
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 6: To Be a Cat

Malevolent eyes lurking in the darkness, playfully taunting gazes seeming to come from nowhere—Felix strolled elegantly through the magnificent city. His handsome face wore a faint smile as he leisurely admired the beautiful plane trees lining the spacious roads, paying no mind to the anxious glances from the central knights.

Lady Elizabeth's mansion was located at the end of St. Elma Street—a not-so-long journey. Felix felt that before confronting the first turning point in his fate, he should take some time to relax.

His current mood was awful, extremely awful, although he still wore his graceful smile.

Lady Elizabeth was born into an incredibly ancient noble family. A family whose history could even be traced back to mythical times was one that most nobles could only look up to. Even the imperial royal family at the top of the power pyramid, the Titans, had to humble themselves and bow their proud heads in her presence!

This long-standing family didn't have overt political power, but her name had been continuously sung in epics and perhaps would continue to be...

Elizabeth Venus!

"The Goddess's Affection"—Venus!

In the words of wandering poets, whenever a woman with the surname Venus appeared in a story, she had to be the leading lady. She embodied absolute gentleness, absolute beauty, and absolute wisdom; her brilliance could even overshadow that of the goddess of wisdom!

"A Venus woman is the dream lover for the entire continent"—this phrase was initially recorded in a diary. And the owner of this diary was none other than—Aristotle Titans!

"The future is always so elusive, and having my fate in the hands of a woman feels awful," was the first thing Felix said upon entering the city. He looked up at the grand and solemn Holy Cross sculpture in front of him. Its marble was tinged with a deep red hue, and behind it were weathered holy marks etched into the stone. This was the Empire's "Judgment Ground"—Saint Elouan.

Beneath this Holy Cross sculpture on St. Elma Street, a total of sixteen rebellious princes, thirty-three traitorous dukes, eight heretical red-robed archbishops, and forty-six fallen white-robed bishops had been executed to date.

If you were to meet someone who had contempt for royal authority, they'd definitely tell you that one of the most tragic emperors in imperial history—Titans VII—was also hanged here by his own brother.

The date was August 16th, 3:25 in the afternoon.

Felix had arrived at the mansion of the 'Bloody Rose', Lady Elizabeth, and had been shown to a quiet courtyard by her personal maid.

Rumors about Felix's 'scandalous liaisons' had spread throughout the capital, thanks to the fuel added by Count Visak Fairmuth. The cunning 'Glasses Serpent,' as he was called, had publicly declared that he had formed an alliance with Lady Elizabeth, the 'Bloody Rose,' hiding nefarious secrets.

Since the afternoon, Felix had been quietly sitting in the courtyard, not leaving until the sun had set. He was then led to the dining room by a maid. If one is to be a gift, one must act like it—Felix was fully aware of his role.

The mansion of Lady Elizabeth was not ostentatiously decorated. On the contrary, everything here was simple, yet embellished with the traces of passing years. Perhaps this isn't the most apt description, but the weathered marks on the walls, which multiple coats of paint couldn't cover, certainly struck Felix. The indelible marks left by the ravages of time are always shocking, whether on people or things.

Felix knew very little about Lady Elizabeth. He only knew that she carried the Venus surname, was referred to as the 'Bloody Rose,' and was one of the most enchanting flowers in the capital. Beyond that, he was clueless.

But Felix had no doubt about Lady Elizabeth's capabilities. The mere fact that she had the 'Glasses Serpent' eager to please her—going as far as offering his own son as a gift—was proof enough of her influence.

Felix waited patiently. He wasn't in a rush to change anything. Though he didn't yet know how Lady Elizabeth viewed him or what the famous lady would do with him, none of that mattered. What was important was that Felix knew what he needed to do, how to act to please this beautiful widow he'd never met.

A docile kitten is always more endearing than a naughty brat.

Felix intended to play his role well, that of an absolutely docile and adorable kitten.

Smart women often have a frighteningly keen insight; don't try to deceive them, not even with a glance. Of course, the vast majority of women aren't that smart. —Fairmuth Family Maxim, Number 145.

The easiest way to earn a woman's trust and favor is to fall in love with her! —Fairmuth Family Maxim, Number 146.

When you decide to hunt a clever "vase," first determine your own role: are you the hunter, or the hunted? —Fairmuth Family Maxim, Number 147.

The Fairmuth family is a rather interesting one. Their maxims first tell you that women are like vases—display them when needed, discard them when not—and then they go on at length about how to win a woman's heart. Sometimes Felix had to admit that the rise of the Fairmuths wasn't entirely accidental.

The spacious hall was illuminated by sixteen magical lamps, infused with fragrances that emitted a subtle floral scent when lit—much to the delight of the high-society ladies.

A massive chandelier made of expensive crystal hung from the ceiling, imbued with several constant enchantments. It shone with a brilliant golden light and, if all went well, could remain lit for six months straight.

Felix didn't encounter Lady Elizabeth at the dinner; in fact, he was the only one enjoying the sumptuous meal on the vast dining table. Marsha, Lady Elizabeth's personal maid and a beautiful young girl, informed Felix that Lady Elizabeth had gone to her country estate two days ago and wouldn't return until tomorrow. The news wasn't particularly significant, but it did spark some thoughts in Felix.

"It seems the beautiful marchioness isn't pleased with the rumors the 'Glasses Serpent' deliberately spread," Felix made a quick guess, arriving at a conclusion whose accuracy he couldn't confirm.

Both sides were cunning foxes, and Felix, who was caught in this struggle, knew too little.

"Learn to wait; the fox will eventually show its tail..." Felix raised his glass and gave a friendly smile to the lovely young girl beside him.

Moreover, there was another rather exciting fact. Apart from an old butler, Felix was the only male in the entire mansion.