
Death's Vision

Ashln1 · Teen
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14 Chs

Chapter Fourteen: Unbelievable

It seemed unbelievable when Rhea stepped out of my car and we both made way to my front door, it seemed she had been possessed both was fully aware of the current happenings, we both were. Our desperation to catch the culprit and go about our daily lives led us to this. Rhea was practically the solution, she was given powers unimaginable and I envied her for that. In my tired state the previous day I'd come across a page, one that seemed as though it had been hidden or only recently added. I could unlock all my powers with Death's help including my ability to see visions of the past, the ability was not limited to inanimate object which meant using one of the culprit's letters the whole mystery would be solved. Discoveries like that made me reason the whole point of a vision, they'd seemed to fully equip Death themselves and it seemed they were capable of handling visions. It was that or I was just the weakest Vision in all the centuries Death had been human.

We went into my room and her cringe wasn't hidden as she sat on my bed, eyes scanning the room with an obvious boredom and something I couldn't quite define, like she predicted how my room would look like. I opened my drawer and took out my guide as well as the most recent letter I had received from the culprit. I scanned through the small book and handed it to her the second I located the chapter, she took the book with eyes scanning through the pages at an impressive rate while I played with my fingers feeling nervous.

The brunette looked up with a questioning look, "You're seriously expecting me to do this?"

I hesitated shortly before nodding slowly, "This might be our only chance to catch the person and go about our regular lives."

She sighed, "Or we could just wait for some significant event since life's just ending up like the book of an amateur writer."

Every word was elaborated with unhidden sarcasm, boredom and plain rudeness but the familiar vision of Kyle played back and I shook my head rapidly, that could be the significant event and there was no way I would let that happen.

"I know it's weird… I don't like it too… I bought a razor I you're interested."

"It's not like I have a choice so… let's get it over with." I smiled and took out the razor from my bag.

I handed it to her and took out a bottle of water and the cup I had taken upstairs with me, I filled half the cup with water and watched uncomfortably as she made a deep cut on her hand and let a few droplets of her blood fall into the water. She moved her hand and watched as the wound instantly close up. My gaze fell back on the water slightly tinted as the blood blended with the water and shuddered, the guide only said I had to ingest her blood but what looked like slightly reddened water to the regular eye looked like millions of curses to me. Hesitantly, I emptied the glass with one quick gulp and tried hard to ignore the slight metallic taste that lasted what seemed like hours before leaving,

"Do you feel any different?" I shrugged and the whole world seemed to stop as I laid on the marbled floor unwilling to move, there was no pain, only a heaviness and loss of awareness with my body.

I could see Rhea staring at me blankly, waiting as I struggled to move. A wave of what felt like electricity surged through me and I yelped, immediately getting up "I think that's all." She remained quiet and I excitedly took out my most recent letter from the culprit.

I spread it neatly on my bed and tried hard to concentrate, our current problems finally seemed solved and I couldn't be happier. I took one deep breath and with closed eyes, touched the book.

I could see myself touching the paper from its point of view, removing the paper from the darkness of the drawer, myself putting it there after reading it, I could feel how it had been folded in my back pocket when I had attacked Tyson and when I had first discovered it. Everything seemed to blur, in that moment I felt like nothing slowly drifting into an abyss of darkness, it was quite unexplainable like what we were dealing with was far more than a bored human deciding to mess with us, it felt spiritual, it suddenly made sense why I found letters without sensing the culprit. A familiar vision popped up again, but I went beyond a tied up me, crying Rhea and a half dead Kyle, there was laughter, more than one, I wanted to cry, we had failed.

"Lyra…" everything disappeared and I looked at a familiar pair of big green eyes, the guilt that left when I made my discovery came back tenfold and I looked away from the brunette.

I didn't have to speak before she got the message, "What I saw…" I started, "Was beyond human—spiritual maybe."

She sighed, "I should have expected this to be a waste of time." She swiftly got up and left and I muffled a scream with my pillow.

Nothing seemed to be working, Kyle's death seemed inevitable and there was still no sign of the lazy spirits anywhere. I knew they were responsible for the chapter I had seen but they were more powerful than hat, they set everything up like a movie only no scripts but real people's lives being bent at their will. They probably knew it wouldn't work and just wanted to see me worked up after the failed attempt. I sighed and took out my phone, something in me felt like this would be one of my last time doing this as I clicked on Kyle and I's chats in my messaging app.

If you aren't busy, could we spend time together tomorrow after school?

My phone buzzed soon after and the words yes followed my message, I sighed and turned off my phone, I needed my rest today.