
Death's Diary

The God of death holds a leather bound diary close to his heart, within is a novel worth nearly more then a thousand words for a million lifetimes. Where he drops his quill- His brother is there to pick it back up and continue..

IllusionsManiaAUs · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A dragons isolation

Dear Ethereal,

Its been maybe 100 black suns since we became the fallen ones. My wings aren't as grand and mighty as they were in the heavens- in fact their still healing. My feathers are begining to shed and its worrisome. If my flesh has become nothing more then bone, then will my wings become the same? Will I never be able to soar and glide like I did before the fall?

I loved to fly above the clouds. I miss it so much- Before the clouds were simply feilds of white cotton, I wonder what they would look like now that my sister has created life from her magic. Yes thanks to Sandrungo and Monadrogno we have caregivers that paint the most stunning Sunsets and Sunrises. Arthadregon has helped my sister by tending to her forests and feilds with his own claws- He's become vary protective of the soil and the creatures that dwell in it. He and Fraiegronda dont get along very well, the mountain peak she has claimed has become more baren and hostlie since its creation. Any plant or animal life refuses to grow and live near her and shes become more and more isolated from the rest of the realm- I visit her often to ease this pain of hers. I feel like its the lest I can do after asking her to guard my wrath. Her isolation weighs heavy upon my shoulders. She's attempted to create a companion ship with Watradrone and Arieagron but neigther can withstand the heat from the lava that she guards dutifully, its seems that only I can bring an end to ths isolation. I'll ask sister if she can make a companion for Fraiegronda that can make a home on her valcanic peak- maybe even some plantlife that she can tend to. Ive seen the saddness in her hellish gaze when she looks upon the vegetation that grows at the foot of her domain- And when she reaches to grasp such life in her gentle claws- Ive watch as that saddness turns to heartbreak and anger once the plant has shrivled to a burnt crisp, and I've watch as she hurriedly- time and time again - searched for Arthadregon whenever the plants that surround her peak of blacken stone begin to wilt or shivle. She's always on the bridge of tears when this happens and I can tell from his hesitation, hes becoming tired of Fraiegronda's love of his creations.

Sister has appeared within the hidden valley- now's my chance to ask of her assistance!

Sister has agreed! Tonight under Monadrogno's silver eye, she'll be working to create plants and creatures that can withstand the heat of my wrath- even flourish in it. Im so excited to see Fraiegronda's expression comes morning light. I wonder what creatures sister can make using: Stones, Twigs, and Fraiegronda's shedding? Sister told me not to watch her create another creature so im sitting on a tall hollowbark tree- I can watch sister run from one side of valley to the other with armfulls of werid items. She's running back now with echo slime, golden fruit, and some yellow shiney rocks- and again vanishes on the other side im closet to- this tree roots itself on the side of a cliff that overlooks the half of the valley that grows Whistlerswood trees, but she has vanished on the part that grows dracobark's, I can sense an overflow of her magic coming from that woods then the others.

The moon is beginning to set and Sandrungo is beginning to paint the sky in wake of her sun, I hope sister is finished soon! :)

I'll write back soon

- The fallen one

- Ethereal -

Your dear guardian isn't as isolated as you think. I noticed fairly quicklythat all of sisters creations can see me but it's only you two that remain blind to my presence.

I give thanks to the Alter for not allowing isolation to rot my core- withsisters creations I can speak and shares stories of old!

The ones I admire most are the seven guardiens and a particular herd of winged kirins who know how to mske a good laugh.

I wish we were together...

IllusionsManiaAUscreators' thoughts