
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 24: Felix's Creation

Saint Erde Cathedral, being a subsidiary of Notre Dame, has always been exclusive to female devotees. As the only male priest in the Saint Erde Cathedral, Felix couldn't help but stand out.

The noble ladies were often lonely, their husbands preoccupied with extramarital affairs. A stunning young priest like Felix was inevitably the target of their fantasies.

Over the days when Felix presided over confessions at Saint Erde Cathedral, countless noblewomen expressed their desire for more intimate encounters with him.

In fact, the beautiful, mature countess before him, discussing her physical desires, undoubtedly had ulterior motives.


"Madam, may the Holy Light be with you," Felix responded, placing his index and middle fingers on the beautiful woman's forehead, nodding slightly in respect. She exuded a gentle elegance, being half-Pusaya and having inherited their signature pale blue eyes. Her skin was porcelain and supple, surpassing even that of a young girl.

The countess named Elvina took Felix's hand, pulling him into the goldsmith shop with a smile, "Priest Felix, I've set my sights on some jewelry. Can you help me appraise them?"

Elvina's demeanor was casual, as if discussing a trivial matter with an acquaintance. Yet, Felix could feel her gloved finger subtly tracing a circle in his palm.

Upon entering the shop, Elvina gave a slight smile to the bespectacled elderly goldsmith, whispering, "Master Polk, could you show Priest Felix the jewelry I've reserved?"

Polk, the goldsmith, looked up at the hooded Felix, surprise fleeting across his face, wondering why Elvina would want the young priest's opinion on her already chosen designs.

Nevertheless, he disappeared into the back room. The wealthy Count Kozak, Elvina's husband, had no heir and seemed past his prime for fatherhood. Kozak was notably wealthy, having discovered two gold mines on Sylvia's land. Elvina was a loyal patron of the jewelry store, and Polk didn't want to offend her.

As the servants waited outside, and the only other customer was ushered into the back room, Elvina took a deep breath, suddenly grasping Felix's hand tightly, her fingers intertwined with his. "Felix," she began, her voice a whisper, "the... rod... you gave me... it works wonders. Thank you..."

Holding a man's hand was already a bold move for the traditionally-minded Elvina. Talking about the 'tool' Felix had provided made her even more flustered, a hint of blush spreading across her face, with beads of sweat forming on her delicate nose.

Quietly, Felix withdrew his hand, offering a gentle smile to the slightly embarrassed woman. "The Lord told me to aid those in need," he reassured.

And why wouldn't it work? The creation Felix crafted cost him nearly 150 Caesar gold coins in raw materials, an amount sufficient to purchase ten good-looking female slaves! The unfortunate Felix had spent all the pocket money Lady Ireland provided him in an attempt to comfort the beautiful countess before him.

The rod was crafted from a luxurious pink crystal, sculpted in realistic proportions, enveloped in expensive natural rubber. The head was carved with irregular bumps, and Felix even inscribed it with the magical runes of "Warmth" and "Pleasure Intensifies."

Ignoring the costly materials, just the form Felix carved and the intricate magical inscriptions were clearly the work of a master!

No doubt about it! Every qualified Gamma master was a skilled artist, especially when it came to inscription and carving!

The formal tone of Felix made Countess Elvina feel slightly disappointed. She turned to look outside for a moment and then whispered into Felix's ear, "I will visit the cathedral tomorrow..."

Caught off guard by the sudden closeness, Felix felt a tingling sensation throughout his body, followed by a rush of warmth to his face, his cheeks flushed. Embarrassed, he turned away, not quite catching what Elvina had said.

At that moment, the elderly shopkeeper, Polk, emerged, carefully holding a box and placing it gently on the maple-colored wooden table.

"Madam, this is the jewelry you wished to purchase," said Polk, adjusting his reading glasses.

Elvina once again took Felix's hand, leading him to the table. Her smile was serene, but her gloved finger gently caressed Felix's palm. "Priest Felix, could you help me choose the most beautiful piece? I want to buy it as a birthday gift for myself."

Felix tried to pull his hand back, but her words made him hesitate. How could he deny a woman so lonely she'd buy herself a birthday gift?

Displayed were a diamond-encrusted ring, a pure gold necklace with intricate patterns centered by a beautiful red agate, and an elegant green jade bracelet. Though not an expert in jewelry, Felix recognized the opulence of the items before him.

He turned to Elvina, taking in her graceful, swan-like neck, her full bosom that, while not as generous as that of the captivating vampire that occupied his mind, was still firm. Her white floral dress highlighted her slender figure, slightly revealing a tantalizing cleavage at its neckline.

Eventually, Felix pointed to the necklace with the red agate. He believed the valuable stone would look even more dazzling nestled against her pale, captivating cleavage.

A look of delight appeared on Elvina's face, clearly pleased with Felix's choice. With a refined smile, she drew a circle in Felix's palm with her fingertip before letting go. "Thank you, Priest Felix."


Exiting the goldsmith's shop, Felix took a deep breath. To be honest, he had felt both nervous and exhilarated. Few men could resist feeling flattered when a beautiful, noble woman shows such interest.

"What did Countess Elvina say just now?" Felix pondered, trying to recall her words when she suddenly approached him.

Felix's objective for the day was simple: to sell the tiger bones. He needed to gather some weighty Caesar gold coins for himself, and also intended to purchase some light-attributed casting materials. He had a radical idea awaiting validation.

Now devoid of his negative energy channeling ability, the ever-inventive Felix came up with another audacious idea. If Gamma Magic could inscribe dark magic, why not pivot the perspective, use the energy of the Holy Light as a base, and employ the methods of a Gamma Master to inscribe Holy Light magic? While other Gamma Masters couldn't harness the energy of the Holy Light, Felix could!

Now, Felix felt he could genuinely become a scientist.