
New World New Problems

we began to walk away from the crator when the sound of hooves alerted us. in seconds we were surrounded. a large banner with a dragon wrapped around a rose flew.

"You there, what is the meaning of this? why is there a crator here?" a rough voice called out.

"Its where i landed of course." I replied.

The man got off his horse and walked up to me.

"You'll need to come with me both of you." HE said grabbing my arm.

"I wouldn't do that mate, I don't like being touched." I said quietly as I shook of his hand.

The man glared at me with murderous intent.

"You dare defy the kings guard? who do you think you are?" he growled grabbing at the sword at his hip.

"Why did you have to go and do that? if you draw that sword I cant guarantee your safety." I said looking at the man.

He drew his sword and pointed at me.

"Kill him!" He yelled.

"Anna you ready?" I sighed.

I looked over at Anna who smiled a devilish smile.

"I knew it would be fun sticking with you." She replied.

Anna rushed towards the other horsemen, while I turned to the man that had grabbed my arm.

"I'm sorry for this, but I only got here. I feel no need to heed the demands of one I do not know or respect. do you understand?" I asked.

the man grunted and charged at me. it seemed like he was moving slow. he swung his sword from the right, I easily dodged it. I grabbed his wrist and spun around. the man was caught off guard and flung to the ground. his armor clanking as he rolled back to his feet.

"You'll pay for that." He growled.

"So come and make me pay." I smiled.

gods gifts were already apparent. the increased stats where already a blessing. i wondered how magic worked in this world. as i was thinking the man had gotten up and charged me again. his blade pointed at my stomach, i chuckled. i ducked low kicking at his feet. he stumbled again and tried to slash at me. i caught the sword in mid swing. The mans eyes almost bugged out of his head.

"How?" he quietly asked.

"Simple, im beyond you." i smiled.

i clenched my fist and rammed it into his stomach. the plate armor protecting him buckled under the force. the man sputtered coughing up blood.

"What. What are you?" he asked in complete shock.

"I have no answer for you there." I said as the man passed out.

"Anna you good over there?" i asked turning to her.

she had a huge smile plastered to her face. her eyes where wild. bodies surrounded her feet.

"Oh i am just fine m'lord." She said with a scary smile.

"I'm glad your on my side. you can be scary. do me a favor? carry this man. i think we should see just what kind of king he serves." I said looking at the man crumbled at my feet.

"Of course m'lord." Anna said picking up the man.

"Whats with this m'lord crap?" i asked looking at her.

"Your my master now." she replied.

"Just call me Damien, Anna please." I asked looking at her.

"In private fine, however in front of people you will be called m'lord." she replied.

"Fine." i laughed.

i looked at her, who knew this was how my second life would begin. I'll really need to remember not to piss her off in the future. i may be immortal but pain was something i could still feel.

"Which way do you think we should go?" i asked.

She looked around for a second then pointed to a small road nearby.

"We should follow that for a bit and see where it leads us. its not like sir kings guard here is able to tell us anything at the moment." she said.

I nodded and we began walking. this world was beautiful, plenty of trees and flowers lined the road.

As we walked we began chatting.

"So whats the plan here Damien?" Anna asked.

"That depends on how things go. i wont be bending knee for any mortal if thats what your asking." i replied.

"Oh you are definatly going to turn this world on its head. mortals are prideful to a fault." she said with a chuckle.

"So am i sadly." i laughed with her.

"So why did you decide to come with me?" i asked her.

"Hmmm, well when i took your life i saw the pain in your eyes. must of struck a chord in my heart. after i decided that i would be bound to you. probably since you were the only one to ever see me." She said quietly.

"Well im glad your here. much less lonely this way." I said with a smile.

She blushed as she returned the smile. in front of us a large stone wall with a metal gate appeared before us. two gaurds were standing to each side.

"Well this could be interesting." I mumbled.

Anna nodded. we walked up to the gate.

"Im here to see the king, i believe i have something of his." I said to the guards.

shock filled their faces.

"Dont you dare reach for that sword boy! if you draw it i will paint the walls with your blood." I growled eyeballing the two.

their hands fell away from the hilts of their swords. one pulled a lever behind him and the gate began to iopen.

"I will have to accompany you to the castle." One said.

"Very well." i replied.

The other guard looked like he was close to relieving himself as we passed by. things were getting good, i smiled to myself.