
Death’s Heir

"The body is but a vessel for the soul, a puppet which bends to its tyranny." Death is not the end, merely the beginning.... -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- -:- With his personality warped by Death, Azreal was revived in a world of Gods. Now, he must grow stronger to survive in an unknown realm. ................................

BurningSkies · Fantasy
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197 Chs

New Weapon

When Dustin glimpsed the book he could tell where it originated from, seeing what was written he wasn't scared or repulsed by Azreal, although Death or any Guardians of death hadn't been seen in millions of years it hadn't been so long that people had forgotten them.

Besides the council had already made laws to prevent people who practiced Death Arts from doing as they pleased.

Only Death himself as well as his guardians could stand above those laws.

For Azreal to brazenly have a book with Death based spells means that he's someone from Lord Death's faction so although it was rare, it wasn't strange or impossible.

What really didn't make sense is why they would let him go off into the world with a book that contained spells that obviously belonged to death, based on how casually he had it out Dustin has serious doubts that they explained anything about it to Azreal but at the same time, it also made sense as to why no one has ever heard of a seventeen-year-old Half God.

A bright flashed through Dustin's eyes without anyone noticing.

If he could truly befriend Azreal, then he might just take him as a retainer or better yet just bring back with him, Dustin felt liked he'd accidentally walked into a gold mine just imagining the resources he could get from Azreal.

The yearning on Dustin's face disappeared just as quickly as it appeared.

At this point, Dustin wasn't really sure what he should say but eventually, he found some words.

"You shouldn't read that out in the open for everyone to see"

'Can't have people discovering who you are' Dustin added in his mind.

Looking down at the book Azreal understood what he was talking about but didn't understand why but still he threw the book inside him space ring

"Don't do that either!"

'I don't want you to die too early either!'

This time Dustin said it in a low shout, Azreal could only ask himself if space rings were really that valuable.

The entire time they were talking the smith had been working and after few more minutes, he was finished.

When he was finished he grunted and gestured with his hand for the money, once Dustin reluctantly handed over the gold the smith handed over the katana in a sheath he'd taken from the back of the store.

"I like you guys so I'll give you the sheath for free"

Dustin's entire face turned hideous, with the money he robbed he could buy a thousand more sheaths! Plus what the blacksmith had given them was a simple unadorned piece of shit!

After collecting the sword Azreal rushed back to his tent as quickly as possible, Dustin didn't even bother saying anything, although he was curious, he just went back to his own tent.

When Azreal got into his tent he took the sword from its sheath.

A cold silvery light shone on his face, Azreal could see his face reflecting on the blade. Realgar was a red crystal so a hint of red ran along the sword making it look like something only kings would posses but he couldn't careless about this at the moment the only thing that mattered was the engravement.

Azreal took the book out of his space ring and flipped to the second spell while taking several deep breaths.

He slowly began to channel his Divine Energy to his right index finger, after several failures, he finally succeeded.

He didn't start engraving right away instead he maintained that flow of Divine Energy for about ten minutes to get used to it before he finally decided to start inscribing the several Rune Diagrams on the blade.

The reason he ignored Dustin when he said it would be hard was because the spell instruction left a lot of room for error.

For example he didn't need to worry about drawing the runes incorrectly by issuing too much force, the spell required him to carve the blade all the way through.

The inscribing process went on for over four hours, when he was finally finished he was covered in sweat. Although it didn't take much Divine Energy the amount of mental strength it took couldn't be ignored but he had already passed the hard part.

The second step was the simplest, sprinkle his blood infused with Divine Energy on the blade runes to bind it as well as active the runes in a passive state. Without any hesitation, Azreal used the blade to slit his hands middle, —flinching a little from the pain— and allowed his blood mixed Divine Energy to run on the blade.

He poured out a good amount of blood which was absorbed into the diagrams after a few second the diagrams slowly started turning with each layer of the diagram going in the opposite direction from the other. [1]

Because of how jagged the diagrams he drew were, the runes started to draw out his Divine Energy in order to correct itself at a speed that was noticeable by the human eye.

There were seventeen diagrams in total, overlapping each other [2], going in different directions.

Parts of the diagram that weren't carved out deep enough sunk in, while parts that were too wide filled out.

After almost an hour the diagram corrected themselves, the edges were no longer jagged instead the became smooth, practically flawless.

Azreal's entire face was pale although the sword wasn't huge —only one meter in length— the mistakes he made weren't few, so in order to fix itself without thinning out the blade it required a ton of Divine Energy.

His breathing became labored, having no other choice Azreal had to start meditating to atleast gain back some energy.

His mind drifted off for atleast three hours before he woke up, taking a deep breath he got back to work, the sheath had to be inscribed as well but instead of entire diagrams it only required a word.

Turning it to the side he began inscribing more runes on the side and repeated the process of pouring his blood mixed with Divine Energy onto it.

The runes word he wrote was 'contain' in the Dalecarlian runes form [3].

As it happened before his Divine Energy was absorbed to correct the mistakes but unlike before it didn't take a lot of energy.

The reason he inscribed on the side of the sheath was to contain the sword after he started collecting spirits the sword would naturally start giving off a chilly and evil aura as well as the wailing of the spirits would be heard, the purpose of the sheath was to suppress all that.

When he was finished he took a deep breath and before he knew it he'd fallen asleep.


A few hours later Azreal woke up it was completely pitch black outside, probably about two or three in the morning, the only reason he'd gotten up so early was because he wanted to use the bathroom.

When he stepped out of the tent his mind was still a bit groggy so he didn't plan on looking for a bathroom so he walked a short distance from where his tent was and started to relieve himself on a tent, the solider inside subconsciously started to wrap himself tighter in his covers thinking that it was raining.

When he went back to his tent and was about to back to bed he tripped over the sword sheath.


The pain from the fall dispelled the grogginess waking him up so he picked up the sword and the sheath and put them on the bed, looking at the book that was still on the ground Azreal picked it up, when he looked in the book he felt a slight headache the third step! he hadn't done the final step!


Tossing the book back into the ring he picked up the sword and sheath and left the tent.

The third step for the spell was basically to kill someone, the runes were meant to collect, trap and suppress if the runes didn't have anything to trap, collect and suppress then they would stop working so he had to start collecting but taking in his surroundings that wouldn't be too difficult he was sleeping on a battlefield right now.

Azreal didn't feel like walking around and trying to find an exit from this maze, so he just jumped the wall.

No alarm went off because he was exciting if he were to try the same method to enter he'd end up setting off an alarm throughout the whole camp.

While on top of the wall he decided to try and locate the enemy camp since he wasn't foolish enough to shit where he ate.

He didn't want to kill any of the soldiers here so he decided going next door was much easier since both sides were enemies he'd be doing Gaza a favor, after a few seconds of surveying the area he saw several tiny dots of lights all in the same place if he wasn't paying attention he would've thought that the lights were fireflies.

'That must be their camp...'

Before jumping down from the wall Azreal let out a deep breath, flashing a cold smile.

'Maybe they can excite me.....'


When Azreal was leaving the camp Dustin hadn't fallen asleep yet, due to his years of being in a guild and going out on missions his body had already gotten used not sleeping in areas with potential dangers, his mind was constantly on alert, so when Azreal passed by his tent he saw him.

'where's he going?'

After Azreal jumped off the wall Dustin jumped up and looked into the direction where he was headed.

'He couldn't be thinking of....'

1. Imagine Layered circles

2. Audi logo or Olympic logo


Google Rune Diagram if you want a better idea

BurningSkiescreators' thoughts