix. He is just a bystander to all these events, quietly watching a group of madmen or geniuses perform.

The main characters of this world are always a group of people, not one! Generally, those who think of themselves as the protagonist without sufficient strength end up meeting a very tragic end. Felix believes that even if he can't live as long as the heavens, he should be able to die a natural death.


In Mrs. Ireland's room lies a thin, handwritten book with extremely delicate handwriting, which also exudes a kind of soft charm. The book is titled "Saint Elouan"!

This handwritten notebook of Mrs. Ireland clearly records the abilities and duties of "Saint Elouan". "Saint Elouan" is not always an angel; they could also be demons or dark species who believe in the Holy Light. But undoubtedly, their duties are the same - to judge the wicked!

"Saint Elouan" must undergo an adulthood ceremony, which involves going to hell and personally judging a powerful demon. They must prove their courage, strength, and faith in the Holy Light to the Lord! Only in this way can they gain the Lord's recognition, become a deity without the need for divine status, and earn the right to use the "Power of the Lord".

Becoming a "Saint Elouan" is still too far-fetched for Felix at the moment. Even a "Saint Elouan" who has not completed the adulthood ceremony possesses strength beyond that of a demigod.

Mrs. Ireland's notes reveal an absolute secret: "The Sin of Envy" – Cain, was judged and completely "purified" by the last "Saint Elouan" 367 years ago. Of course, as a price, the last "Saint Elouan" also fell in hell.

This was the first time since the appearance of "Saint Elouan" that one of the "Seven Deadly Sins" devils was "purified". The lords of hell were extremely angry and uneasy. They even created a new devil from the filthiest blood and bones, named "Mephisto". This powerful devil, along with the three-headed dog of hell, guards the "Gates of Hell", maintaining the order of hell from being disrupted by "Saint Elouan".

Well, maintaining the order of hell, what a laughable phrase!