
Death and Her Consort

The books first few chapters are short, but they lead to bigger and better chapters. give the book a chance to engulf you in a world of ancient magic, love, jealousy, war and SEX. *********************************************** Swimming to her I ask her about how it's dangerous to be in the water with a man almost naked. She said it was my problem. She has no idea how right she is about that. My cock was so hard being this close to her like this. So little clothing between us. She really was going to drive me crazy. Being with her set my insides on fire. I was throbbing for her. Craving to be inside her. In seconds I was inches from her face, the scent of her lust filling the air around us. I could hear her heart beating fast. And then she says "you're right it is my problem" and then she kissed me. Holy fuck she kissed me. Is kissing me. I bring her closer to me, pulling her mouth closer to mine. The first opening she makes in her mouth I slide my tongue in. Tasting her. My arms wrapped around her hands holding her back keeping her chest pinned to mine. And I devour her completely. I've wanted her like this since the moment she walked through that door in her fathers office. We somehow make our way towards the water fall it was a little more shallow so I could just stand with my chest just above the water. I put my hands on her ass and throw her up some making her legs wrap around my hips. I lean her against the mossy wall behind her. Kissing her deeper and deeper barely breathing, my dick was throbbing in my pants as she's rubbing her pussy against it. "If you don't stop I'm going to take you right here and now." I growled at her, feeling the voice of predator deep inside me. "Maybe that's what I want. What I choose." And with those words I lost control pushing her harder against the wall kissing her swollen lips and begin to pull my pants down, I was going to fuck her brains out right here and now. I was going to fill her up with me. All of me. She's mine. Now and forever. MINE. A loud screech like the sound of metal grinding in your ears broke up our intimate moment.

Devonany · Fantasy
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84 Chs

a goddess


Theo had beaten her fair and square. It was well after 1 and he was getting nervous she would go back on her word. He was pacing. He'd been so excited he was dressed and ready quickly. Wearing a black shirt with a navy blue jacket with gold trim and black pants and boots.


I know I looked good.

I wonder if she would consider this a date and is waiting for me to pick her up?

What if I'm late? If she thinks this is a date and I'm not on time. Shit.


Theo leaves his room on the second level of the west wing. Where was Orions room?

He'd found her before maybe he could do it again? He walks down the hall to the stairs and he goes up the stairs. He doesn't know why but it feels like the right direction. When he reached the third level he could feel her, there were only two doors. He knew immediately which door it was and walked up to it. Take a deep breath.


Knock. Knock.

A minute goes by and then the door opens, it was the older maid at the door smiling. It was so gentle a smile. She stepped aside inviting me in. I walked through the door and there she was standing to the right of the door in front of the mirror.

She was a goddess. Her dress clung to her, was she always this curvy? Her vest had me fooled. Her outfit so simple but she makes it look like evening wear.

Stop gaping at her and say something you idiot.

"The dress suits you, you look, beautiful" that's it? That's all that comes out? Smooth… approaching her I take her hand in my mine and I bow to her kissing her hand. I look up and she's blushing. Her whole face turning pink. That made me smile.

"Even more beautiful when you blush little bunny"

Clearly annoyed by the pet name she snatched her hand from mine.

"I thought you were handsome when you walked in and then you opened your mouth and now I'm questioning my sanity"

"You think I'm handsome?"