
Death and Her Consort

The books first few chapters are short, but they lead to bigger and better chapters. give the book a chance to engulf you in a world of ancient magic, love, jealousy, war and SEX. *********************************************** Swimming to her I ask her about how it's dangerous to be in the water with a man almost naked. She said it was my problem. She has no idea how right she is about that. My cock was so hard being this close to her like this. So little clothing between us. She really was going to drive me crazy. Being with her set my insides on fire. I was throbbing for her. Craving to be inside her. In seconds I was inches from her face, the scent of her lust filling the air around us. I could hear her heart beating fast. And then she says "you're right it is my problem" and then she kissed me. Holy fuck she kissed me. Is kissing me. I bring her closer to me, pulling her mouth closer to mine. The first opening she makes in her mouth I slide my tongue in. Tasting her. My arms wrapped around her hands holding her back keeping her chest pinned to mine. And I devour her completely. I've wanted her like this since the moment she walked through that door in her fathers office. We somehow make our way towards the water fall it was a little more shallow so I could just stand with my chest just above the water. I put my hands on her ass and throw her up some making her legs wrap around my hips. I lean her against the mossy wall behind her. Kissing her deeper and deeper barely breathing, my dick was throbbing in my pants as she's rubbing her pussy against it. "If you don't stop I'm going to take you right here and now." I growled at her, feeling the voice of predator deep inside me. "Maybe that's what I want. What I choose." And with those words I lost control pushing her harder against the wall kissing her swollen lips and begin to pull my pants down, I was going to fuck her brains out right here and now. I was going to fill her up with me. All of me. She's mine. Now and forever. MINE. A loud screech like the sound of metal grinding in your ears broke up our intimate moment.

Devonany · Fantasy
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84 Chs

don’t touch what’s MINE


Gathering his thoughts Theo takes in a deep breath. Silencing his rage.


I'm gonna die if I can't have her soon. It's literally killing me to want her, and to feel her wanting me. Who ever it is should count themselves lucky I don't fucking stab them for interrupting me.

Opening the door, it's her two older twin brothers. I can't remember their names, there's too many of them to keep track, and another guy standing at the door. Looks kinda like a douche, like a typical moon elf. Most of them magic users, conniving shits.

Why the fuck was he here at my bunnies room?

"Rion I'm so glad you're alright" he said moving sideways past me "when Arragon told me you were injured in a fight with some beasts I was really scared." He came to where she sitting, kneeling in front of her taking hold of her hands.

Why did he use one of her nicknames from her brothers? I'll fucking kill this guy if he gets to close. Her other brothers walk in and I shut the door. I walk over to Orion. He needs to back the fuck up.

As if sensing my anger he glared at me with a taunting smirk.

Okay fuck it, here we go.

I walk up to him and take her hand away from his.

"I'll need you to not touch what's mine" I said with a growl.

"Yours?" this douche laughs.

Orion if I don't hit him it because I love you and you probably don't want anymore violence.

"Yes mine. Are you deaf, do you need me to say it again?"

Orion just looks up at me shocked by my outburst.

"I don't know if I heard you correctly, did you say yours?"

I stepped closer to Orion and I put my hand on her back gently rubbing my thumb over her shoulder. Orion looking up at me her face beat red and I look down grinning. Her eyes pop open and her mouth opens a bit as if she realizes what's about to happen. She smiles and sits back more.

Did she just give me permission?

Things are about to get really interesting, I'm beginning to like it here.

I let my hand drop and approach douche canoe.

Oleander and Arragon move closer to Orion standing with crossed arms they look at each other with a smirk and whisper something between them and then bed down and whispers something to Orion.

"She. Is. MINE" I repeat getting closer

"You will not touch what is mine" I get in his face

"I don't see your name on her" he says.

"You wanna see my name? I'll show you" and before I could finish my sentence I punched him dead center in his face.

Shit might broke his nose.

"The fuck?" He said backing up, he finds blood on his fingers "you broke my fucking nose!"

"It'll heal. I won't tell you again don't touch what is mine." Approaching once more.

"Fuck you" matching my approach "I'll beat your ass right here and now." Leaning in for a swing.

"Yeah okay bud" I jerk my head back and move to the left and then connect my fist to his cheek.

"Keep your eyes up"

I hit him again in the jaw.

I focus and force my eyes on him and my feet on the ground. Feeling the air move and watching his muscles, I know his next move, he'll try and fake me.

He throws his right hand I move to he right and duck quickly so he misses my face. I circle back around and slam my fist into his chest. Making him lose all his air stumbling backwards finding the bookshelf.

Getting in face, "I meant what I said. Do. Not. Fucking. Touch. What. Is. Mine." And then I pretend that I am going to hit his face again, so he flinches moving his face to the side bracing for impact.

I stopped just before his face I open my hand so he can see the mark on my palm.

"Like I said. She is mine."