
Death's Rebellion And The Healer's Fate

Within the realms of the divine, where darkness weaves its intricate shades, the desolate god of Death, Thanatos, embarks upon an unexpected journey that defies the boundaries of his own existence. Assuming the guise of Tryton, a stoic and enigmatic wanderer, he stumbles upon the extraordinary Riona, a mortal bestowed with the rare divine gift of healing and preservation, earning her the title of Chosen One. Riona, an accomplished doctor guided by unwavering compassion, has dedicated her life to bringing solace to those on the brink of death. She challenges the immutable laws of mortality by defying fate and granting second chances to the desperate souls who cross her path. Her virtuous endeavors, however, catch the attention of Tryton, who is both bewitched by her magnanimity and tormented by the implications it has on his realm. Meanwhile, as their fateful encounter unfolds, Tryton finds himself torn between his duty to guide lost souls to the afterlife and his inexplicable yearning for Riona's embrace. The cold and impassive deity, burdened by the somber weight of his role, confronts the tumultuous clash between his nature and the feelings Riona unwittingly stirs within him. Yet, even as Thanatos observes in silence, he cannot deny the growing ember of affection burning within his heart. However, forces darker than Thanatos roam the divine realms. Hades, Thanatos' master and the formidable deities themselves, perceive Riona's actions as an affront to the delicate shade of life and death. They recoil at the audacity of a mere mortal who defies their sacred decrees. As their love begins to kindle, Tryton and Riona become entangled in a web spun by the gods themselves. With Hades and the divine pantheon plotting to eradicate Riona's defiance, the star-crossed lovers must navigate a treacherous battle that threatens to obliterate everything they hold dear. Their love becomes a beacon of hope in an unyielding realm of shadows, the catalyst for a rebellion against the tyrannical grasp of divinity. In a relentless pursuit to safeguard their love and challenge the very foundation of the divine order, Tryton and Riona journey through perilous trials and fiendish obstacles. They uncover hidden truths, long-forgotten prophecies, and the untapped power buried deep within their own souls. Together, they lead a rebellion against Hades and the gods, forever altering the delicate balance that governs the realms of mortal and immortal. Will Tryton and Riona's love defy the wrath of the deities and topple the merciless grip of divine destiny? Can they rewrite the ancient saga of life and death, ushering in a new era of compassion and understanding? In this enthralling tale of forbidden romance and daring rebellion, the rift between the divine and the mortal is shattered, forever changing the face of the cosmos. Love intertwines with destiny, forging an unbreakable bond that will be remembered throughout the ages. Prepare to embark upon an odyssey that explores the depths of sacrifice, courage, and the transformative power of true love as it transcends the boundaries of life and death

DaoistEHLQFj · Fantasy
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12 Chs


After the surgery, Riona rolled the patient out of the emergency room in his recovery bed to his private hospital room, so his family and friends could have access to him. While Riona was trying to put everything in order, the family came into the room, the wife was in tears, and in a hurry, she went straight ahead to see the condition of her husband. 

While in tears she wanted to hug her husband but was stopped by Riona who smiled and said,

" Please it's not advisable to do that now" 

She slowly stood upright and nodded to Riona's request, she then turned around and hugged Riona who was surprised by the act but also reciprocated the action by hugging her. She slowly let go of Riona, and while still holding her hand she said.

" Thank you for saving his life, I don't know what I would done if I had lost him"

Riona responded with a smile on her face,

" I'm glad I could help, it's our Job"

She smiled at Riona with tears still in her eyes and then faced her husband who layed down helplessly, still unconscious. Riona stepped back after picking up her tab and stethoscope.

" I'll now leave you to it, please if there is any problem, call for me"

She nodded to Riona's statement and Riona left the room, closing the door behind her.

