
Death Arbitrator

Felix was transported to another world, a world of swords and magic, where he became a despised mixed-blood illegitimate child. The Church's power was immense, but he secretly practiced Gamma Magic, which was considered heretical! At that moment, he—a young and handsome boy—was ordered by his family to marry the most famous widow in the capital, the 'Blood Rose' Countess Elizabeth...

DaoistFrn0gc · Fantasy
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48 Chs

Chapter 2: Mysterious Assassin

"If my servant has done something wrong, I hope you will forgive him."

The sudden female voice was icy and magnetic, like the sound of soft metal rubbing against each other, carrying a hint of exotic allure, sharp and penetrating. Those were hands so delicate that they could only be marvelled at as the creation of a divine craftsman, like the most perfect work of art in the world, with pale purple skin, translucent and flawless as purple jade. It was a woman shrouded entirely in a black cloak, her face hidden, but she seemed to radiate light even while seated.

The woman appeared out of nowhere, sitting a seat away from Felix, her voice strangely apologetic, yet also threatening. Felix's pupils contracted sharply, and his eyes suddenly took on a dark hue. He let go of the delicate crystal cup in his hand, his long and pale fingers, delicate as jade, gently tracing the rim of the glass, as if caressing a woman's flawless breast with great care.

Alchemists are brilliant physicists, and their sense of numbers is extraordinarily keen. The distance between them was exactly eighty centimeters, not more, not less. This distance is known among assassins as the "God's Forbidden Zone", meaning that within this range, your life is at their mercy. Eighty centimeters is the length of a person's arm plus a dagger.

A skilled assassin is definitely more dangerous than a great mage, of course, also more rare and unusual. Unfortunately, Felix had encountered a skilled assassin, and not just any assassin, but a master among assassins.


An assassin's hand will never wear gloves because they need to ensure the fastest speed when drawing a dagger or snapping an enemy's throat. - "Assassin's Code", Rule Thirteen.


Felix looked at those delicate hands as if they were a perfect work of art, almost mesmerized, then lifted his head and smiled faintly. "If I remember correctly, 1600 years ago, the Dark Elf race left this plane with the Tree of Life and moved to outer space, didn't they?" The woman's hand trembled almost imperceptibly, and the next moment, a black dagger with a deep purple glow appeared in her hand. The woman hummed softly, using the dagger to groom her exquisite nails. Her beautiful purple eyes looked at Felix with interest, seemingly considering which part of him would be most appropriate to cut off first.

This slightly threatening move successfully shut Felix up. He waved his hand, signaling the central knights to release the warrior and the adventurers behind him. The still-attractive tavern owner quietly stepped back, her eyes full of amazement. No one knew when the woman shrouded in the black cloak had appeared. This meant that no one could escape her assassination.

The knights quickly formed a protective circle around Felix and glared at the woman, who moved with the grace of a leisurely stroll. Their young master was being threatened, which was a trampling on their honor! "Thank you for your tolerance and kindness," the woman's dagger vanished in an instant, she gracefully rose to her feet and expressed her thanks to Felix with poise.

"Your hand makes me marvel at the wonders of the Creator." Felix raised his crystal cup with a hint of a humble smile. The aristocratic elegance of the compliment dissipated some of the woman's hostility. She looked at Felix with her light purple eyes, her gaze seemingly tinged with a smile. "Your looks make me marvel at the wonders of the Creator," the beautiful woman responded, her eyes narrowing slightly, making her smile more pronounced.

Felix couldn't help but show a faint bitter smile. Being praised by a woman for his appearance wasn't something he found pleasing. It was embarrassing and, more than anything, helpless.

The woman left with her group of adventurers. From the awe and fear in the eyes of one of the warriors, Felix could tell the woman's status was elevated—almost godlike. Her mysterious presence even diminished Felix's interest in the attractive innkeeper. He quickly ate dinner and returned to his room. The central knight Yaxi had assigned two shrewd men to guard his door. To the proud knight, the events of the day were a disgrace. A silent approach by an assassin, a threat to the young master—none of this was acceptable to the knights. Sixty middle-rank armored knights could attack a not insignificant town, yet they couldn't protect a single person. This angered the knights.

Felix didn't go to sleep right away after returning to his room. His intuition told him that the alluring innkeeper would surely come to share some 'unspeakable' stories with him that night. He needed to prepare a 'surprise' for the well-endowed Pusaya woman!


At quarter past eleven by the magic hour, a 'surprised' Felix, worn out, sank into sleep. He couldn't forgo a night's rest simply on a hunch. Without undergoing an Elemental Transformation, a spellcaster's body was frail, and the trump card he had prepared for himself had inflicted some concealed damage on him.

As Felix dreamed of pleasant things and beautiful women, he was awakened by an unusual noise. Moonlight streamed through the window's arch, casting a crescent on the floor, covered with a soft rug. An attractive woman with a substantial bust stood in front of Felix's window. Her nails, painted with a captivating red, gleamed brilliantly. Of course, the most eye-catching thing was the cold, glinting dagger in her hand.

Felix propped up his weary body, lifted his left hand, and coquettishly played with the long hair on his forehead. 'Death's Touch' was charged in three seconds. Felix smiled at the Pusaya woman in front of him, who also wore a strange smile. "As an excellent assassin, you should have twisted my throat or stabbed my heart the moment you entered," he said.

The woman giggled flirtatiously, her ample bosom quivering with her laughter, setting off a heart-stopping ripple. In the moonlight, the Pusaya woman exuded an unusual sensual allure, like a succubus enticing men into the abyss. Her red-painted fingers played with the shimmering dagger. The beautiful woman looked at Felix with a coquettish glance and said in a breathy voice, "You are a gift, so exquisitely perfect, fascinating, and I can't bear to hurt you. I'm almost jealous of the marquise in the capital..."

"Really?" Felix smiled faintly, his greedy eyes fixed on the woman's large bust, as if they could penetrate the thin fabric. The starkness of his gaze made the woman, who had been toying with her prey, feel as if she were naked. "So, you think you have everything under control?"

The woman's beautiful face showed a hint of surprise. She took a step forward to ensure she could control Felix at a moment's notice. "Your attendants are strong but not very smart."

"I want to fuck you!" Felix replied.

The stunning Pusaya woman was stunned, her incredulous expression frozen on her face. She couldn't believe that the always elegant and splendid young man would suddenly blurt out such a crude remark, and moreover...

However, in the instant the woman was stunned, everything changed!

Three magic circles appeared under her feet!

'Weaken', 'Paralyze', 'Bind'!

Felix's handsome face once again bore an elegant smile. He calmly rose and playfully lifted the attractive innkeeper's lovely chin, saying, "I think tonight will be very wonderful and interesting."