
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 39: Betty Artemis

At Lady Elizabeth's dinner party, Felix met the charming Pusaya lady—Betty Artemis—once again. This time, her relationship with Lady Elizabeth seemed even closer, with the captivating Marchioness extending a gracious invitation for her to stay for dinner.

Felix found this almost inconceivable.

Since his arrival at the Marquis' residence, he had not seen any outsiders enter the inner courtyard, let alone join them for dinner.

Although Lady Elizabeth had extraordinary connections in the imperial city, everything was confined to political transactions. Other than Empress Angelina, Felix had never seen her being overly close with anyone else.

Under the slightly dim lighting, the Pusaya lady, alias Betty Jianna, was happily chatting with Lady Elizabeth. Even Catherine, who was typically aloof and almost indifferent to outsiders, engaged in conversation with her.

An extraordinary ability to socialize!

Felix quietly sat in a corner, eating his dessert like a well-behaved child. Only the cold light flashing in his eyes as he lifted his head betrayed his maturity, which was inconsistent with his age.

To put it bluntly, this woman, who had once spared his life and whom he had once spared in return, had ignited his killing intent! She was employed by Lady Elizabeth's enemies, and now she was scheming to get close to Lady Elizabeth again, which threatened Felix's bottom line, regardless of her motives.

However, Felix had to restrain himself. If this woman dared to appear before Lady Elizabeth knowing of his existence, she must have her own backing.

Taking rash actions without understanding the opponent's trump cards was never Felix's style. Under the protection of Lady Elizabeth and Lady Ireland, Felix had become accustomed to peaceful and dispute-free days. However, this did not mean that he had lost his sharpness.

Although he lacked sustained combat power due to his meager magic power, supported by his strong mental strength, Felix possessed terrifying burst power. He was confident that he could capture this Pusaya lady, who could easily take his life, within ten seconds.

If it were just about killing her, Felix needed only three seconds now!

At the end of the dinner party, the Pusaya lady, alias Betty Jianna, intentionally or unintentionally avoided Felix's gaze. Lady Elizabeth also seemed to notice that her little kitty was not at all friendly towards their new ally.

After seeing off Betty Artemis, Lady Elizabeth did not inquire about Felix's hostility towards her. She simply stroked Felix's lovely brown hair gently, her voice soft as she said, "In politics, there are no permanent enemies, only permanent interests."

Felix was slightly taken aback upon hearing this, and then he nodded thoughtfully.

He obediently let Lady Elizabeth take his little hand, allowing the voluptuous lady to lead him slowly into the room filled with a classical charm. The room, adorned with a hint of elven style in its leaf-shaped windows and floor-to-ceiling white curtains, was tastefully decorated. Although there were not many ornaments, the room inexplicably exuded an air of luxury.

As the only heir of the renowned Venus family, rumored to be "The Goddess's Affection," Lady Elizabeth had always excelled in maintaining a classical charm. This woman, with a regal smile rivaling that of a queen, was the most ravishing flower in the imperial city, bar none.

Upon entering Lady Elizabeth's boudoir, filled with a strange and floating fragrance, Felix's heartbeat inexplicably quickened. He felt thirsty and wanted a drink of water...

The wonderful night with Lady Ireland not only failed to quench Felix's thirst but also left him addicted to the thrilling experience, craving for more.

While Felix's intelligence allowed him to suppress these desires, at this moment, his mind was thoroughly shaken the instant he stepped into Mrs. Elizabeth's room. He was filled with longing for Mrs. Elizabeth's voluptuous and mature body, a desire he possessed since their very first meeting. However, Felix had always masked it well, for he needed to play the role of a submissive kitten.

Despite his best efforts to hide his feelings, his body betrayed him in that moment of turmoil.

A flush of red appeared on his handsome, gentle, and slightly naive face, spreading quickly until it reached his earlobes. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated, like that of a frightened deer, so much so that Mrs. Elizabeth, who was holding his hand, could feel it through the fine beads of sweat in his palm.

Mrs. Elizabeth's lips curved into a seductive smile. She leaned down, pressed her lips near Felix's ear, and whispered softly, "My dear kitten, how about we play an interesting game tonight?"

Felix felt a tickle in his ear, followed by a surge of strange, tingling numbness throughout his body. He felt simultaneously powerless and relieved, cursing his own weakness.

Mrs. Elizabeth, having learned of Felix's weakness through the beautiful knight sister, suddenly opened her cherry lips and took Felix's clear, white earlobe into her mouth!

In front of others, the noble and cold Marquise gently licked his earlobe with her soft tongue, occasionally breathing hot air into his ear.

Felix was utterly defeated in that moment!

When Mrs. Elizabeth took control of his ear, he lost all courage to resist the moment she sucked on his earlobe. Wave after wave of tingling numbness surged through his body, draining him of his last bit of strength. Blushes appeared on his body, spreading with Mrs. Elizabeth's kisses.

Mrs. Elizabeth, her forbidden desires aroused, was like a starving woman. She opened her cherry lips, took Felix's clear earlobe into her mouth, and embraced his slightly emaciated body, pressing him into her chest as if to merge his warmth into her own.

A flush appeared on the face of the Marquise, her breath quick and fragrant, filled with boundless temptation and desire.

Suddenly, Mrs. Elizabeth opened her lips and bit down on Felix's shoulder, leaving a row of neat teeth marks. As if not satisfied, and angered by Mrs. Ireland stealing Felix's first time, Mrs. Elizabeth left another set of teeth marks on the other shoulder.

A sense of pain mixed with pleasure crazily stimulated Felix's nerves. He had been uncertain before, but now his cock was swelled in an instant, hard as iron, pressing fiercely against Mrs. Elizabeth's smooth, voluptuous thighs through his thin pajamas.

Without another word, he pulled down her panties, until they dangled from one ankle.

Felix slides two thick fingers into her tight warm wetness, her pussy dripping another pearly strand of wetness onto the bedsheets beneath her.

He fingers her slowly, his fingers curling upwards to rub against her clitoris.

Lifting her, he pushed her back against the bed…

Tonight is still a long time.

Tonight is destined to be remembered by everyone.