While Riona was walking in the hallway to the doctor's lounge, Lydia crept up behind her and jumped on her back smiling. Riona was startled but after hearing the voice of her friend Lydia she became calm and also smiled back at her. Lydia held Riona's hand and said, 

" Common!, hurry everyone is waiting for you"

She carelessly drew Riona's hand and they both hurried into the doctor's lounge where everyone present at the surgery sat. Immediately they opened the door, everyone stood up and gave her an applause. She smiled at them with gratitude and lowered her head countless times in response to their kind gestures. 

While everyone went back to their work, Jonathan came to Riona, held her hand and said,

" Once again you've stunned everyone with your talent, how did you know though?"

" What do you mean?" she replied smiling,

"How did you know that there was an object blocking his artery?" Jonathan asked.

Lydia also overheard the question, she came by where they both stood and also showed her curiosity,

" Yeah! Tell us Riona, how did you know?" Lydia asked, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Riona, who did not know what happened, had no response to that question so she covered it up and said,

" I just took a wild guess, my whole body was telling me to look over there"

Jonathan and Lydia had this confused look on their faces, as they were about to keep questioning Riona, the director came in and suggested that they all eat dinner together to celebrate the success of the surgery, which all of them agreed to. Because the director interrupted the discussion, Jonathan and Lydia both forgot about it, they were excited about getting a free treat that evening after they signed out of work.

After everyone signed out of work, they all moved together to have dinner. While they were all going there, Lydia asked,

" Director, where is Tryton? Isn't he joining us?" 

" Yeah that's true, I haven't seen him since the surgery. He might have left earlier than we did" the director responded.

" Don't you have a way of contacting him?" Lydia asked again,

" No actually, I haven't seen him with a cell phone myself, does he have one?" the director asked,

" I don't know either, I guess we will see him at work tomorrow" Lydia said.

The director nodded in reply as they walked to a restaurant.


Meanwhile, Tryton retrieved all the souls that were on his list except that one soul that disappeared again in front of his eyes. The day's incident kept playing over and over in Triton's mind and what he had witnessed, he couldn't get his mind around the whole incident.

While he was heading back to his luxurious penthouse, lost in his thoughts, he heard familiar voices and when he turned his direction to where the voices were coming from, he saw Riona and everyone having dinner, as usual, no one could see him when he was in his godly form. He smiled unconsciously after seeing Riona, and after realizing it, his face straightened up like he was denying himself from smiling.

Tryton thought to himself, 

" I should join them, this is a perfect opportunity to get to know what she is" he smiled at his thoughts.

Tryton noticed a dark corner and went into it, he transformed into his human form, dressed in his dark suit and holding his suitcase.

When he entered the restaurant, the director was the first person to notice him,

" Oh, Tryton," the director said.

On hearing the name, everyone's attention turned to him except that of Riona,

"How did you find us?" the director asked him.

Tryton's gaze was on Riona, on hearing the question directed at him, he turned his gaze to the director and replied,

" I was just passing by when I noticed everyone was here"

" oh it's okay, you should join us" the director insisted

Tryton nodded in response, while Lydia had already pulled out a chair for him to sit beside her. 

Tryton sat down, and while they all waited for the food and drinks to be served, they all talked and laughed amongst each other, although Riona was not comfortable after Tryton's arrival, she never looked at him.

Lydia noticed that tryton's gaze was on Riona, she smiled and asked,

" Isn't she beautiful?" she said,

Immediately Tryton heard the question, he turned his eyes and looked at Lydia but said nothing in response. Seeing no response came from Tryton, Lydia smiled and called out to Riona,

" Hey! Riona".

" Aren't you going to say hi to Tryton?"

Immediately she turned her head, her eyes met with Trytons,

" His eyes are beautiful," she thought to herself,

After she realized what she was thinking, she shook her head trying to dispel all those thoughts,

" Hello! Sir" she said.

Tryton responded with his deep voice,


After they both exchanged greetings, she silently kicked Lydia's leg,

" ouch! Hey," she yelled while smiling at Riona.

The waiter served the food and drinks, and the director said to everyone,

" Let's dig in, it's my treat".

"Thank you for the meal director"